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The interactive map above highlights biorefinery projects funded by the Bioenergy Technologies Office at pilot, demonstration, and pioneer scales. Adjust the map filters to control the information displayed.

Integrated biorefineries use novel technologies and diverse biomass feedstocks—requiring significant investments in research, development, and deployment to reduce costs, improve performance, and achieve competitiveness with fossil fuels. Our partner biorefineries are demonstrating the technical and economic viability of integrating and scaling up a range of innovative technologies—fostering private investment in the growing U.S. bioeconomy. Learn more about these facilities through our infographics:

Pioneer Scale:                      POET-DSM                                    INEOS                                   Abengoa

Pilot Scale:                            Alpena

Further information about the Office's integrated biorefinery (IBR) projects is available in the IBR Portfolio Overview fact sheet brochure and below.

A crucial step in developing the U.S. bioindustry is to establish first-of-a-kind integrated biorefineries that are capable of efficiently converting a broad range of biomass feedstocks into commercially viable biofuels, biopower, and other bioproducts. Integrated biorefineries are similar to conventional refineries in that they produce a range of products to optimize both the use of feedstocks and production economics.

Integrated biorefineries employ various combinations of feedstock and conversion technologies to produce a variety of products, with the main focus on producing biofuels. Co-products can include chemicals (or other materials), animal feed, and heat and power. The renewable feedstocks utilized in integrated biorefineries include the following:

  • Energy crops, such as switchgrass, miscanthus, willow, and poplar
  • Agricultural, forest, and industrial residues, such as bagasse, stover, straws, forest thinnings, sawdust, and paper mill waste
  • Algae and other micro-organisms.

Federal support for first-of-a-kind integrated biorefineries can help validate costs and performance, thus reducing the technical and financial risks associated with deploying new technology for the U.S. bioeconomy. This work supports the national "all-of-the-above" strategy to develop every source of American energy—reducing costs to consumers and improving energy security.