About the Program

Contributing CDC’s skills and resources for a healthier world without vitamin and mineral deficiencies

IMMPaCt 20 Years


In 2000, CDC established the International Micronutrient Malnutrition Prevention and Control (IMMPaCt) program.

Program Goal

The program goal is to work collaboratively to achieve optimal health among vulnerable populations by improving micronutrient nutrition globally. Micronutrients are also called vitamins and minerals. IMMPaCt focuses on iron, vitamin A, iodine, folate, zinc, and vitamin D.

Leadership & Activities

Photo of smiling young girl

The people most likely to be affected by micronutrient malnutrition are women, infants, young children, and adolescents. Photo by Jim Stipe, Lutheran World Relief.

IMMPaCt works with its global partners to:

  • Provide leadership for global micronutrient deficiency elimination by contributing to the development of policies and guidelines, taking an active role in cereal grain and home fortification, and participating in nutrition initiatives
  • Support implementation of high quality assessments, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and surveillance systems in countries
  • Enhance the evidence base to improve nutrition interventions and program effectiveness

Key IMMPaCt activities:

  • Participating on steering committees, boards, and as active members of nutrition initiatives
  • Developing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and surveillance systems
  • Implementing national micronutrient surveys
  • Supporting networks that promote mass food fortification and home fortification
  • Implementing applied research

For more information, see Our Work.


Since 2000, the CDC IMMPaCt program has provided technical assistance, training, and/or funding to approximately 60 countries. IMMPaCt has assisted some countries with multiple activities such as national micronutrient surveys, evaluation surveys, nutrition surveillance, domestic surveys, and technical assistance for monitoring programs.

IMMPaCt works in 8 to 10 countries at a time, with each country project lasting an average of 3 to 7 years. Annually, IMMPaCt provides over $3 million in funding and/or technical assistance through cooperative and interagency agreements with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Agency for International Development (USAID), Nutrition International (NI), the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), and other global partners.

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