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This page contains a table that organizes the names and publication dates of the Bioenergy Technologies Office's key research and development portfolio documents, providing succinct descriptions of each document. Scroll to the Key Publications table below and read the descriptions to find the publication that best fits your needs.

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Key Publications

Publication NameDescriptionDate of Publication
Office Overviews, Investment Summaries, and Fact Sheets
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) works with industry, academia, and our national laboratory partners on a balanced portfolio of research in biomass feedstocks and conversion technologies. Through research and development efforts geared toward innovative technologies, BETO is helping transform the nation's renewable and abundant biomass resources into cost competitive, high-performance biofuels, bioproducts, and biopower.
Bioprocessing Separations Consortium Three-Year OverviewThe Bioprocessing Separations Consortium brings together teams from U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories to move cost-effective, high-performing separations technologies to market faster. This is done through coordinated separations research that targets challenges relevant to industry. This report summarizes the efforts undertaken by the consortium since its inception in 2016. During this time, four critical challenges in biochemical and thermochemical processing were addressed.

October 2020

Interested in Becoming a BETO Project Reviewer?BETO is always in need of subject matter experts to review research funding applications. If you would like to become a BETO reviewer, download this fact sheet for more information on how to apply.October 2020
Sustainable Aviation Fuel: Review of Technical Pathways ReportThis report provides an overview of commercial jet aviation fuel and summarizes learnings from three BETO-supported workshops. In addition, the report focuses on insights for reducing costs and optimizing the value proposition of sustainable aviation fuel.September 2020
Plastics for a Circular Economy Workshop: Summary Report This report summarizes the results of a public workshop sponsored by BETO, the Advanced Manufacturing Office, and Mars held on December 11–12, 2019 in Golden, Colorado. The Plastics for a Circular Economy Workshop brought together experts from industry, academia, and national laboratories to discuss opportunities and challenges facing the development of new technologies to address plastic waste.July 2020
Bioenergy Technologies Office: Growing America’s Energy FutureAn overview of how BETO supports groundbreaking technologies to produce fuels, products, and power from non-food sources of biomass and waste resources.July 2020
Federal Activities Report on the Bioeconomy: AlgaeThe Algae Interagency Working Group under the Biomass Research and Development (BR&D) Board meets to discuss U.S. federal funding and regulatory activities to increase awareness and coordination among algae relevant government programs. The Federal Activities Report on the Bioeconomy: Algae is a follow on report to the BR&D Board’s Federal Activities Report on the Bioeconomy that summarizes Bioeconomy Initiative activities for the algae stakeholder community.July 2020
Bioenergy Technologies Office 2019 R&D State of TechnologyBETO funds research and development on technologies necessary for the deployment and production of cost-competitive bioenergy, primarily biofuels. Results of experimental efforts are periodically compiled and compared with benchmark technology designs to assess overall progress. This report provides a status of those R&D efforts at the end of 2019.July 2020
Integrated Strategies to Enable Lower-Cost BiofuelsThis report summarizes the findings of a qualitative analysis to identify integrated strategies needed for more affordable biofuels. It outlines five key strategies needed to achieve lower fuel production costs in an integrated biorefinery and provides high-level research needs across the biofuel supply chain.July 2020
2019 Project Peer Review ReportThis document summarizes the evaluations provided by an independent external panel of experts at BETO's 2019 Peer Review meeting on March 4–7, 2019 in Denver, Colorado.April 2020
Bio-Restore Workshop Summary ReportThis report summarizes the results of a BETO-sponsored public workshop held at Argonne National Laboratory on September 25–26, 2019. The Bio-Restore Workshop brought together experts to discuss the current state of technologies relevant to terrestrial and algal biomass, and to identify data and research and development relevant to the bio-restore concept.April 2020
Bioenergy Consortia: The Spirit of National Laboratory CollaborationDOE’s national laboratories collaborate on cutting-edge research and development projects through the use of multi-lab consortia. BETO funds seven bioenergy industry consortia across the United States. This fact sheet highlights the seven bioenergy industry consortia.

