Current Research

hurricane damaged beach

The Center for Preparedness Response supports both individual research projects and research programs. A research project has a defined start and end point with specific objectives to meet in order to be complete. A program, on the other hand, establishes a group of related projects that are managed in a coordinated way, typically over a longer period of time, to achieve objectives.

Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Applied Research (PHEPRAR) Program

This program solicits contract proposals on innovative research based upon thematic topics generated and prioritized by state and local preparedness officials, CDC subject matter experts and preparedness leadership. In September 2017, seven innovative research projects were selected and awarded contracts for three-year project periods.

Other Applied Research Projects

Composite of Post-Event Well-being (COPEWELL): A Dynamic Model of Community Functioning and Resilience

The COPEWELL model provides a framework for understanding community resilience and predicting post-event functioning following disasters and other adverse health events. The model is a conceptual and computational tool that can be used in real word contexts to identify gaps in health security preparedness, identify resilience risk areas, inform mitigation strategies, and design and evaluate interventions that enhance resilience. The three-year 2017 contract to the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health extends research that CPR has supported since 2012. The current phase will build on lessons learned and evaluation findings obtained in earlier phases to continue evaluation, develop a production environment, and develop and roll out a self-assessment rubric tool.

Evidence Based Practices for Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response: Assessment & Recommendations for the Field

In September 2017, a three-year research contract was awarded to the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) to conduct a comprehensive review and grading of existing evidence for public health emergency preparedness and response practices generated since September 11, 2001. NASEM will use published literature and available reports, public input and information gathering sessions, and original analysis to determine which of the Public Health Preparedness capabilities are critical to prioritize for inclusion in this systematic review. Topics that are important across capabilities but not sufficiently represented within the current set of PHP capabilities may also be included in the review. This study will focus on practices applicable to state and local public health preparedness and response programs and operations.

Page last reviewed: September 29, 2020, 11:15 AM