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Drinking Water Requirements for States and Public Water Systems

Public Water System Supervision Program Water Supply Guidance Manual

EPA periodically issues memorandums which clarify drinking water policies and regulations. These policy memos have been collected into a water supply guidance (WSG) manual which is made available to states and public water systems to assist in implementation of the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Use the arrows in the column headers to sort the any of the columns alphabetically or search the table with the search box. By default the table is sorted by the Section column alphabetically.

Please note: Files with an * are listed in more than one Section.

Water Supply Guidance Subject Index Table
Section Title of Guidance Date New WSG Number Old WSG Number
Alternative Treatment Technologies Release of Final State Alternative Technology Approval Protocol (WSG 90) 7/11/1996 90 103
Alternative Treatment Technologies Small System Compliance Technology List for the Surface Water Treatment Rule and Total Coliform Rule (WSG 101) 09/1992 101 114
Alternative Treatment Technologies Small System Compliance Technology List for the Non-microbial Contaminants Regulated before 1996 (WSG 101A) 09/1998 101A 114A
Alternative Treatment Technologies Variance Technology Findings for Contaminants Regulated before 1996 (WSG 101B) 09/1998 101B 114B
Analytical Requirements/Laboratory Certification Procedures for Rounding-Off Analytical Data to Determine Compliance with Maximum Contaminant Levels Present in NIPDWR* (WSG 20) 4/6/1981 20 21
Analytical Requirements/Laboratory Certification Lab Certification for Lead Contamination Control Act (LCCA)* (No longer applicable) 5/18/1989, Revised 07/1998 41A 44A
Analytical Requirements/Laboratory Certification Analytical Methods for Compliance and Limited Alternative Test Procedures Approvals (WSG 49) 12/27/1989 49 53
Analytical Requirements/Laboratory Certification Clarification of Turbidity Requirements for Filtered Systems under the Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR)* (WSG 71) 12/1998 71 78
Analytical Requirements/Laboratory Certification Analytical Methods Home Page via the Internet (WSG 115) 02/1994 115 130
Analytical Requirements/Laboratory Certification Monitoring Requirements for Consecutive Public Water Systems (Surface Water Treatment Rule)* (WSG H28) 10/1998 H28 H30
Analytical Requirements/Laboratory Certification State Programs for Laboratory Certification (WSG H31) 12/1990 H31 H33
Analytical Requirements/Laboratory Certification Reporting Confluent Growth on Total Coliform Samples* (WSG H35) 08/1991 H35 H37
Analytical Requirements/Laboratory Certification Lab Certification for Water Quality Parameters* (WSG H45) 07/1992 H45 H48
Capacity Development Guidance on Implementing the Capacity Development Provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 (WSG 107) 07/1998 107 122
Capacity Development Hypothetical State Programs for Ensuring that All New CWSs and NTNCWSs Demonstrate Technical, Managerial and Financial Capacity (WSG 108) 07/1998 108 123
Capacity Development Information for the Public on Participating with States in Preparing Capacity Development Strategies (WSG 109) 07/1998 109 124
Capacity Development Information for States on Implementing the Capacity Development Provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 (WSG 110) 07/1998 110 125
Capacity Development Eligibility of Routine Compliance Monitoring Costs Under the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Capacity Development Set-Aside (WSG 168) 9/4/2003 168 168
Capacity Development Modification of Policy Regarding Use of the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Capacity Development Set-Aside for Routine Compliance Monitoring (WSG 168A) 5/18/2004 168A 168A
Capacity Development Release of the Capacity Development Program Evaluation Tool (WSG 179) 11/1/2007 179 179S
Capacity Development Update to the Implementation of Capacity Development & Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs to Reflect the New Enforcement Policy & Enforcement Targeting Tool* (WSG 188) 3/30/2012 188 188
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Procedures for Rounding-Off Analytical Data to Determine Compliance with Maximum contaminant Levels Present in NIPDWR* (WSG 20) 4/6/1981 20 21
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Response to Questions Raised by Region IV Concerning Public Notification Requirements for the Unregulated Contaminants* (WSG 38) 4/27/1988 38 40
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Region V's Approach on Unregulated Contaminant Public Notification Requirements* (WSG 51) 12/1/1989 51 51
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Unregulated Contaminant Public Notification Requirements* (WSG 51A) 10/4/1989 51A 51A
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Clarification of Public Notification Requirements for Unregulated Contaminants* (WSG 51B) 5/7/1990 51B 51B
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Final Guidance for State Sampling Waiver Programs (WSG 66) 8/25/1992 66 71
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Guidance and Clarification on the Use of Detection Limits in Compliance Monitoring (WSG 70) 12/16/1993 70 77
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Clarification on Chlorination BAT for Cyanide* (WSG 72) 3/7/1994 72 79
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper State Reporting Guidance for Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring (this guidance may be updated)* (WSG 84) 8/1994 84 84
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Alternative Monitoring Guidelines (WSG 99) 8/1997 99 112
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Calculation of Compliance for the New Arsenic MCL (WSG 151) 2/7/2015 151 151
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule (WSG 159) 2/7/2015 159 159
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule: Appendix G: Exemptions and the Arsenic Rule (WSG 160) 2/7/2015 160 160
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Determination of Vulnerability to VOCs (WSG H9) 7/1988 H9 H9
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Possible Toxicity of Aluminum* (WSG H25) 3/1990 H25 H26
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper VOC Monitoring Requirements and the Blending of Separate Water Supply Sources as a Form of Treatment (WSG H30) 08/1990, Revised 02/1999 H30 H32
