NASA Science at Home Activities

Earth Science, Grades K-5
GLOVE: Clouds

Descriptions of cloud types are combined with analogies related to cloud shapes and are acted... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-12

Mini lessons on the phytoplankton that live in the surface waters of the ocean; connected... Learn More

Solar System, Grades K-8
How to build a crater

Use baking ingredients to whip up a moon-like crater as a demonstration of how impact craters... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-8
Earth's Water

This activity will give participants an understanding of how much and where water is on Earth by... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-8
Erosion Explorations

Explore the effects of water on different surface types. This activity can be done both indoors... Learn More

All Science, Grades K-12
STEM at Home Challenger

STEM at Home is a collection of Challenger Center lessons and activities that can be modified... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 6-8
Story of Earth Resources

Observe our colorful and dynamic planet up close through satellite images and explanatory models... Learn More

Universe, Grades 9-12
Exoplanet Watch

Exoplanet Watch is an emerging citizen science project that is actively looking for people to... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 6-8
Satellite imagery of precipitation over the Pacific Northwest

Watch an animation to learn about the accumulation of rainfall over the western United... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-8
Water in the Atmosphere

This lesson helps students learn about the atmosphere by making observations and taking... Learn More

Solar System, Grades 3-8
Space Hazards

Learn about potential hazards on Earth and in our solar system and to identify possible... Learn More

Universe, Grades 3-8
Build a spacecraft model

Build your own Webb Space Craft model and learn about each part of the satellite as... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-12

Mini lessons on ocean circulation and its affect on Earth's climate; connected to Google... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-12
Rain Gauge Design Challenger

Use recyclable plastic bottles to build an instrument that could be used to measure rain.

Earth Science, Grades 6-12

Get creative assembling a paper model of the satellite, all you need is a printer and a coffee... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-8
Water Conservation

This lesson helps students think about ways humans use freshwater and how we can conserve this... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-8
Miniature Kites

Introduce the concepts of aerodynamics and wind and how they influence kite flight. Encourage... Learn More

Moon, Grades 6-8
Lunar eclipse illustration

Learn about the mechanics of lunar eclipses with these videos and visualizations that show the... Learn More

Moon, Grades 6-8
Kingdom in Peril

Explore the arrangement of the Sun, Earth, Moon system, and inclination of the Moon’s orbit... Learn More

Universe, Grades 9-12
Exoplanet Watch

Exoplanet Watch is a citizen science project to observe transiting exoplanets, planets outside... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-5
Weather and Climate Resources

Analyze weather patterns across different seasons, interpret climate zones across the United... Learn More

Universe, Grades K-5
Exploring the Universe - Imagining Life

Imagine and draw an extreme environment beyond Earth, then invent a living thing that could... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 6-8
Photo of group of people watching solar eclipse

Watch the video and witness the emotional reactions of people experiencing a total solar... Learn More

Solar System, Grades K-8
Exploring the Universe - Imagining Life

Explore! provides hands-on space science activities and supporting resources for out-of-school... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-8
Moon's Shadow

This visualization shows how the amount of sunlight reaching the ground is affected by the Moon... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-5
GLOBE: Water

The GLOBE Kids find that their local creek looks different than it did the last time they... Learn More

Moon, Grades K-8
Max Goes to the Moon

"Max Goes to the Moon" read out loud. The dog Max and his middle school owner, Tori, train to go... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-8
Water in the Biosphere

This lesson helps students learn about the biosphere by making observations and using a... Learn More

Earth Science, Everybody
ICESat 2 Tree Height

NASA's ICESat-2 uses lasers to measure heights on Earth, including tree heights. Join NASA... Learn More

Universe, Grades 9-12
Celestial Jukebox

Use the pattern of sound to observe transits. Derive Kepler’s Third Law from the data collected... Learn More

Solar System, Everybody
So You Want to go to Mars?
This video series will teach you about the International Space Station and space travel.
Earth Science, Grades K-8
Precipitation Towers

Use cubes as a way to graph precipitation data to compare the precipitation averages and... Learn More

Universe, Grades 9-12
Kepler's Laws

See the orbits of various artificial Earth satellites and how they demonstrate Kepler’s laws of... Learn More

Solar System, Everybody

The Solar System Treks are online, browser-based portals that allow you to visualize, explore,... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-5
The Carbon Cycle coloring page

The carbon dioxide cycle is the movement of carbon dioxide (CO2) between the land, the... Learn More

Solar System, Everybody
Building Rovers

The student who submitted the name for NASA's next Mars rover has been building his own version... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-2
Sun setting in the sky

