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PNNL researcher Jason Fuller described PNNL power grid research at the new Systems Engineering Building.  Courtesy of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

The Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium (GMLC) was established as a strategic partnership between DOE and the national laboratories to bring together leading experts, technologies, and resources to collaborate on the goal of modernizing the nation’s grid. The benefits of the GMLC include more efficient use of resources; shared networks; improving learning and preservation of knowledge; enhanced lab coordination and collaboration; and regional perspective and relationships with local stakeholders and industry.  One of the main components of the GMI portfolio is the Grid Modernization Lab Call, which is a comprehensive effort of eighty-eight projects that span over the course of three years managed by the national laboratories.

View the 2016 GMLC Project Awards.

Participating Labs

Argonne National Laboratory

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Idaho National Laboratory

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

National Energy Technology Laboratory

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Sandia National Laboratory

Savannah River National Laboratory

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory


Click on the links below to learn more about GMI

GMI Home

About GMI

Resilient Distribution Systems Lab Call Awards

Grid Modernization Lab Call Awards

Funding Opportunities


2017 Peer Review

2018 Peer Review