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Secondary MCL Range for Aluminum (this guidance may be updated)*(WSG H36) 8/1991 H36 H38
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Monitoring for Unregulated Contaminants* (WSG H46) 7/1992 H46 H49
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Variances and Exemptions for Fluoride Revised in the Phase II Rule (WSG H49) 7/1992 H49 H52
Chemicals Other Than Lead & Copper Reporting Chemical/Radionuclide Maximum Contaminant Level Violations to SDWIS/Fed with Appropriate compliance Period End Dates* (WSG 192) 2/20/2014 192 192
Direct Implementation Water Supply Guidance Direct Implementation Programs -- 4 Programmatic Issues* (WSG 24) 1/25/1985 24 25
Direct Implementation Final Allotments for the FY2019 Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) State and Tribal Support Program Grants 5/16/2019 202 202
Direct Implementation Drinking Water Infrastructure Grants Tribal Set-Aside Program Revised Guidelines, Final 10/1998 122 122
Direct Implementation Drinking Water Territorial Set-Aside Program and Release of Funds* 10/23/1998 123 123
Direct Implementation Drinking Water Infrastructure Grants - Territorial Set-Aside Program* 11/17/1998 124 124
Direct Implementation Policy for Calculation of the Public Water System Supervision* (PWSS) States Grant Allotmentss - FY2000 and Beyond 11/18/1998 125 125
Direct Implementation Final Guidance on EPA's Grants to Support Tribal PWSS Program* 5/28/2002 156 156
Disinfection Problems Associated with Disinfection Changes* 1/27/1983 Revised 12/1999 21 22
Disinfection Delegations of Authority for the Public Water Systems Supervision Program* 7/23/1990 55 60
Disinfection Use of Water Treatment Chemicals and Operation of Public Water Systems During Emergencies* 08/06/1990, Revised 07/28/1997 56 61
Disinfection MIOX Monitoring Requirements Under the Stage I DBPR* 7/18/2001 140 140
Disinfection Final Implementation Guidance - IESWTR and Stage I Disenfectants and DBP Rule (memo + guidance)* 10/3/2001 145 145
Disinfection OGWDW Review of Small System Monitoring Requirements Under the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule* 2/4/2010 180 180
Disinfection Eligibility for States to Use Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Capacity Development Set-Aside for LT2 Crpytosporidium Monitoring* 3/1/2010 181 181
Disinfection MIOX Monitoring Requirements Under the Stage I DBPR* 7/18/2001 140 140
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Compliance Determination for Inactivation Requirements of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations when a Public Water Systems Uses Dichlor and Trichlor for Primary Disinfection 4/18/2018 203 203
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Eligibility of Routine Compliance Monitoring Costs Under the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Capacity Development Set-Aside 9/4/2003 168 168
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Modification of Policy Regarding Use of the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Capacity Development Set-Aside for Routine Compliance Monitoring 5/18/2004 168A 168A
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Eligibility for States to Use Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Capacity Development Set-Aside for LT2 Crpytosporidium Monitoring* 3/1/2010 181 181
Emergency Action And Planning Guidelines for Preparation and Review of State Emergency Plans 10/29/1976 4 4
Emergency Action And Planning Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water - Boiling 05/08/1978 Revised 04/17/1998 11 11
Emergency Action And Planning Use of Water Treatment Chemicals and Operation of Public Water Systems During Emergencies* 08/06/1990 Revised 07/28/1997 56 61
Emergency Action And Planning Updated Guidance on Emergency Authority Under Section 1431 of the Safe Drinking Water Act* (Supersedes the 1991 Guidance WSG#63) 5/30/2018 210 63
Emergency Action And Planning Boiling Water Time for Killing Pathogens* 2/23/1988 118 134
Enforcement Approval of State Programs for Primary Enforcement Authority Under Subpart B of the Safe Drinking Water Act* 11/29/1976 Revised 11/1998 5 5
Enforcement Indian Policy Implementation Guidance* 11/8/1984 22 23
Enforcement Policy Against "No Action" Assurances 11/16/1984 23 24
Enforcement Direct Implementation - 4 Programmatic Issues* 1/25/1985 24 25
Enforcement Division of Penalties with State and Local Governments 10/30/1985 25 26
Enforcement Guidance for FY 1987 PWSS Enforcement Agreement 8/8/1986 26 27
Enforcement Revised Policy Framework for State/EPA Enforcement Agreements 8/25/1986 27 28
Enforcement Guidance for the FY 1988 State/EPA Enforcement Agreements Process 3/31/1987 29 31
Enforcement Guidance for FY 1988 PWSS Enforcement Agreements 6/16/1987 29A 31A
Enforcement Lead Ban -- Effective Date and Enforcement* 4/23/1987 30 32
Enforcement Supplemental Guidance on the Issuance of Administrative Orders in the PWSS and UIC Programs 8/10/1987 31 33
Enforcement Procedures for Issuing Complaints for Penalties for Violations of PWSS Administrative Orders 2/23/1988 33 35
Enforcement Policy on Publicizing Enforcement Activities* 3/25/1988 34 37
Enforcement Policy on Publicizing Enforcement Activities* 11/21/1985 35 37A
Enforcement Press Release Policy* 1/30/1985 35A 37B
Enforcement Enforcement Actions Against Systems which are "Intermittent" Violators of Administrative Orders 4/12/1988 36 38
Enforcement Coordination with State Officials on the Issuance of Notices of Violations Under Section 1414 of the SDWA 4/21/1988 37 39
Enforcement The SDWA Lead Ban* (WSG 40) 12/07/1988 Revised 06/01/98 40 43
Enforcement Implementation and Enforcement of the Lead Prohibition and Lead Public Notification Requirements of the SDWA in Fiscal Years 1990 and Beyond* (WSG 44) 8/18/1989 44 47
Enforcement Implementation of Enforcement Provisions in the EPA Federal Facilities Compliance Strategy* (WSG 47) 11/15/1989 47 50
Enforcement Multi-Media Settlements of Enforcement Claims (WSG 50) 2/6/1990 50 54
Enforcement Change in the PWSS Program's Definition of Timely and Appropriate Action (WSG 52) 4/20/1990 52 56
Enforcement Revised Definition of Significant Noncomplier (SNC) and the Model for Escalating Responses to Violators for the PWSS Program (WSG 53) 5/22/1990 53 57
Enforcement Delegations of Authority for the Public Water System Supervision Program* (WSG 55) 7/23/1990 55 60
Enforcement Tracking Compliance with Administrative Orders in the PWSS and UIC Programs (WSG 57) 8/23/1990 57 62