January 2020

FY 2018 BETO Successes Fact SheetBETO focuses on early-stage applied research and development (R&D) to enable sustainable and cost-effective technologies capable of producing bioenergy from non-food sources. In FY 2018, BETO achieved significant R&D advances in renewable fuels and bioproducts. This fact sheet highlights some of those successes.April 2019
2017 Project Peer Review ReportThis document summarizes the recommendations and evaluations provided by an independent external panel of experts at BETO's 2017 Peer Review meeting.February 2018
Bioenergy Knowledge Discovery Framework Fact SheetAn overview of an online collaboration and geospatial analysis tool that allows researchers, policymakers, and private industry to explore and engage the latest bioenergy research.July 2017
Bioprose Fact SheetThe Bioprose blog is a key resource for scientific information on the U.S. bioeconomy. The blog posts will provide technical knowledge that shows how BETO sustainably develops biofuels and bioproducts; they will also communicate how researchers are making progress in enhancing U.S. energy security and competitive advantage.June 2017
Bioenergy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2016 SuccessesBETO forms cost-shared, public-private partnerships to help sustainably develop cost-competitive biofuels and bioproducts in the United States from non-food biomass resources. Fiscal year 2016 realized advances in renewable jet fuel and feedstocks research, as well as other hydrocarbon biofuel research and development breakthroughs.March 2017
2016 Billion-Ton Report: Volume 2 Fact SheetsA series of fact sheets that summarize Volume 2 of the 2016 Billion-Ton Report and provide an overview of the actions and research that could enhance the environmental benefits while minimizing negative impacts of biomass production. March 2017

2016 Billion-Ton Report (BT16), Volume 2: Environmental Sustainability Effects of Select Scenarios from Volume 1

Volume 2: Environmental Sustainability Effects of Select Scenarios from Volume 1, jointly released by BETO and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is a pioneering effort to analyze a range of potential environmental effects associated with illustrative near-term and long-term biomass-production scenarios from the 2016 Billion-Ton Report, Volume 1. January 2017
Strategic Plan for a Thriving and Sustainable BioeconomyThis strategic plan provides the framework to realize BETO’s mission to develop transformative and revolutionary sustainable bioenergy technologies for a prosperous nation.December 2016
The Billion Ton Bioeconomy Initiative: Challenges and OpportunitiesThis report addresses several challenges and opportunities that stakeholders have identified as critical to the success of the Bioeconomy Initiative.November 2016
Growing America's Energy FutureAn overview of how BETO is accelerating the development of a sustainable U.S. bioenergy industry to improve our nation's energy security, stimulate the economy, and reduce climate impacts.July 2016

2016 Billion-Ton Report: Advancing Domestic Resources for a Thriving Bioeconomy, Volume I

Volume 1: Economic Availability of Feedstocks of the 2016 Billion-Ton Report is a resource analysis that focuses on the potential economic availability of biomass feedstocks under specific market scenarios.July 2016
2016 Billion-Ton Report: Volume 1 Fact SheetsThe 2016 Billion-Ton Report Volume 1 Fact Sheets provide a brief summary and comparison of the 2016 Billion-Ton Report with the 2011 U.S. Billion-Ton Update, an overview of the potential of different feedstock resources (e.g., forest and agricultural resources, algae, municipal solid waste), and the capacity of feedstock supply systems.July 2016
2015 Bioenergy Technologies Office Peer Review Report This document summarizes the recommendations and evaluations provided by an independent external panel of experts at BETO's 2015 Peer Review meeting.April 2016
Bioenergy Technologies Office FY 2017 Budget At-a-GlanceThis two-page summary highlights what BETO does, why our work matters, and details about FY 2017 priorities and associated funding levels in each of the programs.March 2016
Bioenergy Technologies Office Multi-Year Program PlanThis regularly updated plan details BETO's strategic and performance goals, targets, activities, and milestones across the biofuels supply chain that are designed to help achieve national economic and energy goals.March 2016
Federal Activities Report on the BioeconomyThe Federal Activities Report on the Bioeconomy is a product of an interagency collaboration under the Biomass Research and Development Board, which includes members from the Departments of Energy, Agriculture, Interior, Transportation, Defense, and the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Science Foundation, and the Office of Science and Technology Policy. The report has been prepared to emphasize the significant potential for a stronger U.S. bioeconomy through the production and use of biofuels, bioproducts, and biopower. The report also delves into the wide-ranging, federally funded activities that are currently helping to bolster the bioeconomy.February 2016
Bioenergy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2014 Annual ReportBETO Fiscal Year 2014 Annual ReportMay 2015

