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Members at a meeting of the international Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF). The Office of Fossil Energy is the Secretariat for the CSLF.

Members at a meeting of the international Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF). The Office of Fossil Energy is the Secretariat for the CSLF.

Key Bilateral Activities

US-India Strategic Energy Partnership (SEP)
At the direction of POTUS and PM Modi, the Secretary of Energy and India’s Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas launched the U.S.-India Strategic Energy Partnership (SEP), which expands and elevates our engagement through both government and industry channels. The SEP focuses on enhancing energy security, expanding energy and innovation linkages, bolstering our strategic alignment, and advancing U.S. commercial interests. Power & Energy Efficiency Pillar: The Pillar aims to improve power generation, transmission, and distribution; enhance energy efficiency; and support power sector transformation.  

US-China Collaboration in Fossil Energy R&D
The Office of Fossil Energy and China's Ministry of Science and Technology exchange information and expertise through several different partnerships and agreements to promote the efficient and environmentally responsible production and use of coal, oil and natural gas.

US-China Oil and Gas Industry Forum                                                                                                                    The Office of Fossil Energy and China’s National Energy Administration hold the annual U.S.-China Oil & Gas Industry Forum (OGIF). The Forum is a public-private partnership involving government and industry representatives from the United States and China, and enables both countries to meet common goals, including development of secure, reliable, and economic sources of oil and natural gas while facilitating investment in the energy industry. For more information, please see here.

US-UK Collaboration in Fossil Energy R&D
The Office of Fossil Energy and the United Kingdom's Department of Energy and Climate Change are sharing and developing knowledge and expertise in the area of high-temperature materials for advanced fossil energy power plant applications.

Key Multilateral Activities

The Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF): Established in 2003, the CSLF is a multilateral initiative focused on the development of improved cost-effective technologies for carbon capture and storage, and provides a platform countries to coordinate research and activities. It also promotes awareness and champions legal, regulatory, financial, and institutional environments conducive to such technologies. The CSLF comprises 26 members, including 25 countries and the European Commission. The United States, through DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy, serves as the executive secretariat and Chair of the Policy Group.

Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM): CEM is a high-level global forum to promote policies and programs that advance clean energy technology, to share lessons learned and best practices, and to encourage the transition to a global clean energy economy. Initiatives are based on areas of common interest among participating governments and other stakeholders.

CEM CCUS Initiative: The CEM CCUS Initiative strengthens the framework for public-private collaboration on CCUS, while complementing the efforts and adding coordinated value beyond the activities of existing organizations and initiatives, such as the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF), International Energy Agency (IEA), IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEAGHG), Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), Mission Innovation (MI), and Global CCS Institute (GCCSI). Its objective is to accelerate CCUS as a viable CO2 mitigation option; facilitate diffusion of knowledge on technologies, regulations, and policies; and lead to strategic partnerships to accelerate both near- and longer-term investment in CCUS to advance global deployment by making it more competitive. The United States, through DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy, co-leads the Initiative along with Norway, Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom.

Understanding Natural Gas & LNG Options: An LNG Handbook: This comprehensive LNG handbook serves a resource for African countries that are developing, or considering developing, natural gas and associated industries.  It was prepared by DOE Offices of International Affairs and Fossil Energy with assistance from the U.S. Energy Association and funding from USAID/Power Africa. The handbook is available here. Click here for information on DOE’s regulatory role in LNG.

International Cooperation in Methane Hydrate Research: DOE's Office of Fossil Energy works with several international partners, including Japan and India, to investigate the vast resource potential of methane hydrates. You can find more information on our methane hydrate research here and here.

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation: APEC's Energy Working Group seeks to maximize the energy sector's contribution to the region's economic and social well being, while mitigating the environmental effects of energy supply and use.

The International Energy Agency: IEA is an intergovernmental body committed to advancing security of energy supply, economic growth and environmental sustainability through energy policy co-operation. FE is involved in many aspects of the IEA, including emergency preparedness, clean coal technology transfer, and the Unconventional Gas Forum.