Enforcement Final SNC Definition for the TCR and Proposed SNC Definition for the SWTR* (WSG 58) 12/19/1990 58 63
Enforcement Interim Policy on the Inclusion of Pollution Prevention and Recycling Provisions in Enforcement Settlements (WSG 59) 2/25/1991 59 64
Enforcement Final SNC Definition for the SWTR* (WSG 60) 2/28/1991 60 65
Enforcement Updated Guidance on Emergency Authority Under Section 1431 of the Safe Drinking Water Act* (Supersedes the 1991 Guidance WSG#63) 5/30/2018 210 63
Enforcement Guidance on Enforcement of the Requirements of the Surface Water Treatment Rule* (WSG 65) 6/26/1992 65 70
Enforcement Enforceability of Filtration Determinations Under the SWT Regulation* (WSG 72) 11/30/1992 72 72
Enforcement Guidance on Section 1 of the Civil Justice Reform Executive Order No. 12778 (WSG 69) 4/8/1993 69 75
Enforcement New Public Water System Supervision Program Settlement Penalty Policy (WSG 74) 5/25/1994 74 81
Enforcement Corrected Attachment 1 for PWSS Settlement Penalty Calculation Worksheet (WSG 76) 6/14/1994 76 83
Enforcement Processing Requests for Use of Enforcement Discretion (WSG 78) 3/3/1995 78 86
Enforcement Policy on Flexible State Enforcement Responses to Small Community Violations (WSG 81) 11/22/1995 81 91
Enforcement Federal Register Notice, Part III: Incentives for Self-Policing: Discovery, Disclosure, Correction and Prevention of Violations (a.k.a "The Audit Policy") (WSG 82) 12/22/1995 82 93
Enforcement Guidance on the Process for Review of Enforcement Actions Against Tribal Facilities* (WSG 84) 2/16/1996 84 95
Enforcement Federal Register Notice, Part IV: Policy on Compliance Incentives for Small Businesses (WSG 89) 6/3/1996 89 102
Enforcement Public Release of EPA Enforcement Information* (WSG 92) 8/15/1996 92 105
Enforcement Delegation of Authorities Under Section 1445 of the 1996 SDWA Amendments Regarding Issuance of Information to Determine Compliance with the Act* (WSG 97) 7/7/1997 97 110
Enforcement Requirements for State Administrative Penalty Authority under the SDWA 1996 (WSG 100) 8/1997 100 113
Enforcement Issuance of Final Supplemental Environmental Projects Policy (WSG 105) 4/10/1998 105 119
Enforcement Guidance on Federal Facility Penalty Order Authority Under the SDWA, as Amended in 1996 (WSG 106) 5/29/1998 106 121
Enforcement Enforcement and Implementation of Section 1417 of the SDWA* (WSG 114) 9/24/1998 114 129
Enforcement The Data Sharing Committee's Recommendations for Lead and Copper Rule Violation Reporting* (WSG 117A) 12/29/1998 117A 113A
Enforcement Updated Procedures Concerning State Audit Privilege/Immunity Laws and Legislation* (WSG 126) 2/9/1999 126 126
Enforcement Well Classification Guidance for Downhole Hydrocarbon/Water Separators; UIC Program Guidance #82* (WSG 132) 1/5/2000 132 132
Enforcement Guidance Review for Reviewing Extension Requests Under 1412(b)(10) of the SDWA* (WSG 147) 11/16/2001 147 147
Enforcement Definition of a Significient Non-Complier* (WSG 155) 3/28/2002 155 155
Enforcement OECA Designation of Regional Counsel to Concur on State Primacy Matters Under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)* (WSG 172) 12/17/2003 172 172
Enforcement Lead Ban Enforcement (WSG H5)* 04/1988 H5 H5
Enforcement State Enforcement of the NSDWRs (WSG H6) 04/1988 H6 H6
Enforcement Pipe Fittings Under the Lead Ban* (WSG H7) 05/1988 H7 H7
Enforcement Effective Date of the Lead Ban* (WSG H11) 09/1988 H11 H11
Enforcement Lead Ban Enforcement* (WSG H12) 09/1988 H12 H12
Enforcement Effect of the Lead Ban on Sale of Plumbing Fixtures Containing Lead Solder* (WSG H16) 04/1988 Revised 06/01/98 H16 H16
Enforcement Lead Ban* (WSG H19) 12/1988 H19 H19
Enforcement Guidance for SDWA Primacy Agencies on How to Enter Resolving Action Codes into SDWIS for Past Public Notice Violations and Clarification on How to Address Public Notification Violations in Certain Circumstances* (WSG 185) 2/22/2011 185 185
Enforcement Update to the Implementation of Capacity Development & Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs to Reflect the New Enforcement Policy & Enforcement Targeting Tool* (WSG 188) 3/30/2012 188 188
Enforcement Guidance on How to Enter Resolving Action Codes for Certain Past Violations of the Consumer Confidence Reports Rule* (WSG 190) 5/9/2013 190 190
Enforcement Reporting Chemical/Radionuclide Maximum Contaminant Level Violations to SDWIS/Fed with Appropriate compliance Period End Dates* (WSG 192) 2/20/2014 192 192
Federal Facilities Federal Facilities - Option for State Coverage Under Section 1413 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, As Amended (WSG 9) 11/9/1977 9 9
Federal Facilities Implementation of Enforcement Provisions in the EPA Federal Facilities Compliance Strategy* (WSG 47) 11/15/1989 47 50
Federal Facilities Corrosion Control Devices and the PWS Program (WSG H24) 03/1990 H24 H25
Federal Facilities State Primacy over Federal Facilities (WSG H37) 8/1991 H37 H39
Grants Final Allotments of FY 2018 and FY 2019 Appropriations for WIIN 2107 (Testing in Schools) (WSG 207) 04/29/2019 207 207
Grants Final Allotments of FY 2018 and FY 2019 Appropriations for WIIN 2104 (Small and Disadvantaged Communities) (WSG 208) 04/29/2019 208 208
Grants Guidance on Allowable Costs for State PWSS Program Grants (WSG 7) 12/13/1976 7 7
Grants Final Allotments of the FY2019 Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) State and Tribal Support Program Grants 05/16/2019 202 202
Grants Guidance on Allowable Costs for State PWSS Program Grants (WSG 7A) 3/11/1977 7A 7A
Grants Grant Allocation (WSG 13) 8/1/1978 13 13
Grants Use of Grant Funds for Data Management Activities (WSG 19) 1/24/1980 19 20
Grants Policy on Regional Response to a State which Decides to Accept the Five Percent Reduction in its PWSS Program Grant* (WSG 39) 9/16/1988 39 41
Grants Delegations of Authority for the Public Water System Supervision Program* (WSG 55) 7/23/1990 55 60
Grants Revised Uses, Distribution and Timing of Indian Land PWSS Grant Funds* (WSG 80) 6/26/1995 80 90
Grants Recommendations for Approval of Proposed Additions to the EPA Operator Certification Guidelines and the Proposed Allocation Methodology for Funding to States the Operator Certification Expense Reimbursement Grants Program - TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM* (WSG 135) 6/26/2000 135 135
Grants Expense Reimbursement Grants for the Operator Certification Program* (WSG 148) 11/29/2001 148 148
Grants Final Guidance on EPA's Grants to Support Tribal PWSS Program* (WSG 156) 5/28/2002 156 156