Observe how the Sun, Moon, and stars appear to move across the day and night sky. Use this... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-2
Weather Resources

Get up close to a variety of weather conditions, encounter local weather patterns through... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 6-8
Visualization of tsunami propagation

Observe how a tsunami, triggered by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake in Japan in 2011, propagates and... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-8
Landsat Activity

Create a flipbook using remote sensing data and watch how the Ucayali River meander through Peru... Learn More

Moon, Grades 6-8
Kingdom in Peril

Save your kingdom from rebellion by decoding the cryptic letters left by attackers and explore... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-8
Connect the Spheres

This activity was developed to give participants an understanding of Earth’s four spheres and... Learn More

Solar System, Everybody
No Small Steps

Learn about NASA's Space Launch System and the challenges of deep space exploration in this... Learn More

All Science, Grades 3-8
Apollo Capsule

Make a paper replica of the Apollo Capsule ("Command Module") that flies as a free flying drogue... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-8
Snow Melt Experiment

When snow melts, it turns into water. Snow in the Sierra Nevada mountains becomes the water that... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-12
Building for Hurricanes

In this engineering design challenge, students build a tower to resist a simulated hurricane.... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-8
The Water Cycle

Gain an understanding of Earth’s water cycle by completing a webquest and building a model of... Learn More

Universe, Grades 3-12
Spacecraft Paper Models

There are several spacecrafts exploring our Universe at this very moment. You can build paper... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-2
Night Light Game

Observe how objects in a dark space can only be seen when light enters the space in this... Learn More

Solar System, Grades 6-8
Chart of the sun and planets

Observe the dynamic Sun and the rotation of the eight major planets in our solar system in this... Learn More

All Science, Grades 3-12
What does Cubesat do?

CubeSats offer flexibility and opportunity to students, engineers and researchers who want to... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-8
Water Cycle

Students will learn about the water cycle and how energy from the sun and the force of gravity... Learn More

Solar System, Grades K-8

Learn how robotic rovers and other vehicles are used to explore distant worlds, and experience... Learn More

Solar System, Everybody
asteroid activity demonstration

What is a close approach? Explore what it means when we say an asteroid will make a close... Learn More

Universe, Grades 3-12
Paper circuits

Paper circuits help learners of all ages explore the basics of electricity (energy that results... Learn More

Solar System, Grades K-8
Asteroid Mining Machine

Imagine the challenges and opportunities of asteroid mining. Participants will draw their own... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-5
Paper airplane template

Print the paper airplane template, fold along the lines and get ready for take off. Make... Learn More

All Science, Grades 6-12
ViewSpace Video Library

This video library gives you an opportunity to explore our planet, solar system, galaxy, and... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-12
My NASA Data

The world's surface air temperature is getting warmer. Whether the cause is human activity or... Learn More

All Science, Grades 9-12
Infinity Scope Virtual Field Trips

Infiniscope’s adaptive online learning experiences bring Earth and space science to life. Each... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 9-12
Visualization of global sea surface currents

This animation shows Earth’s ocean surface currents colored by corresponding sea surface... Learn More

Universe, Everybody
Night Sky Network

Look up! What can you see in the sky tonight? Skywatching and online activities for the whole... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 9-12
Simulation of ocean currents around the world

Watch this animated model that illustrates how the surface currents of the ocean move around the... Learn More

Solar System, Grades K-5
Landsat 9 Coloring Book

Download, print and color in the Landsat 9 Mission Logo. Share your creation on social media!... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 6-8
Visualization of ocean currents

Observe simulated ocean flows at the surface and at 2,000 meters below the surface with these... Learn More

All Science, Grades K-12

Sharing resources that connect to Earth Day and illustrate NASA's role in scientific research... Learn More

Universe, Grades 6-12

NASA's space science researchers control some of the world's most sophisticated space probes and... Learn More

Solar System, Everybody
Roads on Mars

Use teamwork and problem solving to plan your Mars Mission Objectives and document your... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-5
Clouds Have Names

Do you know that clouds get their names from their shape, how high they are in the sky, and if... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-8
GPM Lesson

Students learn the purpose of the GPM mission, the parts of the satellite and their functions... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-8
Carmen Travels the World

Carmen Travels the World is an activity in map reading that supports students' learning of how... Learn More

Sun, Grades 6-12
Electromagnetic Spectrum

A downloadable book and companion video to introduce you to electromagnetic waves and how... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-5
What is climate illustration

