Utility Programs

Utility programs are small programs that perform a variety of useful functions for Registry Plus programs. They are implemented as Microsoft® Windows® applications using dynamic link libraries (DLLs) for their core operations. The DLL mechanism allows other programs to link to function libraries at run-time, giving full access to the capabilities within.

Conversion Specifications for NAACCR 21

The conversion specifications describe the actions of the conversion program written to convert records in the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) version 18 fixed width format to the NAACCR version 21 XML standard.

Effective with implementation of the NAACCR XML standard, data items are defined in XML dictionaries. The NAACCR base dictionary defines the standard NAACCR data items maintained by NAACCR as defined in the NAACCR Data Standards and Data Dictionary. The NAACCR base dictionaries for versions 18 and 21 are included in the NorthCon installation and are stored in the Data Dictionary folder within the application folder. The NAACCR base dictionaries are needed to convert data from NAACCR version 18 to 21.

The base dictionaries were final at the time of release of NorthCon, but are subject to change over time and can be replaced in the Northcon Data Dictionary folder. Please check NAACCR’s websiteexternal icon for the latest versions of the base dictionaries and replace the dictionaries in the Data Dictionary folder as needed.

Since NAACCR’s Data Standards and Data Dictionary, Volume II no longer specifies start columns for any data items effective with NAACCR version 21, and the State Requestor Item section is no longer included in the layout, user items must be defined individually in a user dictionary to convert data from user-defined fields in version 18 to 21. A simplified method for adding data items to a user dictionary has been added to NorthCon to address user-defined data items.

Non-standard data in reserved areas of the version 18 NAACCR record will not be preserved during conversion using CDC’s conversion utility. The reserved data items have been retired in NAACCR version 21.

Conversion specifications are described below.

  1. Performs conversions related to staging, grade, and SSDI fields for cases diagnosed on or after January 1, 2018 and lists some of these cases for review.
    Most scenarios requiring manual review are for those collecting AJCC TNM 8th Edition staging and EOD. For registries not requiring AJCC TNM staging and EOD, the review is optional; however, manual review listings will be generated if the file contains records with AJCC TNM and/or EOD staging data items populated.
  2. Move data from Name−−Maiden to a new item, Name−−Birth Surname.
  3. Set Staging API Versions Original and Current based on Date of Diagnosis.
  4. Convert Phase I Radiation Treatment Modality.
  5. The NAACCR Record Version [item 50] value is set to ‘210’ in each converted record.

NorthCon21.exe Record Converter: NAACCR 18 to NAACCR 21

First release, version, build date August 28, 2020

NorthCon21.exe, a freestanding program for Microsoft Windows, converts files of cancer registry records from NAACCR 18 to NAACCR 21, which are data formats prescribed by the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR). Input files should conform to NAACCR version 18 fixed width files. Converted output files will contain records in the NAACCR version 21 XML standard format. See the program’s online help for usage instructions.

Note: v18 edits should be run and errors corrected prior to running the conversion.

The setup package contains a description of the application program interface and instructions for running the software.

  • Download the latest version of NorthCon, Northcon21_installer_08_28_20.zip (ZIP file, 3 MB, August 28, 2020) to your computer.
  • Unzip the file and run setup.exe to install the software. This program will install NorthCon21 without disturbing previous versions of Northcon.

A NorthCon 21 DLL is under development to perform conversion with a program other than NorthCon21.exe. The NorthCon 21 DLL will be posted once available.

Converting Previous Versions

The following older versions convert older NAACCR data files to more current NAACCR versions—

  • Northcon180_1.0.0.3 Record Converter: Converts NAACCR version 16.0 to NAACCR 18.0: Download setup_northcon180_1.0.0.3.exe (April 18, 2019, 501 KB)
  • Northcon160_1.1.1 Record Converter: Converts NAACCR version 15.0 to NAACCR 16.0: Download setup_northcon160_1.1.1.exe (March 4, 2016, .6 MB)
  • Northcon150_1.1.1 Record Converter: Converts NAACCR version 14.0 to NAACCR 15.0: Download setup_northcon150_1.1.1.exe (March 17, 2015, 1.6 MB)
  • Northcon140_1.0.2 Record Converter: Converts NAACCR version 13.0 to NAACCR 14.0: Download setup_northcon140_1.0.2.exe (March 18, 2014, 1.4 MB)
  • Northcon130_1.0.2 Record Converter: Converts NAACCR version 12.2 to NAACCR 13.0: Download setup_northcon130_1.0.2.exe (April 8, 2013, 1.3 MB)
  • Northcon122_1.0.0 Record Converter: Converts NAACCR version 12.1 to NAACCR 12.2: Download setup_northcon122_1.0.0.exe (December 12, 2011, 1.4 MB)
  • Northcon121_1.0.3 Record Converter: Converts NAACCR version 12.0 to NAACCR 12.1: Download setup_northcon121_1.0.3.exe (September 15, 2011, 1 MB)
  • Northcon12_1.0.3.exe Record Converter: Converts NAACCR version 11.x to NAACCR 12.0: Download setup_northcon12_1.0.3.exe (January 11, 2012, 917 KB)

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Page last reviewed: September 1, 2020