Social Media on Chronic Disease

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'Tis the season! Take these steps to help you stay safe and keep healthy during the holidays. #COVID19 #HealthyHolidays
Moving more and sitting less has important health benefits for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level. Find out more about key physical activity recommendations. #ActivePeople
PH Researchers: #500Cities equipped the 500 largest US cities with neighborhood-level health data. Now renamed #PLACES, these data have been expanded to every community across the country! #localdata
#DYK If you smoke cigarettes, it can be harder to recover from a lung illness, like #COVID19. For free help to quit smoking visit

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Karen Hacker, MD, MPH, Director, CDC NCCDPHP & division directors, invites public health professionals to talk about chronic disease prevention & health promotion.

Page last reviewed: December 17, 2020