Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance

Appendix D. Major Health Data Systems in the United States

Note: For additional information on data systems see the sources listed just below the table.

Title Topic Method Approach Geographic Level*
Air Data Air pollution Environmental monitoring Sampling and measurement L
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Behavior Population survey Telephone interview N, S, Ci
Continuing Survey of Food Intake by Individuals Nutrition Population survey Personal interview N
Fatal Analysis Reporting System Fatal traffic crashes Agency and health-care provider survey Police, driving, and health records review N, S, L
HIV/AIDS Surveillance System HIV/AIDS Disease notification Reports by physicians N, S, L
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Health costs Population and provider surveys Personal interview
Telephone interview
Monitoring the Future Study Drug use Population survey School questionnaire N, S, Ci
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Ambulatory care Health-care provider survey Health record review N, R
National Crime Victimization Survey Victims of crime Population survey Telephone interview N, S
National Electronic Injury Surveillance System Consumer product-related injuries Health-care provider survey Reports by emergency department staff N
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey General health Population survey Personal interview and exam N
National Health Interview Survey General health Population survey Personal Interview N, R
National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Ambulatory care Health-care provider survey Health record review N, R
National Hospital Discharge Survey Hospitalizations Health-care provider survey Health record review N, S
National Immunization Survey Immunizations Population survey Telephone interview N, S, L
National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System Infectious diseases Disease notification Reports by physicians and laboratories N, S, L
National Profile of Local Health Departments Local public health agencies Agency survey Mailed questionnaire N, L
National Program of Cancer Registries Cancer incidence and mortality Registry Health record review N, S
National Survey on Drug Use and Health Drug use Population survey Personal interview N
National Survey of Family Growth Pregnancy and women’s health Population survey Personal interview
National Vital Statistics System Birth and Death Vital registration Reports by physicians N, S, Co
School Health Policies and Programs Study School health policies and programs Administrative data
Population survey
Mailed questionnaire
Personal interview
S, L
State and Local Area Integrated Telephone Survey Health care Population survey Telephone interview N, S, L
State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation System Tobacco-related activities Multiple S
STD Case Surveillance Reporting System Sexually transmitted diseases Disease notification Reports by physicians N, S, L
STORET Water quality Environmental monitoring Sampling and measurement L
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Cancer incidence and survival Registry Health record review N, S, Ci
United States Renal Data System End stage renal disease Multiple
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Behavior Population survey School questionnaire N, S

* N = national; R = regional; S = state; L = local (county, city, or town); Co = county; Ci = city.

Sources: Healthy People 2010: Tracking Healthy People 2010 [Internet]. Washington, DC: Department of Health and Human Services; Part C. Major Data Sources for Healthy People 2010 [updated 2001 Jan 30; cited 2006 Jan 16]. Available from: http://www.healthypeople.gov/Document/html/tracking/THP_PartC.htmexternal icon
Stroup DF, Brookmeyer R, Kalsbeek WD. Public health surveillance in action: a framework. In: Brookmeyer R, Stroup DF (editors). Monitoring the Health of Populations: Statistical Principles and Methods for Public Health Surveillance. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2004, p. 1–35.