Learn about the basic relationship between weather and climate is this video that contrasts the... Learn More

All Science, Grades 6-8
Infinity Scope Virtual Field Trips

Infiniscope brings Earth and space science to life with resources that include lesson plans,... Learn More

All Science, Everybody
NISE Network Sciece at Home

Hands-on STEM activities that can be done with common materials you may already have in your... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-12

Mini lessons on explosive volcanic eruptions and their impact on the planet; connected to Google... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-5
Make a colorful aurora with oil pastels

In this activity, students can make your own learn about auroras and make their own colorful... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-8
Paper kite template

Create a paper kite from the printable paper template and common household materials to learn... Learn More

Universe, Grades 3-12

AstroPix puts images from telescopes around the world and in space at your fingertips. Users can... AstroPix

Earth Science, Grades K-8
Water in a bag

Observe and investigate the water cycle by confining the processes of the water cycle to a bag.... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-5
Globe: Seasons

The GLOBE Kids wonder why hummingbirds have stopped visiting their school. They learn about the... Learn More

Universe, Grades 6-12
3D printing the X-ray universe

3D modeling objects in our Universe offers a unique tool to understand scientific data and while... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-12

Mini lessons on the Urban Heat Island phenomenon and the impact an environment has on absorbing... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-8
NASA Globe Family Guide

Los niños aprenden sobre la ciencia a través de la exploración, el juego y alimentando su... Learn More

Universe, Grades 3-12
Exoplanet Resource Guide

A collection of resources (science background, activities, multimedia, posters/handouts,... Learn More

All Science, Grades 9-12
Space Resources Grades 9-12

Analyze light curves to search for exoplanets and explore the dynamic Sun, stellar life cycles,... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-5
GLOBE Earth System

The GLOBE Kids prepare to perform a play about the parts of the Earth system. However, the kids... Learn More

Universe, Grades 6-12
Spitzer VR Experience

A virtual tour and interactive experience where you control the Spitzer telescope and learn... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-5
Globe: Climate

Take an adventure and learn that climate change affects the whole world, from the tropics to the... Learn More

Solar System, Grades 6-8

Collaborative teams to engineer water filters with basic materials, and by playing a game to... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-12
Sprouting Plants

Investigate how plants sprout from seeds, how plants grow, and the effects of different types of... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-12
My NASA Data

Mini lesson on Crosscutting Concept: Scale, Quantity, and Proportion; connected to Google... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-5
Simulation of delta formation

See how deltas have formed at the mouths of the Atchafalaya River and Wax Lake Outlet with video... Learn More

Solar System, Grades 3-5
Make a Planet Mask

Learn all about the eight planets in our solar system and make a cool wearable planet mask with... Learn More

Universe, Everybody
Illustration of colorful folded paper.

Origami provides solutions to many problems in modern science and engineering; explore how it... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-2
Chalk outline of shadow

Explore how the position of the Sun in the sky affects shadows on Earth’s surface in this live-... Learn More

Solar System, Grades 3-8
Small Worlds: Women in STEM

Explore la vista de nuestro sistema solar desde la perspectiva del Sol y recopile datos sobre... Learn More

Solar System, Grades 3-12
Moon Rock Webinar

This webinar explains how lunar samples connect the past, present, and future. There are... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-8
Sea level rise photo

In this activity, students will learn about sea ice and land ice. They will observe ice melting... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-2
Objects and Light

Observe how objects can be seen in a dark space when light enters the space, and how different... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-2
Chalk outline of boy's shadow

Observe how shadows will change size and direction depending on the position of the object or... Learn More

Universe, Grades 3-12
Recoloring the Universe

Using data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and other satellites on exploded stars, star-... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-2
Space Resources K-2

Learn to identify and predict daily patterns of motion of the Sun, Moon, and stars across the... Learn More

Universe, Grades 3-12

This activity guide may be used to create a scale model of the TRAPPIST-1 system in a small... Learn More

All Science, Grades 6-12
NASA Science Rewind

The Scientific Visualization Studio wants you to learn about NASA programs through visualization... Learn More

Earth Science, Everybody
Marine Carbon Cycle Game

This game allows players to travel along the marine carbon cycle and learn about the ocean. All... Learn More

Universe, Grades 3-12
Stars Resource Guide

A collection of resources (science background, activities, multimedia, posters/handouts,... Learn More

Solar System, Grades K-5
HEO Scan

Find online and hands-on activities related to human space exploration for elementary students... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-12

Mini lessons on how scientists use albedo to measure change in the cryosphere; connected to... Learn More

