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HUD No. 20-005
HUD Public Affairs
(202) 708-0685
January 13, 2020


WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development today launched the new Building HOME online training series for the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program.

Building HOME online training is an interactive, self-paced online training which guides grantees through 12 modules, providing a foundation of the regulatory requirements of the program and practical advice for implementing all HOME activities at the state and local levels. The training presents real-world scenarios and includes challenge questions and exams.

Building HOME online training will be an important resource for new and existing grantee staff, which includes states and local governments and partners working with HOME funds. Newcomers to the HOME Program can work through each module to get a comprehensive understanding of the program, while current practitioners can use the online training to get tips on program implementation for each of the key HOME activities.

This initial launch includes 8 of the 12 training modules. Four additional modules will be launched in the next few months to complete the Building HOME online training series. Participants should register for the HUD Exchange mailing list to be notified when the new modules are launched and access the most up to date information related to the program.

The HOME program provides formula grants to states and localities that communities use in partnership with local nonprofit groups to fund a wide range of affordable housing activities. This includes building, buying, or rehabilitating affordable housing for rent or homeownership. HOME also provides direct rental assistance to low-income people. It’s the largest federal block grant to state and local governments designed exclusively to create affordable housing for low-income households.


HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
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