Indian Land Issues Indian Reservations--Distinction Between EPA Jurisdiction Over Public Water Systems and State Jurisdiction* (WSG 1) 3/1/1976 1 1
Indian Land Issues Final Allotments for the FY2019 Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) State and Tribal Support Program Grants 05/16/2019 202 202
Indian Land Issues Questions and Answers on Non-Indian Water Supply Situations* (WSG 14) 1/8/1979 14 15
Indian Land Issues Indian Policy Implementation Guidance* (WSG 22) 11/8/1984 22 23
Indian Land Issues Final Guidance on Implementing Primacy Rule for the PWSS and UIC Programs* (WSG 42) 4/25/1989 42 45
Indian Land Issues Additional Guidance on Implementing the Indian Primacy Rule for the PWSS and UIC Programs* (WSG 43) 4/25/1989 43 46
Indian Land Issues Delegations of Authority for the Public Water System Supervision Program* (WSG 55) 7/23/1990 55 60
Indian Land Issues EPA Indian Policy (WSG 73) 3/14/1994 73 80
Indian Land Issues Revised Uses, Distribution and Timing of Indian Land PWSS Grant Funds* (WSG 80) 6/26/1995 80 90
Indian Land Issues Guidance on the Process for Review of Enforcement Actions Against Tribal Facilities* (WSG 84) 2/16/1996 84 95
Indian Land Issues Drinking Water Territorial Set-Aside Program and Release of Funds* (WSG 123) 10/23/1998 123 123
Indian Land Issues Drinking Water Infrastructure Grants - Territorial Set-Aside Program* (WSG 124) 11/17/1998 124 124
Indian Land Issues Policy for Calculation of the Public Water System Supervision* (PWSS) States Grant Allotmentss - FY2000 and Beyond (WSG 125) 11/18/1998 125 125
Indian Land Issues Request for Deviation for 40 CFR 35.115 (e) and (h)* (WSG 127) 6/25/1999 127 127
Indian Land Issues Final Guidance on EPA's Grants to Support Tribal PWSS Program* (WSG 156) 5/28/2002 156 156
Indian Land Issues Standard Operating Procedures for EPA's Tribal Drinking Water Program* (WSG 183) 3/11/2010 183 183
Information Collection Rule (ICR) Information Collection Requirements Rule--Protozoa and Enteric Virus Sample Collection Procedures (pocket guide) (WSG 79) 06/1995 79 89
Information Collection Rule (ICR) ICR Manual for Bench- and Pilot-Scale Treatment Studies (WSG 83) 01/1996 83 94
Information Collection Rule (ICR) DBP/ICR Analytical Methods Manual (WSG 85) 04/1996 85 96
Information Collection Rule (ICR) ICR Microbial Laboratory Manual (WSG 86) 04/1996 86 97
Information Collection Rule (ICR) ICR Sampling Manual (WSG 87) 04/1996 87 98
Information Collection Rule (ICR) ICR Water Utility Database System User's Guide (WSG 88) (Manual and 6 disks, Release 1.1: Instructions and 3 disks) 04/1996 9/1/1996 88 99
Information Collection Rule (ICR) ICR Reference Manual: Understanding the ICR (WSG 91) 08/1996 91 104
Information Collection Rule (ICR) ICR Laboratory Quality Control (QC) Users' Guide (Manual and 5 disks) (WSG 93) 11/1996 93 106
Information Collection Rule (ICR) ICR Treatment Studies Data Collection Spreadsheets User's Guide (manual and 4 disks) (WSG 95) 04/1997 95 108
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Hand-Pumped Wells (WSG 2) 05/17/1976 Revised 04/08/1998 2 2
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Status of Water Vending Machines Under P.L. 93-523 07/26/1976 Revised 11/1998 3 3
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Water Hauler (WSG 6) 12/3/1976 6 6
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Applicability of the Safe Drinking Water Act to Water Haulers (WSG 6A) 11/26/1976 6A 6A
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Application of the SDWA to Persons Adding Corrosion Reducing Chemicals to Drinking Water* (WSG 8) 12/20/1976 8 8
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Application of the SDWA to Persons Adding Corrosion Reducing Chemicals to Drinking Water* (WSG 8A) 12/08/1976 Revised 11/1998 8A 8A
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Definition of a Public Water System (WSG 12) 7/12/1978 12 12
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations May a Community Public Water System Raise the Defense in an Enforcement Proceeding that it is not a "Public Water System," Under '1401(4) of the SDWA, Because it Does not Provide Water for Human Consumption? (WSG 12A) 6/20/1978 12A 12A
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Definition of a Non-Transient Non-Community Water System (WSG 32) 9/16/1987 32 34
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Response to Charles Mahan Regarding Use of Bottled Water by Non-Transient Non-Community Water Systems to Achieve Compliance (WSG 48) 12/14/1989 48 52
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Policy for Applicability of the SWT Regulation to Seawater* (WSG 61) 7/18/1991 61 66
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Definitions of Types of Public Water Systems and Populations Served by Those Systems (WSG 61A) 8/21/1991 61A 66A
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Federal Register part VI: Notice: Definition of a Public Water System in SDWA Section 1401(4) as Amended by the 1996 SDWA Amendments (WSG 112) 8/5/1998 112 127
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Section 301 of the SDWA Amendments of 1996 (WSG 120) 10/29/1996 120 120
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Implementation of Interim Primacy Provision Sec. 1413 of the SDWA Amendments (DRAFT) (WSG 121) 1998 121 121
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Issues in Potable Reuse (WSG 131) 10/1999 131 131
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Guidance Review for Reviewing Extension Requests Under 1412(b)(10) of the SDWA* (WSG 147) 11/16/2001 147 147
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Source Water Assessment and Protection (WSG 163) 2/8/2003 163 163
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Potable Water Heat Exchangers (WSG 170) 9/23/2003 170 170
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Applicability of the Safe Drinking Water Act to Submetered Properties (WSG 171) 12/16/2003 171 171
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Definition of Service Connection (WSG H3) 01/1988 H3 H3
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Scope of NPDWR Coverage (WSG H10) 06/1988 H10 H10
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Purpose and Applicability of Maximum Contaminant Level Goals(MCLGs) (WSG H14) 09/19-88 H14 H14
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Determination of MCLGs and MCLs (WSG H15) 10/1998 H15 H15
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Definition of a PWS (Homes with Individual Wells) (WSG H18) 12/1988 Revised 06/1998 H18 H18
