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2017 Project Peer Review

2017 Project Peer Review

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) is hosting the 2017 Project Peer Review on March 6–9, 2017, in Denver, Colorado. During the event, approximately 192 projects in BETO’s research, development, and demonstration portfolio will be presented to the public and systematically reviewed by more than 40 external subject matter experts from industry, academia, and federal agencies. The 2017 Project Peer Review will include six simultaneous review sessions of projects within the nine technology areas highlighted below:

  1. Feedstock Supply and Logistics 
  2. Advanced Algal Systems
  3. Thermochemical Conversion
  4. Biochemical Conversion
  5. Waste to Energy 
  6. Analysis and Sustainability 
  7. Demonstration and Market Transformation 
  8. Co-Optimization of Fuels and Engines 
  9. Feedstock-Conversion Interface Consortium. 


Registration for the BETO 2017 Project Peer Review is free. To confirm your attendance, please complete the registration form.


A limited block of discounted lodging is available at the Sheraton Denver Downtown in Denver, Colorado, for reservations made by February 20, 2017. 

2017 Project Peer Review Meeting Materials


View the draft agenda for the 2017 Project Peer Review.