FE Blog

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October 6, 2020
Africa Oil Week Virtual
Assistant Secretary Steven Winberg Will Speak at Africa Oil Week Virtual
ASFE Steven Winberg will take part in a session titled ‘The Energy Debate: Natural Gas vs. Renewables’ at Africa Oil Week Virtual on October 7, 2020.
September 16, 2020
National Energy Technology Laboratory Logo
NETL-Supported Project Develops Flexible Rare Earth Element Extraction Method from Low-Rank Coal Ash
NETL-Supported Project Develops Flexible REE Extraction Method from Low-Rank Coal Ash
September 3, 2020
DOE Field Laboratory
DOE Field Laboratory on Alaska’s North Slope Demonstrates Early Success Using Polymer Flood for Heavy Oil EOR
DOE and its partners are investing in the first-ever polymer flood field pilot on the Alaska North Slope.
September 2, 2020
Produced Water Image
Produced Water: From a Waste to a Resource
FE is funding several R&D projects aimed at reducing the cost of treating and reusing produced water.
August 27, 2020
 Since 1995, almost 1,000 students have supported DOE in helping the Nation meet the energy challenges of the future through this research fellowship program.
The MLEF Experience – Part II
Since 1995, almost 1,000 students have supported DOE in helping the Nation meet the energy challenges of the future through this research fellowship.
August 21, 2020
MLEF 2020 Participants Bria Johnson, Jahsiah Sanders, Tanner Stelmach
The MLEF Experience
MLEF alumni share their experiences, project summaries, and advice for future program participants.
August 12, 2020
Rare earth elements and coal refuse
NETL-Supported Project Develops Promising REE Extraction Method from Coal Refuse
Researchers developed a safe and efficient processing technology that extracts and concentrates rare earth elements from coal refuse material.
July 30, 2020
In case you missed it
In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)
ICYMI, we hope you enjoy catching up on some of FE’s highlights from this quarter.
July 14, 2020
rare earth elements from coal fly ash
NETL-funded Cooperative Agreement Develops New Rare Earth Element Extraction Sorbent
Wayne State University (WSU) researchers produced a potentially economically viable concentration of rare earth elements from domestic coal fly ash.
July 6, 2020
Fossil Energy Researchers
3 Ways Fossil Energy Ensures U.S. Energy Security
Three examples that highlight how the Office of Fossil Energy's work helps ensure the Nation’s energy security.
June 25, 2020
Hurricane season photo
How the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Helps Oil Refiners Weather the Storm
How the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Helps Oil Refiners Weather the Storm
June 22, 2020
Rare earth elements from coal
Recovering REEs from Coal Fly Ash Using Acid Digestion and Electrowinning Processes
BMI and RES demonstrated that developing a process for recovering REEs from domestic coal ash sources is possible.
May 29, 2020
Developing Robust Energy Storage Systems for Fossil Fuel Plants
The Office of Fossil Energy is managing an Advanced Energy Storage Program that is focused on integrating energy storage with fossil assets.
May 21, 2020
Emissions-Decreasing Programs Blog
3 Ways We’re Working To Mitigate Carbon Dioxide Emissions
FE has a comprehensive portfolio of technological solutions that help keep CO2 emissions out of the atmosphere.
May 12, 2020
Gears of Government Awards 2020
FE Honored with Gears of Government Awards
Four employees and one team from the Office of Fossil Energy were selected as 2020 Gears of Government Award winners.
May 7, 2020
Rare earth elements image
NETL-Supported REE Extraction Project Exceeds Expectations
One of the many projects supported by the Department's NETL demonstrates that rare earth elements can be successfully produced from coal.
April 15, 2020
Rare Earth Elements NETL
NETL Supports Research Triangle Institute’s Exploration of Nanofiltration REE Extraction
NETL Supports Research Triangle Institute’s Exploration of Nanofiltration REE Extraction
April 15, 2020
In case you missed it blog
In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)
ICYMI: 2020 First Quarter Edition
April 9, 2020
Artificial Intelligence
Using Artificial Intelligence in Fossil Energy R&D
5 Uses For Artificial Intelligence You've Never Heard Of
March 20, 2020
Rare Earth Elements (REEs)
New REE Extraction Tests Show Promise for Efficiency & Cost Savings
The Lab has funded and supported multiple projects across the Nation to extract REEs from coal and coal-related by-products.
March 12, 2020
SPR Hosts 2020 Louisiana Regional Science Bowl
Strategic Petroleum Reserve Hosts 2020 Louisiana Regional Science Bowl
Since its inception in 1991, more than 300,000 high school students have participated in this fast-paced question and answer contest.
February 26, 2020
Black History Month Image
Black History Month Employee Spotlight: Miranda Johnson
Our third feature spotlight is Miranda Johnson. In her own words, learn about her role, her motivations, and how Black History has shaped her life.
February 24, 2020
National Engineers Week Image
National Engineers Week, Meet Patrick Shepherd
We met with Patrick Shepherd last week to take part in the National Engineers Week celebrations.
February 19, 2020
Black History Month Logo
Black History Month Employee Spotlight: Karrnett D. Davis
Our second feature spotlight is Karrnett D. Davis. In her own words, learn about her role, her motivations, and how Black History has shaped her life.
February 11, 2020
REEs periodic table of elements
The Power of Plasma: Extracting REEs From Coal
NETL is demonstrating a novel process that could see America’s coal country become a new supplier of rare earth elements.