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Meaning of "Human Consumption" and "Graywater Uses" as it Relates to Public Water Systems (WSG H21) 08/1989 H21 H22
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Treatment Facilities as Public Water Suppliers (WSG H26) 03/1990 Revised 07/01/1998 H26 H27
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Health Advisory for Zinc (WSG H34) 08/1991 H34 H36
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulation Incremental Service Connections (WSG H44) 06/1992 H44 H47
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Sodium Requirements for Public Water Supplies (WSG H48) 06/1992 H48 H51
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Definitions of Conventional Filtration Treatment and Direct Filtration (WSG 184) 6/9/2009 184 184
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Stage 1 and Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rules (DBPRS) - 100% Purchasing Consecutive System TTHM and HAA5 Reduced Monitoring Qualifications Clarification (WSG 186) 2/2/2012 186 186
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations SDWA - Compliance Monitoring Transition Period between the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rules and Extension Requests (WSG 187) 2/13/2012 187 187
Interpretation Of The Safe Drinking Water Act And Regulations Standard Definitions for the Five Source Availability codes in the SDWIS, and Recommendations for Baseline and Routine Monitoring* (WSG 191) 5/16/2013 191 191
Interstate Carrier Conveyances Guidance for Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Plans for ICCs (WSG 16) 6/20/1979 16 17
Lead & Copper Control Issues Lead and Copper Rule Requirements for Optimal Corrosion Control Treatment for Large Drinking Water Systems 11/03/2015 196 196
Interstate Carrier Conveyances Plan for EPA Implementation of the Safe Drinking Water Act on Interstate Carrier Conveyances (WSG 28) 10/1/1986 28 29
Interstate Carrier Conveyances Interstate Carriers (WSG H2) 09/1987 H2 H2
Interstate Carrier Conveyances Scope of NPDWR Coverage (WSG H10) 06/1988 H10 H10
Interstate Carrier Conveyances

Process to Identify and Quantify Violations of the Aircraft Drinking Water Rule

02/2012 209 209
Interstate Carrier Conveyances Aircraft Drinking Water Rule: Moving aircraft into a "Pending Bin" in the Aircraft Reporting and Compliance System due to bankruptcy or other changes in operations 08/25/2015 205 205
Interstate Carrier Conveyances Five Year Self-Inspection Requirements under the Aircraft Drinking Water Rule 04/18/2017 206 206
Lead & Copper Control Issues Clarification of Recommended Tap Sampling Procedures for Purposes of the Lead and Copper Rule 02/29/2016 197 197
Lead & Copper Control Issues Implementation of the Lead and Copper Rule Provisions Related to Sample Site Selection and Triennial Monitoring 10/13/2016 200 200
Lead & Copper Control Issues Application of the SDWA to Persons Adding Corrosion Reducing Chemicals to Drinking Water* (WSG 8) 12/20/1976 8 8
Lead & Copper Control Issues Application of the SDWA to Persons Adding Corrosion Reducing Chemicals to Drinking Water* (WSG 8A) 12/08/1976 Revised 11/1998 8A 8A
Lead & Copper Control Issues Lead Ban -- Effective Date and Enforcement* (WSG 30) 4/23/1987 30 32
Lead & Copper Control Issues Handbook for Special Public Notification for Lead: For Public Drinking Water Suppliers (WSG 36) 3/1/1988 36 36
Lead & Copper Control Issues Policy on Regional Response to a State which Decides to Accept the Five Percent Reduction in its PWSS Program Grant* (WSG 39) 9/16/1988 39 41
Lead & Copper Control Issues The SDWA Lead Ban* (WSG 40) 12/07/1988 Revised 06/01/1998 40 43
Lead & Copper Control Issues Scope of Remedial Action Programs in Schools Under the Lead Contamination Control Act of 1988 (WSG 41) 03/17/1989 Revised 06/1998 41 44
Lead & Copper Control Issues Lab Certification for Lead Contamination Control Act (LCCA)* (No longer applicable) 05/18/1989 Revised 07/1998 41A 44A
Lead & Copper Control Issues Implementation and Enforcement of the Lead Prohibition and Lead Public Notification Requirement of the SDWA in Fiscal Years 1990 and Beyond* (WSG 44) 8/18/1989 44 47
Lead & Copper Control Issues Lead and Copper Rule Guidance Manual: Volumes 1 and 2 (WSG 67) 09/1991 09/1992 67 67
Lead & Copper Control Issues Clarification of Lead Service Line Replacement Requirements in Lead Drinking Water Rule (WSG 76) 07/23/1993 Revised 06/01/1998 76 76
Lead & Copper Control Issues Schedule for Reduced Monitoring under the Lead and Copper Rule (WSG 77) 10/20/1994 77 85
Lead & Copper Control Issues Consecutive Systems Regulated Under the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper (WSG 77A) 1/10/1992 77A 85A
Lead & Copper Control Issues All Plastic Systems - Compliance with the Lead and Copper Rule (WSG 87) 4/4/1995 87 87
Lead & Copper Control Issues Enforcement and Implementation of Section 1417 of the Safe Drinking Water Act* (WSG 114) 9/24/1998 114 129
Lead & Copper Control Issues Approval of Data Sharing Committee Recommendations for Lead and Copper* (WSG 117) 4/1/1999 117 133
Lead & Copper Control Issues The Data Sharing Committee's Recommendations for Lead and Copper Rule Violation Reporting* (WSG 117A) 12/29/1998 117A 133A
Lead & Copper Control Issues How to Determine Compliance with Optimal Water Quality Parameters as Revised by the LCRMR* (WSG 138) 1/1/2002 138 138
Lead & Copper Control Issues State Implementation Guidance for the Lead and Copper Rule Minor Revisions (LCRMR)* (WSG 144) 10/1/2001 144 144
Lead & Copper Control Issues Lead and Copper Monitoring and Reporting Guidelines for PWS* (WSG 153) 2/2/2015 153 153
Lead & Copper Control Issues Lead in Drinking Water Regulation: Public Education Guidance* (WSG 157) 6/2/2015 157 157
Lead & Copper Control Issues Revised Guidance Manual for Selecting Lead and Copper Control Strategies* (WSG 164) 3/3/2015 164 164
Lead & Copper Control Issues Sampling for NTNCW PWSs under the LCR* (WSG 167) 5/6/2003 167 167
Lead & Copper Control Issues Compliance Calculations Under the Lead & Copper Rule* (WSG 173) 3/9/2004 173 173
Lead & Copper Control Issues Lead and Copper Rule - Clarification of Requirements for Collecting Samples and Calculating Compliance* (WSG 174) 11/23/2004 174 174
Lead & Copper Control Issues Issues with Lead Service Line Replacement* (WSG 177) 3/23/2005 177 177
Lead & Copper Control Issues Management of Aerators during Collection of Tap Samples to Comply with the Lead and Copper Rule* (WSG 178) 10/20/2006 178 178
