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How EERE Evaluates Funding Applications

EERE will perform multiple levels of review of submitted applications. These reviews may include obtaining input and expertise from individuals within EERE, or other individuals from industry, academia, and national laboratories.

For more information, see DOE's Merit Review Guide for Financial Assistance, refer to the Application Review Information section of each EERE FOA, and attend the FOA webinar that is provided for each EERE FOA.

Negotiating with EERE

After EERE selects an application for award negotiations, the selectee receives a selection notification letter, which will describe the negotiation schedule, identify additional forms that the selectee needs to submit, and identify any issues that need to be negotiated between the selectee and EERE. Additional reviews may be required, such as the review required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which requires federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision making processes by considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to those actions.

EERE strives to negotiate awards within 60 calendar days after the selectee is notified of selection. The applicants must designate primary and backup points-of-contact in EERE Exchange with whom EERE will conduct award negotiations. If an application is selected for award negotiations, it is not a commitment to issue an award. It is imperative that the selectee be responsive during award negotiations and meet negotiation deadlines. Not being responsive may result in EERE cancelling further award negotiations and rescinding the selection.

To download the forms typically required during the negotiation process, visit the Resources page.

Cooperative Agreements

The outcome of successful award negotiation is generally an award instrument called a "cooperative agreement."

Through cooperative agreements, EERE provides financial or other support to stimulate the development and deployment of renewable and energy efficient technologies authorized by federal statute. Under cooperative agreements, the government and recipients share responsibility for the project direction.

EERE has substantial involvement in all projects funded through cooperative agreements. The FOA will specify EERE's substantial involvement in each project. Below are examples of EERE’s substantial involvement:

  1. EERE shares responsibility with the recipient for the management, control, direction, and performance of the project.
  2. EERE may intervene in the conduct or performance of work under this award for programmatic reasons. Intervention includes the interruption or modification of the conduct or performance of project activities.
  3. EERE may redirect or discontinue funding the project based on the outcome of EERE's evaluation of the project at that the Go/No-Go decision point.
  4. EERE participates in all major project decision-making processes.