Sustainability Performance Division

Sustainability is crucial to increasing the efficiency of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) facilities and infrastructure, enhancing livability for the scientists and employees at the sites, improving performance for the taxpayer, and supporting the communities in which we live and work.

OUR VISION: Federal Leadership in Sustainability and Resilience by DOE

OUR MISSION: To proactively lead DOE's sustainability efforts, collaborate with DOE programs and promote the cost-effective use of resources while monitoring the effectiveness of sustainability programs and initiatives.

Learn more about SPD


Sustainability Spotlight Newsletter
Latest Edition: September 2020 Newsletter
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2020 U.S. Department of Energy Sustainability Award Winners
In 2020, the SPD recognized 13 teams and 6 individuals representing DOE sites and national laboratories.
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The Latest On DOE's Sustainability!
A quick summary of DOE's performance in sustainability for 2019.
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Earth Day 2020 - 50th Anniversary Celebration
U.S. Department of Energy's 50th Anniversary Earth Day Activities.
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Training Opportunities

  • TRN Risk Assessment Overview Training:
    • Learn how the Technical Resilience Navigator (TRN) can be used to assess your site’s energy and water resilience posture through a risk-informed approach.
    • This training on September 15, 2020 from 1:30-4:00 p.m. EST will go into detail on the quantitative risk assessment methodology used within the TRN and how to interpret results from the risk-screening. Register now.
  • EV Champion Training:
    • ​EV Champion Training is a new four-part live webinar series that covers everything you need to know about planning for electric vehicle adoption in your fleet.
    • Register now for Webinar 1: EV Technology and Financial Considerations on September 16, 2020 from 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. EST.
    • Complement your EV Champion Training with FEMP and NREL’s Federal Fleet Training Video Series, available here.
  • eProject Builder (ePB) Demonstration (Introductory): 
    • This demonstration on September 22, 2020 from 1–2:30 p.m. EST will introduce energy service companies, their customers, and other interested parties to ePB, covering the benefits of using ePB, project workflow, a walk-through of the data template, and a live demonstration.
    • Register now.
  • 2020 I2SL Conference:
    • Virtual event, October 4th - 7th, 2020.
    • Information and registration can be found here.
  • Data Center Toolkit Webinar – Air Management:
    • This webinar on October 7, 2020 from 2:30–4:00 p.m. EST will provide an overview of cooling air management in data centers; identification of typical energy-saving opportunities in air management; and selective demonstration of Berkeley Lab's air management tools, including the new Air Management Lookup Tables. Register now.
  • National Laboratories Information Technology (NLIT) Summit 2020:
    • Virtual event, October 13th – 16th, 2020. Information and registration can be found here.
  • Energy Exchange: 
    • Energy Exchange session videos are currently available to attendees on the event platform.
    • Attendees should complete session assessments on Whole Building Design Guide by October 14th to receive Continuing Education Units.
    • More information can be found here.
  • SuperCompute 2020 (SC20) Conference:
    • Virtual event, November 9th – 19th, 2020. Information and registration can be found here.
  • Browse training opportunities from FEMP

Visit the Whole Buildings Design Guide for pre-recorded webinars on a wide variety of topics from renewable energy, fleet management, commissioning, water systems and much more!