U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division
Best Management Practice (BMP) Toolkit - Core Elements:
Land and Ecosystems

Green remediation strategies for land and ecosystems capitalize on a "whole-site" approach that accelerates cleanup while returning a site to its natural conditions. Ecological restoration and preservation at sites anticipated for full or partial reuse as greenspace are best managed through site surveys and careful master planning. BMPs focus on opportunities to preserve natural land features, maintain open space, sequester carbon, enhance biodiversity, increase wildlife habitat, and minimize surface and subsurface disturbance.

Sample BMPs

  • Conducting an inventory of ecological species, land contours, and drainage patterns prior to remedy construction to facilitate restoration that best recreates original conditions
  • Selecting and installing native, drought-resistant plants (while avoiding invasive species) to foster rapid recovery in disturbed areas
  • Rescuing and relocating sensitive or threatened species, with potential assistance from environmental or academic organizations
  • Covering ground surfaces of construction and maintenance corridors with mulch and metal grates to prevent soil compaction by heavy machinery

Site-Specific Examples

  • Natural gradient-driven settling ponds and constructed wetlands to restore land degraded by acid mine drainage at De Sale Restoration Area
  • Landfill containment meeting "federal greening" objectives and conserving additional natural resources at Barksdale Air Force Base

View page 16 of Green Remediation: Incorporating Sustainable Environmental Practices into Remediation of Contaminated Sites (56 pp, 814K) to learn more about ecological and soil preservation within the context of site management.

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