Bioenergy Key Publications

This overview highlights key publications issued by BETO.March 2015
Growing America’s Energy Future: Bioenergy Technologies Office Successes of 2014This publication highlights a few significant accomplishments that BETO achieved in 2014. These accomplishments lead toward establishing a fully commercialized, robust, domestically sourced bioindustry. These efforts cover the full range of technology areas in BETO's portfolio.March 2015
Replacing the Whole Barrel To Reduce U.S. Dependence on OilThis overview provides highlights of BETO's major research, development, demonstration, and deployment activities to advance biomass conversion, technology integration in biorefineries, and supply logistics to provide a secure, sustainable supply of advanced biofuels.July 2013
Feedstock Technologies
The success of the U.S. bioeconomy depends, to a large degree, on the quantity and quality of biomass available, and on the industry's ability to cost-effectively utilize biomass for energy production. These documents delineate BETO's feedstock production and logistics activities.

Feedstock-Conversion Interface Consortium Fact Sheet

This fact sheet is an overview of the Feedstock-Conversion Interface Consortium, which is an R&D consortium of DOE national laboratories dedicated to quantifying, understanding, and managing biomass variability from the field to downstream conversion. December 2019
Feedstocks Supply and Logistics: Mobilizing High-Quality and Sustainable Conversion-Ready FeedstocksA summary of BETO Feedstock Supply and Logistics Program, which focuses on early-stage technology R&D to develop and supply high-quality, energy-dense, and sustainable conversion-ready feedstocks.July 2019
Regional Feedstock Partnership Report The Regional Feedstock Summary Report summarizes the accomplishments of the Regional Feedstock Partnership from 2008 through 2014. It captures the progress made in validating assumptions regarding crop yields in the 2005 Billion-Ton Study, informing and revising the assumptions in the 2011 U.S. Billion-Ton Update and the 2016 Billion-Ton Report: Advancing Domestic Resources for a Thriving Bioeconomy, and in advancing biomass feedstock research and development.December 2016
U.S. Billion-Ton Update: Biomass Supply for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts IndustryThis analytical report is an update to the 2005 study. It expands on the original report to include a spatial, county-by-county inventory of potentially available primary feedstocks; price and available quantities (e.g., supply curves) for the individual feedstocks; and a more rigorous treatment and modeling of resource sustainability.August 2011
Advanced Algal Systems
Carries out a long-term applied research and development strategy to increase the yields and lower the costs of algal biofuels by working with partners to develop new technologies, to integrate technologies at commercially relevant scales, and conduct crosscutting analyses. This will help researchers understand the potential and challenges of an algal biofuel industry ultimately capable of producing billions of gallons per year of renewable diesel, gasoline, and jet fuels. These activities are integrated with the Office's longstanding approach to accelerate the commercialization of lignocellulosic biofuels.
Advanced Algal SystemsAn overview of how algal biofuels are generating considerable interest, and represent promising pathways to potentially help meet the biofuel production targets.June 2019
Algae Cultivation for Carbon Capture and Utilization Workshop Summary ReportThe Algae Cultivation for Carbon Capture and Utilization Workshop Summary Report summarizes a workshop hosted by BETO on May 23–24, 2017, in Orlando, Florida. The event gathered stakeholder input through facilitated discussions focused on innovative technologies and business strategies for growing algae on waste carbon dioxide resources.September 2017
Algal Biology Toolbox Workshop Summary ReportThe Algal Biology Toolbox Workshop Summary Report summarizes an event hosted by BETO’s Advanced Algal Systems Program in May 2016. The purpose of the Algal Biology Toolbox Workshop was to collect input from experts in the field of algal biology regarding (1) the current state of algal biological tools, including our understanding of algal biology and biochemistry, available molecular toolboxes, databases, and other resources; (2) challenges to developing and applying a full suite of biological tools to improve algae performance and system robustness; and (3) strategies to advance progress toward commercial algal biofuels.September 2016
2016 National Algal Biofuels Technology Review Fact SheetAn overview of the 2016 National Algal Biofuels Technology Review.June 2016