Sun, Grades 3-8

Introduce the concept of the electromagnetic spectrum, light absorption, and their significance... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-12
Cloud in a Jar

Predict, investigate, and discuss the "ingredients" needed to make a cloud. The Cloud in a Jar... Learn More

Universe, Grades 6-8
Afterschool Universe

Use hands-on activities to take middle school-aged children on a journey through the universe!... Learn More

Solar System, Grades 3-5
Space Resources

Use data, interactive models, and videos to explore patterns caused by Earth’s rotation and... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 9-12
History of the Earth Resources

Explore the evidence used to unravel the story of Earth. Characterize the events and processes... Learn More

Solar System, Grades K-5
Juno Coloring Book

Unleash your creativity and download one of our three coloring pages today! Inspired by JunoCam... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 9-12
Weather and Climate Resources

Analyze and explore the flow of energy into and out of Earth’s systems using models of global... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-5
Landforms and bodies of water

Students gain experience creating models of landforms and bodies of water, reviewing the... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-2
Earth System Resources

Explore different landforms and bodies of water around the world, observe and map landforms and... Learn More

Solar System, Grades 3-8

Self-guided STEM activities that integrate planetary science, technology, and engineering... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-12
Phytoplankton Quiz
Which phytoplankton are you?
Solar System, Grades K-5
The Curator's Coloring Book

Download and print coloring and word activity pages about the Apollo Moon rocks and Antarctica... Learn More

Universe, Grades 3-12
Girls Steam Ahead

Help your community explore the wonders of NASA science, and celebrate the contributions of... Learn More

Solar System, Grades 3-8
Where are the Small Worlds?

Explore the view of our solar system from the perspective of the Sun and collect data on small... Learn More

Sun, Grades 3-5
Play Helios!

In this game, students will keep the Sun shining bright by combining protons and neutrons in... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-5
Earth System Resources

Observe patterns in the locations of volcanoes and earthquakes, explore the availability and... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 6-12
Landsat Activity

Make your own animated GIF of a Landsat scene time series using LandTrendr. Share your creation... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 6-12
Landsat Activity

In this activity, we will locate where eight different features seen by Landsat are located on... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-8
Measuring Precipitation

This inquiry-based lesson engages students in designing and testing a device to measure rain.... Learn More

Earth Science, Everybody
Build a windsock

Learn about wind direction and wind force with this activity to build a windsock for your porch... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-8
Water droplet

This lesson helps students learn about the hydrosphere by making observations and collecting... Learn More

All Science, Grades 3-12
How do cubesats get into orbit?

Learn how CubeSats catch a ride into space on rockets that have extra room for the small... Learn More

Earth Science, Everybody
Spot the Station

Watch the International Space Station pass overhead from several thousand worldwide locations.... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 9-12
Data visualization of atmospheric CO2

Learn how the amount of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere has changed over time and how it... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-5
Continental snow cover visualization

Analyze data on continental snow cover in this visualization based on data collected by the... Learn More

Solar System, Grades 6-8
Worlds Apart Engineering Design remote sensing

Use the Engineering Design Process to design remote sensing devices that can help scientists... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-8
Our Blue Marble

Our Blue Marble takes students through seven activities focusing on what makes Earth a unique... Learn More

All Science, Grades K-12

NASA eClips has a library filled with videos for students to view as well as educator resources... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 6-8
Visualization of global winds

Observe atmospheric circulation on Earth with these visualizations from NASA; see global... Learn More

All Science, Grades 3-12
What is CubeSat?

Learn the basics of CubeSats, the small spacecraft that are designed and built to... Learn More

Universe, Grades 6-12
Universe of Learning

In this activity, participants use balloons to model the expansion of the universe and observe... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-8
Water in the Geosphere

This lesson helps students learn about the geosphere by making observations and collecting data... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-8

Introduce the concept of barometric pressure and its significance in weather phenomenon. Teach... Learn More

Solar System, Grades 3-5
Mundos Pequenos

Observe the speed of small worlds to determine their location in the solar system.

