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Lesson Plans
Search through the Education Toolbox to find lesson plans and lab activities for use in your classroom. Filter by subject, grade level, and energy literacy principle. 

Coloring and Activity Book
The Coloring and Activity Book is designed for children as a fun learning tool to inform them about bioenergy and raise their awareness of alternative fuel sources and renewable energy.

Biomass Basics: The Facts About Bioenergy
Biomass Basics provides general information about bioenergy, its creation, and potential uses.


Bioenergy Basics 101 Game 
The Bioenergy Basics 101 Game is a category style game designed for individuals with a general background in high school biology or environmental science. 

Bioenergy Quiz
The Bioenergy Quiz is an online, interactive tool that encourages everyone to learn about the important role bioenergy plays in our sustainable energy future. 


Bioenergy: America’s Energy Future
Bioenergy: America's Energy Future is a short documentary film showcasing stories of bioenergy innovations across the biomass supply chain and the United States.

Energy 101: Biofuels
Biomass is an organic renewable energy source that includes materials such as agriculture and forest residues, energy crops, and algae.

Energy 101: Feedstocks for Biofuels and More
See how organic materials such as corn stover, wheat straw, and woody plants are being used to create homegrown biofuels in the United States—all while reducing our dependence on foreign oil and creating jobs in rural America.

Energy 101: Algae-to-Fuel
One of the fuel sources of the future is algae, small aquatic organisms that convert sunlight into energy


Bioenergy Institute for Educators 
The Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center offers a 5-day program for educators to learn about the latest developments in bioenergy research and hands-on materials to use with students.

Bioenergy & Bioproducts Education Programs 
USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture offers professional development opportunities for STEM educators (grades 6 through undergraduate university level) in the in the areas of Bioenergy and Bioproducts, Sustainability, and Systems Thinking.


Biomass Basics
The Biomass Basics Webinar provides general information about bioenergy, its creation, and its potential uses, and is designed to assist teams competing in the BioenergizeME Infographic Challenge.

Guide to the BioenergizeME Infographic Challenge
This webinar is designed to guide interested students, teachers, and other educators through the submission process and highlight the resources that are available on the BioenergizeME Infographic Challenge website.

Bioenergy in the 9th–12th Grade Classroom
This webinar is designed to support high school educators and administrators in planning activities for their classrooms that integrate bioenergy topics with the life sciences, physical sciences, earth and space.


Can't find what you're looking for in our Education Toolbox? Check out these websites for more bioenergy-related lessons, activities, and other online resources for educators.

Creative Discovery Museum - The Creative Discovery Museum has many activities that are organized by grade level and are designed to give students a fun, hands-on introduction to the science related to biofuels.

GLBRC – The Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC) provides materials that are designed to engage students in learning about science and engineering challenges associated with producing sustainable biofuels. All materials are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and designed to fit within the curriculum of standard K-16 science courses.

NREL - The National Renewable Energy Laboratory provides a variety of educational resources to help students, teachers, and parents educate their kids about renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, including hands-on projects and curriculum suggestions for elementary school, middle school, and high school students as well as teachers.

EIA Energy Kids – Find fun games and engaging information from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) to help K-12 students learn about the history of bioenergy, its sources, and how it is used.

NEED Project – The National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project has a large library of lessons and curricula covering topics in bioenergy.

The Energy Teacher Resource - The Energy Teacher Resource is a collaboration between the Association of Science-Technology Centers and BP designed to provide resources and support on energy and energy use. Find resources to help you plan your lessons and classroom activities on energy literacy.

CLEAN - The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) provides a collection more than 600 energy resources for classrooms from middle school through higher education. Search for activities that have been reviewed by teaching professionals.