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HUD No. 20-175
HUD Public Affairs
(202) 708-0685
October 15, 2020


[Secretary Ben Carson tours The Rockford Village EnVision Center in Youngstown, Ohio]
Secretary Ben Carson tours The Rockford Village EnVision Center in Youngstown, Ohio.
View additional pictures via Secretary Carson’s Twitter page here.

YOUNGSTOWN, OH - U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson today visited the Rockford Village EnVision Center, serving Youngstown, Ohio. Secretary Carson toured the center and met with the leadership and partner organizations.

The Rockford Village EnVision Center and its partners together offer childcare, counseling sessions, community programming, entrepreneurship programs, before and after school meal programs, a computer lab, and a re-entry program to help returning citizens find work opportunities after spending time in prison. This week, the center is launching educational assistance to families who need a helping hand to guide their students through remote learning.

“EnVision Centers bring a holistic approach to investing in people, setting them on a path towards economic mobility and self-sufficiency,” said Secretary Ben Carson. "As the first designated EnVision Center in Ohio, I’m pleased to see the expansion of programs offered here at Rockford Village over the past two years. Amid the pandemic, they’ve stepped forward to assist the community and continue to be a shoulder for those struggling to lean on.”

A national initiative, HUD's EnVision Centers coordinate with federal partners and local organizations to empower all people to fulfill their potential by providing the tools needed to succeed. Click here to learn more about the EnVision Center initiative.



HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
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