2016 National Algal Biofuels Technology ReviewThe 2016 National Algal Biofuels Technology Review presents information from a scientific, economic, and policy perspectives that can support and guide research, development, and deployment investment in algal biofuels. While addressing the potential economic and environmental benefits of using algal biomass for the production of liquid transportation fuels, the review describes the current status of algae technology.June 2016
Algal Biofuels Technology RoadmapThis roadmap presents information from a scientific, economic, and policy perspectives that can support and guide research, development, and deployment investment in algal biofuels. While addressing the potential economic and environmental benefits of using algal biomass for the production of liquid transportation fuels, the Roadmap describes the current status of algae technology.June 2010
Conversion Technologies
BETO focuses its conversion activities on two routes: biochemical and thermochemical. These efforts focus on technologies and processes that can reduce the cost and increase the efficiency of producing biofuels, bioproducts, and biopower. These documents provide information about the steps involved in biochemical and thermochemical conversion and highlight Office activities in conversion and efforts to achieve improvement.
Waste-to-Energy from Municipal Solid Wastes ReportBETO conducted an assessment of potential research and development activities that could improve the economic viability of various municipal solid waste-to-energy options. In the Waste-to-Energy from Municipal Solid Wastes Report, DOE identifies several R&D opportunities for cost-competitive waste-to-energy facilities.August 2019
Agile Biofoundry Fact SheetThis fact sheet is an overview of the Agile Biofoundry, which has a goal to enable 50% reduction in time from conception to the industrial scale up of bioprocesses. The ABF platform unites the unique abilities of DOE national laboratories with targeted outcomes such as an improvement in Design-Build-Test-Learn biological engineering cycle efficiency, new microbial host organisms, and market transformation through the transfer of intellectual property and manufacturing technologies to U.S. industry.April 2019
Chemical Catalysis for Bioenergy (ChemCatBio) Fact SheetThis fact sheet is an overview of Chemical Catalysis for Bioenergy (ChemCatBio), which is an R&D consortium of DOE national laboratories dedicated to identifying and overcoming catalysis challenges for conversion of biomass and waste feedstocks. Its collaborative approach integrates catalysis and process R&D from foundational science to pilot-scale technology evaluation.March 2019
Cell-Free Synthetic Biology and Biocatalysis-Listening Day Summary ReportBETO hosted a listening day in Denver, Colorado, in 2017, to discuss research and development opportunities related to cell-free synthetic biology and biocatalysis. BETO has developed a report summarizing the day’s discussions.October 2018
Moving Beyond Drop-In Replacements: Performance-Advantaged Biobased Chemicals Workshop Summary ReportThis report summarizes presentations and discussions from a workshop BETO held in June 2017, to gather stakeholder input on the research and development necessary for novel biobased compounds and functional replacements.June 2018
Rewiring the Carbon Economy: Engineered Carbon Reduction Listening Day Summary ReportThs report is based on the proceedings of BETO’s Engineered Carbon Reduction Listening Day, held on  July 8, 2017, in La Jolla, California.February 2018
Biofuels and Bioproducts from Wet and Gaseous Waste Streams: Challenges and OpportunitiesAn assessment of the resource potential and technology opportunities provided by feedstocks, including wastewater treatment-derived sludge and biosolids, animal manure, food waste, inedible fats and greases, biogas, and carbon dioxide streams.January 2017
Biomass Conversion: From Feedstocks to Final ProductsAn overview of the office's efforts to convert algae, diverse types of cellulosic biomass, and emerging feedstocks into renewable fuels that are compatible with today’s vehicles and infrastructure.July 2016
Hydrogen, Hydrocarbons, And Bioproduct Precursors From Wastewaters Workshop ReportBETO and the Fuel Cell Technologies Office jointly sponsored a workshop on Hydrogen, Hydrocarbons, and Bioproduct Precursors from Wastewaters (HHBPW) on March 17–18, 2015, in Washington, D.C. The workshop focused on the use of biological, biochemical, and other techniques to produce hydrogen and higher hydrocarbons (containing three or more carbon molecules) from wastewaters. January 2016
Bioproducts to Enable Biofuels Workshop Summary ReportThis report is based on the proceedings of BETO’s Bioproducts to Enable Biofuels Workshop, held on July 16, 2015, in Denver, Colorado. December 2015
