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HUD No. 20-184
HUD Public Affairs
(202) 708-0685
October 26, 2020

Event featured the Community First! Village in Austin, Texas

WASHINGTON - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson today hosted the second “The Mustard Seed Series” meeting. The virtual series highlights faith organizations that have successfully created affordable housing, reduced homelessness, or used innovative housing models to serve individuals in need. The meetings serve as a forum for other faith organizations to learn about the experiences of these communities and to replicate the successes they have experienced.

Today’s event focused on Mobile Loaves & Fishes (MLF) and the organization’s Community First! Village in Austin, Texas. Community First! Village is a 51-acre master planned development designed specifically for men and women who are coming out of chronic homelessness, while also providing them with a supportive community and opportunities to earn a dignified income through MLF’s Community Works micro-enterprise program. Mobile Loaves & Fishes encourages residents in cities throughout the country to adopt an attitude of service toward the homeless, helping to establish a broader community of love and support.

“When I visited Community First! Village earlier this year, I was inspired by their highly effective model for serving those facing homelessness in their community,” said Secretary Carson. “Faith-based organizations are in a unique position to impact change because they can build strong relationships with vulnerable populations. The City of Austin is seeing the power of these relationships first-hand.”

“At Mobile Loaves & Fishes, we firmly believe that the single greatest cause of homelessness is when an individual experiences a profound, catastrophic loss of family,” said Alan Graham, Founder and CEO of Mobile Loaves & Fishes. “That’s why everything we do in Community First! Village is focused on relationships. By connecting human to human, heart to heart with men and women who were once kicked to the fringe of society, we’re able to help address the relational wound they’ve experienced and begin reinstilling dignity into their lives in much needed ways.”

For more information about the Mustard Seed Series or to RSVP for an event, please email FaithInitiatives@hud.gov.


HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
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