Board of Scientific Counselors

board of scientific counselors banner image

The Center for Preparedness Response Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC) is an advisory committee chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Actexternal icon. This advisory group comes together to provide advice and guidance about the public health preparedness and response activities conducted by CDC and CPR. The BSC is charged with:

  • Advising the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Assistant Secretary for Health, the CDC Director, and the CPR Director concerning strategies and goals for preparedness programs and research
  • Conducting peer-review of scientific programs
  • Performing secondary reviews of research proposals
  • Monitoring CPR’s overall strategic direction and focus

The BSC is managed by the Office of Science and Public Health Practice. The CPR Board of Scientific Counselors holds in-person meetings at the CDC in Atlanta twice a year and at least one web based meetings throughout the year.

BSC Meeting Schedule

Upcoming Meetings:

October 26, 2020

Pre-registration is required, please click hereexternal icon.

Page last reviewed: September 30, 2020, 04:20 PM