Biogas Opportunities Roadmap Progress ReportDOE, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and U.S. Department of Agriculture jointly released the Biogas Opportunities Roadmap Progress Report, updating the federal government's progress to reduce methane emissions through biogas systems since the Biogas Opportunities Roadmap was completed by the three agencies in July 2014. The report highlights actions taken, outlines challenges and opportunities, and identifies next steps to the growth of a robust biogas industry.December 2015
Waste-To-Energy Workshop Summary ReportThis report is based on the proceedings of BETO’s Waste-to-Energy Workshop, held on November 5, 2014, in Arlington, Virginia.June 2015
Energy-Positive Water Resource Recovery Workshop ReportReport for the Energy-Positive Water Resource Recovery Workshop hosted by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and DOE on April 28–29, 2015, in Arlington, Virginia.April 2015 
Data, Modeling, and Analysis (formerly Sustainability and Stragetic Analysis)
Proactively identifies and addresses issues that affect the scale-up potential, public acceptance, and long-term viability of advanced bioenergy systems; as a result, the area is critical to achieving BETO’s overall goals. In addition, system-level analyses inform strategic direction and planning efforts; they focus on technology development priorities and identify key drivers and hurdles for industry growth. Technology-specific analyses explore sensitivities and identify areas where investment may lead to the greatest impacts. 
2016 Billion-Ton Report (BT16), Volume 2: Environmental Sustainability Effects of Select Scenarios from Volume 1Volume 2: Environmental Sustainability Effects of Select Scenarios from Volume 1, jointly released by BETO and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is a pioneering effort to analyze a range of potential environmental effects associated with illustrative near-term and long-term biomass-production scenarios from the 2016 Billion-Ton Report, Volume 1. January 2017
Incorporating Bioenergy Into Sustainable Landscape Designs Workshop Two Summary ReportThis report is based on the proceedings of BETO’s second Incorporating Bioenergy into Sustainable Landscape Designs Workshop, held from June 24–26, 2014, in Argonne, Illinois. June 2014
2015 Bioenergy Market ReportThis report provides a status of the markets and technology development involved in growing a domestic bioenergy economy. It compiles and integrates information to provide a snapshot of the current state and historical trends influencing the development of bioenergy markets and highlights some of the key energy and regulatory drivers of bioenergy markets. February 2017
Chemicals from Biomass:
A Market Assessment of Bioproducts with Near-Term Potential
This report assesses the increased momentum toward the deployment and scaled-up production of bio-derived chemicals. March 2016
Process Design and Economics for the Conversion of Algal Biomass to Biofuels: Algal Biomass Fractionation to Lipid-and Carbohydrate-Derived Fuel ProductsThis design report evaluates the economics of algal biomass sugars fermentation to ethanol, followed by solvent extraction of lipids to produce renewable diesel fuel.September 2014
Process Design and Economics for the Conversion of Algal Biomass to Hydrocarbons: Whole Algae Hydrothermal Liquefaction and UpgradingThis design report evaluates the economics of hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of whole algal biomass followed by the catalytic upgrading of the HTL oil to produce renewable diesel fuel.March 2014
Process Design and Economics for Biochemical Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass to EthanolThis document is a description of one potential biochemical ethanol conversion process, conceptually based upon core conversion and process integration research at NREL. The overarching process design converts corn stover to ethanol by dilute-acid pretreatment, enzymatic saccharification, and co-fermentation.May 2011
Design Case Summary: Production of Mixed Alcohols from Municipal Solid Waste via GasificationThis case study establishes cost targets for converting municipal solid waste to ethanol and other mixed alcohols via gasification. It highlights the liquid fuel synthesis process and an analysis of capital and operating costsOctober 2010
Design Case Summary: Production of Gasoline and Diesel from Biomass via Fast Pyrolysis, Hydrotreating, and HydrocrackingThis case study takes a look at the current state of conversion technologies in an effort to determine where improvements need to take place in the future. This design case is the first to establish detailed cost targets for the production of diesel and gasoline blendstock from biomass via a fast pyrolysis process.February 2010
Systems Development and Integration (formerly Advanced Development and Optimization)
Aims to reduce investment risk in bioenergy technologies and houses key initiatives such as the Co-Optimization of Fuels and Vehicles. 