Lead & Copper Control Issues Release of the Capacity Development Program Evaluation Tool* (WSG 179) 11/1/2007 179 179
Lead & Copper Control Issues Public Notification Requirements: Supplemental Notices/Lead* (WSG H4) 02/1988 H4 H4
Lead & Copper Control Issues Lead Ban Enforcement (WSG H5)* 04/1988 H5 H5
Lead & Copper Control Issues Pipe Fittings Under the Lead Ban* (WSG H7) 05/1988 H7 H7
Lead & Copper Control Issues Public Notification Requirements: Lead Notice/Consecutive Systems* (WSG H8) 06/1988 H8 H8
Lead & Copper Control Issues Effective Date of the Lead Ban* (WSG H11) 09/1988 H11 H11
Lead & Copper Control Issues Lead Ban Enforcement* (WSG H12) 09/1988 H12 H12
Lead & Copper Control Issues Effect of the Lead Ban on Sale of Plumbing Fixtures Containing Lead Solder* (WSG H16) 10/1988 Revised 06/01/1998 H16 H16
Lead & Copper Control Issues Household Refrigerators and Lead Contamination (WSG H17) 10/1988 H17 H17
Lead & Copper Control Issues Lead Ban* (WSG H19) 12/1988 H19 H19
Lead & Copper Control Issues Lead Ban (WSG H20) 02/1989 H20 H20
Lead & Copper Control Issues Wilson's Disease and Copper (WSG H38) 08/1991 H38 H40
Lead & Copper Control Issues Faucets Interpreted as "Lead Pipe Fittings" (WSG H40) 12/1991 H40 H43
Lead & Copper Control Issues Lead Action Level Versus LCCA Guidance Level (WSG H41) 12/1991 H41 H44
Lead & Copper Control Issues Adverse Health Effects of Lead and Copper from Avenues Other Than Ingestion (WSG H42) 06/1992 H42 H45
Lead & Copper Control Issues Geographic Distribution of Sample Sites for Lead and Copper (WSG H43) 06/1992 H43 H46
Lead & Copper Control Issues Laboratory Certification for Water Quality Parameters* (WSG H45) 06/1992 H45 H48
Microbiological Regulations Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule Second Round Source Water Monitoring and Bin Placement (WSG 198) 4/8/2016 198 198
Microbiological Regulations Requirements and State Reporting Guidance to Transition Public Water Systems from the Total Coliform Rule to the Revised Total Coliform Rule (PDF) (WSG 199) 12/4/2015 199 199
Microbiological Regulations Problems Associated with Disinfectant Changes* (WSG 21) 1/27/1983 Revised 12/1999 21 22
Microbiological Regulations Guidance Manual for Compliance with the Filtration and Disinfection Requirements for Public Water Systems Using Surface Water Sources (WSG 46) 10/1989 46 49
Microbiological Regulations Surface Water Treatment Rule: Implementation Manual (Including Appendix D)* (WSG 51) 03/1990 51 55
Microbiological Regulations Final SNC Definition for the TCR and Proposed SNC Definition for the SWTR* (WSG 58) 12/19/1990 58 63
Microbiological Regulations Final SNC Definition for the SWTR* (WSG 60) 2/28/1991 60 65
Microbiological Regulations Policy for Applicability of the SWT Regulation to Seawater (WSG 61) 7/18/1991 61 66
Microbiological Regulations Opportunity for Public Hearing in Conjunction with Filtration Decisions* (WSG 64) 1/3/1992 64 69
Microbiological Regulations Guidance on Enforcement of the Requirements of the Surface Water Treatment Rule* (WSG 65) 6/26/1992 65 70
Microbiological Regulations Enforceability of Filtration Determinations Under the SWT Regulation* (WSG 67) 11/30/1992 67 72
Microbiological Regulations Clarification of Turbidity Requirements for Filtered Systems under the Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR)* (WSG 71) 2/1/1994 71 78
Microbiological Regulations Requirement for a Public Water System Which Takes Fewer than Five Total Coliform Samples per Month to Undergo a Sanitary Survey (WSG 75) 6/1/1994 75 82
Microbiological Regulations The Data Sharing Committee's Review of the Total Coliform Rule Data Needs and Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS/FED) Reporting Requirements* (WSG 96) 6/11/1997 96 109
Microbiological Regulations The Data Sharing Committee's Review of the SWTR Data Needs and SDWIS Reporting Requirements* (No longer applicable) 4/17/1998 120 120
Microbiological Regulations Final Implementation Guidance - IESWTR and Stage I Disinfectants and DBP Rule (memo + guidance)* (WSG 145) 4/17/1998 145 145
Microbiological Regulations A Small Systems Guide to the Total Coliform Rule* (WSG 158) 4/17/1998 158 158
Microbiological Regulations LT1ESWTR Turbidity Provisions Technical Guidance Manual* (WSG 175) 4/17/1998 175 175
Microbiological Regulations LT1ESWTR Implementation Guidance Manual* (WSG 176) 4/17/1998 176 176
Microbiological Regulations Determination of MCLGs and MCLs (WSG H15) 10/1988 H15 H15
Microbiological Regulations Monitoring Requirements for Consecutive Public Water Systems(Surface Water Treatment Rule) (WSG H30) 08/1990 Revised 12/99 H30 H30
Microbiological Regulations Repeat Monitoring Requirements for the Total Coliform Rule (WSG H32) 02/1991 H32 H34
Microbiological Regulations Applicability of the SWTR to Seawater Systems (WSG H33) 08/1991 Revised 12/1999 H33 H35
Microbiological Regulations Reporting Confluent Growth on Total Coliform Samples* (WSG H35) 08/1991 H35 H37
Microbiological Regulations Wilson's Disease and Copper (WSG H38) 08/1991 H38 H40
Microbiological Regulations The Effectiveness of Slow Sand Filtration in Total Coliform Removal (WSG H39) 12/1991 Revised 12/1999 H39 H42
Microbiological Regulations

Process to Identify and Quantify Violations of the Aircraft Drinking Water Rule

02/2012 209 209
Point Of Entry Devices Use of Point of Use and Point of Entry Devices (WSG 139) 3/19/2001 139 139
Point Of Entry Devices Marketing and Advertising Tactics and Techniques(Point of use devices) (WSG H13) 09/1988 H13 H13
Point Of Entry Devices Point-of-Entry Devices to Comply with the Total Coliform Rule, Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR), and the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (IESWTR) (WSG H50) 12/1999 H50 H53
Primacy Indian Reservations - Distinction Between EPA Jurisdiction Over Public Water Systems and State Jurisdiction* (WSG 1) 3/1/1976 1 1
Primacy Approval of State Programs for Primacy Enforcement Authority under Subpart B of the Safe Drinking Water Act* (WSG 5) 11/29/1976 Revised 11/1998 5 5
Primacy Questions and Answers on Non-Indian Water Supply Situations* (WSG 14) 1/8/1979 14 15
Primacy Final Guidance on Implementing the Indian Primacy Rule for the PWSS and UIC Programs* (WSG 42) 4/25/1989 42 45
Primacy Additional Guidance on Implementing the Indian Primacy Rule for the PWSS and UIC Programs* (WSG 43) 4/25/1989 43 46
Primacy Surface Water Treatment Rule: Implementation Manual (including Appendix D)* (WSG 51) 3/1/1990 51 55
