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HUD No. 20-027
HUD Public Affairs
(202) 708-0685
February 13, 2020

Visit with United Dwelling part of nationwide "Driving Affordable Housing Across America Bus Tour"

LOS ANGELES - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson today visited Los Angeles, California, as part of his "Driving Affordable Housing Across America Bus Tour." Secretary Carson visited United Dwelling, an organization that creates accessory dwelling units by working with property owners to convert garages or spare backyard space into affordable, rentable living spaces in the Los Angeles area. Secretary Carson toured an accessory dwelling unit and met with the leadership team, property owners, and tenants.

[Secretary Carson visits United Dwelling in Los Angeles, California]
Secretary Carson visits United Dwelling in Los Angeles, California

"There is no problem too large for American innovators and it was great to see ingenuity on display at United Dwelling today," Secretary Carson said. "The affordable housing crisis impacts communities all over the country. It is imperative we continue to have these conversations and explore creative solutions that can make a difference in the lives of so many Americans searching for affordable housing options."

"The lack of affordable housing is the biggest social crisis currently facing Los Angeles," United Dwelling Founder and CEO Steven Dietz said. "We were excited to share our innovative, data-driven, and scalable approach to financing and building housing at no expense to taxpayers with HUD Secretary Ben Carson. We look forward to continuing to work closely with Secretary Carson, state and local elected leaders, and communities to rapidly build affordable homes for residents across the region and meaningfully address the affordable housing crisis."

The "Driving Affordable Housing Across America Bus Tour" is a part of the work Secretary Carson is undertaking as the Chair of the White House Council on Eliminating Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing established in June 2019. The Council’s eight Federal member agencies are engaging with governments at all levels-State, local, and Tribal-and private-sector and non-profit stakeholders on ways to increase our country’s housing supply so more Americans have access to affordable housing.

Secretary Carson’s "Driving Affordable Housing Across America Bus Tour" will run through June 2020. For more information on Council’s work and tour locations, please visit www.hud.gov/drivingaffordablehousing or follow along via social media using #DrivingAffordableHousing.


HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
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