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Gaseous Hydrogen Delivery

Gaseous hydrogen is most commonly delivered either by trucks or through pipelines. Because gaseous hydrogen is typically produced at relatively low pressures (20–30 bar), it must be compressed prior to transport. Learn more about gaseous hydrogen compression.

Trucks that haul gaseous hydrogen are called tube trailers. Gaseous hydrogen is compressed to pressures of 180 bar (~2,600 psig) or higher into long cylinders which are stacked on the trailer that the truck hauls. This gives the appearance of long tubes, hence the name tube trailer. Learn more about tube trailers.

Photo of a hydrogen tube trailer

Gaseous hydrogen can also be transported through pipelines much the way natural gas is today. This is common for long distance and high volume transport. Most existing hydrogen pipelines are installed at oil refiners as hydrogen is used in the petroleum upgrading process. Learn more about pipelines.