Primacy Handbook for EPA Review of State Program Revisions under New Primacy regulations for the PWSS Program (WSG 54) 06/1990 54 58
Primacy Delegations of Authority for the Public Water System Supervision Program* (WSG 60) 7/23/1990 60 60
Primacy Final SNC Definition for the TCR and Proposed SNC Definition for the SWTR* (WSG 58) 12/19/1990 58 63
Primacy Implementation of Interim Primacy Provision Under 1998 Sec. 1413 of the SDWA Amendments (DRAFT)* (WSG 121) 1998 121 121
Primacy Updated Procedures Concerning State Audit Privilege/Immunity Laws and Legislation* (WSG 126) 2/9/1999 126 126
Primacy OECA Designation of Regional Counsel to Concur on State Primacy Matters Under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)* (WSG 172) 12/17/2003 172 172
Public Involvement Guidance for Implementation of 40 CFR Part 25 - Public Participation Regulations in State PWSS Program (WSG 15) 05/21/1979 Revised 11/1998 15 16
Public Involvement Policy on Publicizing Enforcement Activities* (WSG 34) 3/25/1988 34 37
Public Involvement Policy on Publicizing Enforcement Activities* (WSG 35) 11/21/1985 35 37A
Public Involvement Press Release Policy* (WSG 35A) 1/30/1985 35A 37B
Public Involvement Opportunity for Public Hearing in Conjunction with Filtration Decisions* (WSG 64) 1/3/1992 64 69
Public Involvement Public Release of EPA Enforcement Information* (WSG 92) 8/15/1996 92 105
Public Notification Guidance on Implementation of the NIPDWRs, 40 CFR 141.31, 141.32, 141.33, and 141.34* (WSG 10) 12/28/1977 10 10
Public Notification Response to Questions Raised by Region IV Concerning Public Notification Requirements for the Unregulated Contaminants* (WSG 38) 4/27/1988 38 40
Public Notification Implementation and Enforcement of the Lead Prohibition and Lead Public Notification Requirement of the SDWA in Fiscal Years 1990 and Beyond* (WSG 44) 8/18/1989 44 47
Public Notification General Public Notification for Public Water Systems (WSG 45) 9/1/1989 45 48
Public Notification Region V's Approach on Unregulated Contaminants Public Notification Requirements* (WSG 51) 12/1/1989 51 51
Public Notification Unregulated Contaminant Public Notification Requirements* (WSG 51A) 10/4/1989 51A 51A
Public Notification Clarification of Public Notification Requirements for Unregulated Contaminants* (WSG 51B) 5/7/1990 51B 51B
Public Notification Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Rule - Units for Reporting Detected Contaminants* (WSG 128) 6/29/1999 128 128
Public Notification State Implementation Guidance for the CCR Rule + appendices* (WSG 129) 08/1999 129 129
Public Notification Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR) on the Internet* (WSG 130) 9/30/1999 130 130
Public Notification Public Notification Handbook* (WSG 134) 6/1/2000 134 134
Public Notification Preparing Your Drinking Water CCR: Revised Guidance for Water Suppliers* (WSG 137) 1/1/2015 137 137
Public Notification State Implementation Guidance for the Public Notification Rule* (WSG 143) 10/1/2001 143 143
Public Notification Sensitive Data in Consumer Confidence Reports and Source Water Assessments* (WSG 149) 12/5/2001 149 149
Public Notification Radionuclides in Drinking Water: A Small Entity Compliance Guide* (WSG 152) 2/2/2015 152 152
Public Notification Final Implementation Guidance for Radionuclides* (WSG 154) 2/3/2015 154 154
Public Notification Guidance for States on Reporting Data and Violations for the 2009 Consumer Confidence Report Calendar Year* (WSG 182) 3/11/2010 182 182
Public Notification Determining MCLs for man-Made Radionuclides* (WSG H1) 09/1987 H1 H1
Public Notification Public Notification Requirements: Supplemental Notices/Lead* (WSG H4) 02/1988 H4 H4
Public Notification Public Notification Requirements: Lead Notice/Consecutive Systems* (WSG H8) 06/1988 H8 H8
Public Notification Public Notification Requirements (WSG H23) 06/1988 H23 H24
Public Notification Compliance for Gross Beta Particle Activity (WSG H27) 10/1989 H27 H28
Public Notification NTNCWSs and Public Notification for Special Monitoring (WSG H29) 05/1990 H29 H31
Public Notification Recordkeeping Requirements for Radionuclides (WSG H47) 10/198 H47 H50
Public Notification Guidance for SDWA Primacy Agencies on How to Enter Resolving Action Codes into SDWIS for Past Public Notice Violations and Clarification on How to Address Public Notification Violations in Certain Circumstances* (WSG 185) 2/22/2011 185 185
Public Notification SDWA - Consumer Confidence Report Rule Delivery Options (WSG 189) 2/22/2011 189 189
Public Notification Implementation of the Public Notification Rule under the Safe Drinking Water Act (WSG 212) 9/16/2020 212  

Implementation of Public Water System Supervision Related Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments in the America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018

5/24/2020 211  
Public Notification Guidance on How to Enter Resolving Action Codes for Certain Past Violations of the Consumer Confidence Reports Rule* (WSG 190) 5/9/2013 190 190
Radionuclides Radionuclides in Drinking Water: A Small Entity Compliance Guide (WSG 152) 1/3/2013 152 152
Radionuclides Final Implementation Guidance for Radionuclides (WSG 154) 3/2/2015 154 154
Radionuclides Determining MCLs for Man-made Radionuclides (WSG H1) 09/1987 H1 H1
Radionuclides Compliance for Gross Beta Particle Activity (WSG H27) 05/1990 Revised 10/1998 H27 H28
Radionuclides Recordkeeping Requirements for Radionuclides* (WSG H47) 06/1992 H47 H50
Radionuclides Reporting Chemical/Radionuclide Maximum Contaminant Level Violations to SDWIS/Fed with Appropriate compliance Period End Dates* (WSG 192) 2/20/2014 192 192
Reporting, Record Keeping And Data Management Requirements Guidance on Implementation of the NIPDWRs, 40 CFR 141.31, 141.32, 141.33, and 141.34* (WSG 10) 12/28/1977 10 10
Reporting, Record Keeping And Data Management Requirements State Reporting Guidance for Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring* (WSG 84) 08/1994 84 84
Reporting, Record Keeping And Data Management Requirements Revised Inventory Reporting Requirements for the SDWIS/FED - Technical Guidance* (WSG 111) 7/10/1998 111 126
Reporting, Record Keeping And Data Management Requirements EPA Protocol for Participation in a PWSS Program Data Verification Not Available 119 135
Reporting, Record Keeping And Data Management Requirements Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Rule - Units for Reporting Detected Contaminants (WSG 128) 6/29/1999 128 128
