As the nation's largest employer, the federal government must model effective employment policies and practices that advance America's ideal of equal opportunity for all.

Tools and Resources

Federal Agency Employment Strategies: A Framework for Disability Inclusion (PDF) — A guide that outlines promising and emerging employment strategies and practices for recruiting, hiring, advancing, and retaining qualified individuals with disabilities in federal agencies.

Report on the Employment of Individuals with Disabilities in the Federal Executive Branch — Provides data on the representation of people with disabilities in the Federal workforce as a result of Executive Order 13548 — published September 2016.

Building an Inclusive Workforce (PDF) — A Four-Step Reference Guide to Recruiting, Hiring, & Retaining Employees with Disabilities.

EARN's Mental Health Toolkit: Resources for Fostering a Mentally Healthy Workplace — This toolkit from the Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) provides background, tools and resources that can help employers learn more about mental health issues and cultivate a welcoming and supportive work environment for employees who may be facing mental health issues. It also presents an easy-to-follow framework for fostering a mental health-friendly workplace, all built around the "4 A's": Awareness, Accommodations, Assistance and Access.

  • Palm Card — This card illustrates the "4 A's" from the Employer Assistance and Resource Network's Mental Health Toolkit

ODEP Mental Health Topic Page — Information and resources on mental health in the workplace.

Service and Emotional Support Animals in the Workplace: What Federal Employers Should Know — This fact sheet provides federal employers with the key information they need to know about how to include and support employees with disabilities who use service and emotional support animals in the workplace.

A Guide to Planning Accessible Meetings, Events & Conferences — This guide offers practical guidance from a host of meeting planning professionals and subject-matter experts.

Rule Implementing Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act (PDF): Section 501 requires federal agencies to establish an affirmative action program for the hiring, placement, and advancement of individuals with disabilities. This rule clarifies the obligations that Section 501 places on federal agencies as employers.

Diversity in the Federal Workforce: Employing Individuals with Disabilities (PDF): This research-to-practice brief discusses the competitive advantages of a diverse workforce and provides recommendations for including disability as one segment of a diverse workforce.

Federal Workplace Mentoring Primer (PDF): This guide discusses workplace mentoring as a strategy to increase the retention, job performance, and career advancement of employees in the federal workforce.

Special Hiring Authorities

Schedule A Hiring Authority — Hiring authority that allows federal agencies to hire people with certain targeted disabilities non-competitively.

The ABCs of Schedule A — Fact sheets from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that provide information on using the Schedule A hiring authority for a variety of audiences.

Schedule A Hiring Fact Sheet for Youth (PDF) — Fact sheet explaining the Schedule A hiring authority to youth with disabilities who are seeking employment in the federal government.

Special Hiring Authorities for Veterans — Information about special hiring authorities federal agencies can use to hire veterans, including disabled veterans.

Tips for Applicants with Disabilities Applying for Federal Jobs — Comprehensive information for people with disabilities on applying for federal jobs.

Best Practices

Federal Agency Employment Strategies: A Framework for Disability Inclusion (PDF) — A guide that outlines promising and emerging employment strategies and practices for recruiting, hiring, advancing, and retaining qualified individuals with disabilities in federal agencies.

Federal Exchange on Employment and Disability (FEED) — An interagency working group focused on information sharing, best practices, and collaborative partnerships designed to make the federal government a model employer of people with disabilities. Membership is open to federal employees at any level whose job duties involve inclusion of people with disabilities, including recruitment, hiring, retention, and advancement.

Summary of Promising and Emerging Practices for Enhancing the Employment of Individuals with Disabilities Included in Plans Submitted by Federal Agencies under Executive Order 13548 (PDF) — Identifies promising and emerging practices for advancing the recruitment, hiring, and retention of individuals with disabilities identified in 10 selected agency plans submitted under Executive Order 13548. The report helps agencies learn about practices that can enable the federal government to achieve the goal of becoming a model employer of individuals with disabilities.

Federal Agency Promising and Emerging Practices Facilitating Self-Identification of Disability (PDF) — The primary method used by federal agencies to count employees with disabilities is self-identification. It's important for federal agencies to develop and implement comprehensive strategies for facilitating self-identification of disability. This guide outlines effective policies, practices, and procedures for doing this.

Useful Links

Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Federal Employment of People with Disabilities Website — Provides information about federal disability hiring programs, reasonable accommodations in the federal workplaces, related laws and executive orders, and other resources.

Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP) — The federal government's centrally funded accommodation program. Provides assistive technology and services free of charge to federal agencies.

Job Accommodation Network (JAN) — ODEP-funded service that provides free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and other disability employment issues.

Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) — A program that connects federal employers nationwide with highly motivated college students and recent graduates with disabilities who are seeking summer internships or permanent employment.

Emergency Preparedness — Guidance for federal agencies on ensuring their emergency preparedness plans consider the needs of employees and visitors with disabilities.