Universe, Grades 3-12
Photo inside airplane

Now it’s possible to explore NASA’s flying observatory with a new 3-D virtual tour that brings... Learn More

Universe, Grades 6-12
Eyes on Exoplanets

“Eyes on Exoplanets” will fly you to any planet you wish—as long as it's far beyond our solar... Learn More

Universe, Grades 6-12
ViewSpace: Unveiling the Invisible Universe

There is more to the universe than meets the human eye, most of what we know about the universe... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-2
Light Resources

Observe that objects are only visible when illuminated by light, explore how light... Learn More

Solar System, Grades K-5
HEO Scan

Find online and hands-on activities related to human space exploration for elementary students... Learn More

Universe, Grades 3-12
Universe of Learning

Activities for learners of all ages to engage in the science of NASA astrophysics from home.... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-12
Feature Hunter

Help NASA develop training data for computers to recognize Earth features from the ISS and Space... Learn More

All Science, Grades K-5
Color the Universe

Downloadable and printable coloring books to learn about the universe, solar system, sun and... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-8
Make Your Own Cloud in a Bottle Activity Demonstration

When snow melts, it turns into water. Snow in the Sierra Nevada mountains becomes the water that... Learn More

Universe, Grades 6-12
Universe Unplugged

Explore the universe of astronomy with videos that entertain and inform; Universe Unplugged... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-8
The Mystery of a Winter Twig

The Mystery of the Winter Twig explores deciduous (leafy) trees as they transition from winter... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-5
Globe: Air Quality

Investigate colors in the sky and learn how air pollution affects sky color and our health.... Learn More

Universe, Grades 9-12
Hubble space telescope

Latest news on the science and discoveries from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. Select stories... Learn More

Solar System, Grades 3-5
In Good Hands Space Gloves

Learn about space hazards and help engineer part of a space suit for a new NASA mission! Kids... Learn More

Solar System, Grades K-8
Activities related to the moon

Downloadable activity book with mix of SMD and HEO content related to the Artemis mission... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-5
Make Handprint Art Using Ultraviolet Light

In this activity, students will learn how sunscreen can be used to block the Sun's ultraviolet... Learn More

Moon, Grades 6-8
Phases of the Moon

Explore the phases of the Moon in this cool 80's retro style experience featuring your AI friend... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-8

Use the letter decoder to find out what in the world you’re looking at in this Landsat 8 image... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-5
The Water Cycle coloring page

The water cycle is a never-ending global process of water circulation from clouds to the land,... Learn More

Universe, Grades K-8

StarChild is a learning center for young astronomers to learn about the solar system, the Milky... Learn More

Universe, Grades 3-12
Universe Unplugged

Explore the universe of astronomy with videos that entertain and inform! Universe Unplugged... Universe Unplugged

Earth Science, Grades 6-8
Visualization of global precipitation

Learn about patterns in global precipitation with this gallery of data visualizations that show... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 6-12
GPM Core Paper Model

Build a paper model of the GPM Core Observatory and learn about the technology the satellite... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-2
Children learning about light reflections

Explore how some smooth, shiny, flat materials reflect light in this live-action video from PEEP... Learn More

Solar System, Grades K-12
Pocket Solar System

Make a scale model of the distances between objects in our solar system. Learn about the space... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-5

The GLOBE Kids are on the trail of Scoop, an eager dog who loves to dig holes in the soil. At... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-5
Identifying Landforms and Bodies of Water

Explore and identify landforms and bodies of water on a map of the world; it is anticipated that... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-5
Earth Fan

To remember that Earth is much more than just the surface we see every day, make this Earth... Learn More

Solar System, Grades 6-8
Space Resources Grades 6-8

Visualize the scale of the solar system and explore how the relative positions and motions of... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 6-8
Weather and Climate Resources

Observe global patterns in weather and climate and visualize how regional climates are affected... Learn More

Moon, Grades 6-8
Kingdom in Peril

Save your kingdom from revolt by demonstrating that solar eclipses are predictable, natural... Learn More

Universe, Grades 3-12
Hand holding a paper card with green lights and a circuit

A hands-on activity using printable templates and creating simple paper circuits. Paper circuits... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades K-2
Juicy Light

Explore how light responds when it interacts with different types of juice in a live-action... Learn More

Universe, Grades 3-12
Astrophysics Picture of the Day

A new picture everyday! Print out today's APOD and start a family discussion! Guess what is... Learn More

Universe, Grades 9-12
transit method

Learn how astronomers search for extrasolar planets using the transit method through these... Learn More

All Science, Grades 3-8
ICESat 2 Ice Cores Activity

Students will learn why scientists need to collect ice cores by creating their own using simple... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 3-8
Flappy Plane

Fold and create a ring wing paper airplane that flaps through the air by following the template... Learn More

Earth Science, Grades 6-8
Jet Stream visualization

Learn about Earth’s jet streams with these visualizations from NASA. Fast-moving belts of wind,... Learn More