Reporting, Record Keeping And Data Management Requirements Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR) on the (WSG 130) 9/30/1999 130 130
Reporting, Record Keeping And Data Management Requirements Interim Data Security Procedures for Handling State Source Water Assessment Polygon Data* (WSG 169) 9/10/2003 169 169
Reporting, Record Keeping And Data Management Requirements Monitoring Requirements for Consecutive Public Water Systems (Surface Water Treatment Rule)* (WSG H30) 06/1992 H30 H28
Reporting, Record Keeping And Data Management Requirements Recordkeeping Requirements for Radionuclides* (WSG H47) 06/1992 H47 H50
Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) The Data Sharing Committee's Review of the Total Coliform Rule Data Needs and SDWIS/FED Reporting Requirements* (WSG 96) 6/11/1997 96 109
Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Regional Data Management Roles (WSG 98) 7/29/1997 98 111
Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) The Data Sharing Committee's Review of the SWTR Data Needs and SDWIS Reporting Requirements* (No longer applicable) 4/17/1998 120 120
Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS-II) Data Entry Instructions (WSG 120A) 1993 120A 120A
Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Revised Inventory Reporting Requirements for SDWIS/FED - Technical Guidance* (WSG 126) 7/10/1998 126 126
Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Policy on Cutoff Dates for Submitting Data to SDWIS/FED (WSG 113) 8/11/1998 113 128
Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Safeguarding Latitude/Longitude Data in SDWIS/FED Database (WSG 116) 3/23/1999 116 132
Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Approval of Data Sharing Committee Recommendations for Lead and Copper* (WSG 117) 4/1/1999 117 133
Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) The Data Sharing Committee's Recommendations for Lead and Copper Rule Violation Reporting* (WSG 117A) 12/29/1998 117A 133A
Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) SDWIS/FED O&M System Release 3.9* (WSG 162) 1/31/2003 162 162
Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) SDWIS/FED O&M System Release 3.9.1* (WSG 165) 4/1/2003 165 165
Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) SDWIS/FED Data Entry Instructions* (WSG 166) 4/1/2003 166 166
Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Standard Definitions for the Five Source Availability codes in the SDWIS, and Recommendations for Baseline and Routine Monitoring* (WSG 191) 5/16/2013 191 191
Surface Water & Ground Water Opportunity for Public Hearing in Conjunction with Filtration Decisions* (WSG 64) 1/3/1992 64 69
Surface Water & Ground Water Final Comprehensive State Ground Water Protection Programs Guidance (WSG 68) 12/1992 68 73
Surface Water & Ground Water State Methods for Delineating Source Water Protection Areas for Surface Water Supplied Sources of Drinking Water (WSG 102) 08/1997 102 115
Surface Water & Ground Water State Source Water Assessment and Protection Program Guidance (WSG 103) 08/1997 103 116
Surface Water & Ground Water Guidance for Future State Ground Water Protection Grants (WSG 104) 8/5/1997 104 117
Surface Water & Ground Water Safeguarding Latitude/Longitude Data in SDWIS/FED Database (WSG 116) 3/23/1999 116 132
Surface Water & Ground Water The Data Sharing Committee's Recommendations for Lead and Copper Rule Violation Reporting* (WSG 163) 2/8/2003 163 163
Surface Water & Ground Water The Data Sharing Committee's Recommendations for Lead and Copper Rule Violation Reporting* (WSG H28) 6/29/1989 H28 H30
Unregulated Contaminants Response to Questions Raised by Region IV Concerning Public Notification Requirements for the Unregulated Contaminants* (WSG 38) 4/27/1988 38 40
Unregulated Contaminants Region V's Approach on Unregulated Contaminants Public Notification Requirements* (WSG 51) 12/1/1989 51 51
Unregulated Contaminants Unregulated Contaminant Public Notification Requirements* (WSG 51A) 10/4/1989 51A 51A
Unregulated Contaminants Clarification of Public Notification Requirements for Unregulated Contaminants* (WSG 51B) 5/7/1990 51B 51B
Unregulated Contaminants Clarification of Public Notification Requirements for Unregulated Contaminants* (WSG 133) 03/2000 133 133
Unregulated Contaminants Clarification of Public Notification Requirements for Unregulated Contaminants* (WSG 136) 1/1/2015 136 136
Unregulated Contaminants Clarification of Public Notification Requirements for Unregulated Contaminants* (WSG 141) 8/1/2001 141 141
Unregulated Contaminants Clarification of Public Notification Requirements for Unregulated Contaminants* (WSG 142) 10/1/2001 142 142
Unregulated Contaminants Clarification of Public Notification Requirements for Unregulated Contaminants* (WSG 146) 11/1/2001 146 146
Unregulated Contaminants Clarification of Public Notification Requirements for Unregulated Contaminants* (WSG 150) 12/1/2001 150 150
Analytical Requirements/Laboratory Certification Analytical Methods Home Page via the Internet (WSG 115) 2/1/1994 115 130
Analytical Requirements/Laboratory Certification Possible Toxicity of Aluminum* (WSG H25) 3/1/1990 H25 H26
Unregulated Contaminants Secondary MCL Range for Aluminum(this guidance may be updated)* (WSG H36) 8/1/1991 H36 H38
Unregulated Contaminants Monitoring for Unregulated Contaminants (WSG H46) 7/1/1992 H46 H49
Variances And Exemptions Guidance for Regional Review of Variance and Exemptions Granted by the Primacy States Pursuant to the SDWA (WSG 14) 9/15/1978 14 14
Variances And Exemptions Guidance for the Issuance of Variance and Exemptions (WSG 18) 7/13/1979 18 18
Variances And Exemptions Variances and Exemptions from Maximum Contaminant Levels under the Safe Drinking Water Act (WSG 17) 5/21/1979 17 18A
Variances And Exemptions Illegal Use of Variance/Declaratory Judgement (WSG 18) 07/21/1979 Revised 11/1998 18 19
Variances And Exemptions Methods of Preventing States from Using Illegal Variances (WSG 18A) 8/10/1979 18A 19A
Variances And Exemptions Availability of Exemptions Under Section 1416(b)(2)(A) of the SDWA as Amended (40 CFR 142.55); Information Memo (WSG 30) 2/20/1987 30 30
Variances And Exemptions Delegations of Authority for the Public Water System Supervision Program* (WSG 55) 7/23/1990 55 60
Variances And Exemptions Request for Deviation for 40 CFR 35.115 (e) and (h)* (WSG 127) 6/25/1999 127 127
Variances And Exemptions Variances and Administrative Orders (WSG H22) 08/1989 Revised 09/1998 H22 H23
Variances And Exemptions Variances and Exemptions for Fluoride Revised in the Phase II Rule* (WSG H49) 7/1/1992 H49 H52