Predictive Models and High-Performance Computing as Tools to Accelerate the Scaling-Up of New Bio-Based Fuels Workshop: Summary Report

This report summarizes the results of a virtual workshop sponsored by the Bioenergy Technologies Office held on June 9–11, 2020. The workshop discussed best practices for utilizing mathematical modeling tools across multiple scales to reduce technology uncertainty and accelerate scaling-up of biorefinery/chemical production equipment and optimize operations.November 2020
Co-Optimization of Fuels & Engines: FY19 Year in ReviewAn overview of the research activities and accomplishments of the Co-Optimization of Fuels & Engines initiative during the 2019 fiscal year.June 2020
Co-Optimization of Fuels & Engines – A Transportation Future with Science in the Driver’s Seat: Mapping a Viable Route Forward for Affordable, Efficient, and Clean Fuels and EnginesFor the past four years, the Co-Optima team has focused research efforts primarily on turbocharged (or “boosted”) spark-ignition (SI) engines for light-duty vehicles, identifying the fuel properties and engine parameters that mitigate knock and maximize boosted SI efficiency, emissions, and performance. The report highlights researchers’ answers to three vital questions: what fuels do engines want, what fuels should we make, and what will work in the real world?

March 2020

Co-Optimization of Fuels & Engines: Scientific Innovation for Efficient, Clean, and Affordable TransportationAn overview of the Co-Optimization of Fuels and Engines Initiative that is bringing together top scientists, engineers, and analysts from nine national laboratories with university and industry partners across the country to investigate fuels and engines as dynamic design variables that can work together to boost efficiency and performance, while minimizing emissions.March 2019
Alternative Aviation Fuels: Overview of Challenges, Opportunities, and Next StepsThe Alternative Aviation Fuels: Overview of Challenges, Opportunities, and Next Steps report, published by BETO provides an overview of the current state of alternative aviation fuels, based upon findings from recent peer-reviewed studies, scientific working groups, and stakeholder input provided during the Alternative Aviation Fuel Workshop.March 2017
Biorefinery Optimization Workshop Summary ReportThis report is based on the proceedings of BETO’s Biorefinery Optimization Workshop, held on October 5–6, 2016 in Chicago, Illinois. February 2017
Co-Optimization of Fuels & Engines: FY16 Year in ReviewAn overview of the research activities and accomplishments of the Co-Optima initiative during the 2016 fiscal year. January 2017
Integrated Biorefineries: Biofuels, Bioproducts, and BiopowerAn overview of integrated biorefineries and BETO's efforts to develop, build, operate, and validate integrated biorefineries on various scales. A crucial step in developing this industry is to establish integrated biorefineries capable of efficiently converting a broad range of biomass feedstocks into affordable biofuels, bioproducts, and biopower.August 2016
Co-Optimization of Fuels & Engines For Tomorrow’s Energy-Efficient VehiclesAn overview of the Co-Optimization of Fuels & Engines Initiative, which is accelerating the introduction of affordable, scalable, and sustainable biofuels and high-efficiency, low-emission vehicle engines. March 2016
Demonstration And Deployment Strategy WorkshopThis report is based on the proceedings of BETO Demonstration and Deployment Strategy Workshop, held on March 12–13, 2014, at Argonne National Laboratory.May 2014
Education & Workforce Development
BETO is advancing toward the goal of American energy independence through the development of tools and information on the careers, education, and training opportunities available to meet the needs of a growing bioenergy workforce.
Jobs & Economic Impact of a Billion-Ton BioeconomyA summary of how BETO's development of advanced technologies and real-world solutions support green job creation and retention.June 2017
2017 U.S. Energy and Employment ReportThe 2017 U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER) finds that the Traditional Energy and Energy Efficiency sectors today employ approximately 6.4 million Americans. These sectors increased in 2016 by just under 5 percent, adding over 300,000 net new jobs, roughly 14% of all those created in the country.January 2017