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EERE Funding Award Performance Reviews and Stewardship

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) will exercise normal federal stewardship in overseeing the project activities under the award. Stewardship activities include—but are not limited to—conducting site visits; reviewing performance and financial reports; providing technical assistance and/or temporarily intervening in unusual circumstances to address deficiencies that develop during the project; assuring compliance with terms and conditions; and reviewing technical performance after project completion to ensure that the project objectives have been accomplished.

Managing Changes

As the project progresses, scope, budget, and/or subcontractor changes may be necessary. Before making revisions to the award, recipients should refer to the Special Terms and Conditions in their cooperative agreement to understand the requirements associated with these types of changes. Revisions to the award may require the DOE Contracting Officer's prior approval.

Continuation Applications

A continuation application is a non-competitive application for an additional budget period within a previously approved project period. The Continuation Application and Funding term in the Special Terms and Conditions of the award specifies when a recipient must submit a continuation application to the EERE Technology/Program Manager and DOE Award Administrator.

Continuation funding is contingent on:

  1. The availability of funds appropriated by Congress for this program and the availability of future-year budget authority
  2. The recipient's technical progress compared to the Milestone Summary Table in the Statement of Project Objectives
  3. EERE's "Go/No-Go" decision
  4. The recipient's submittal of required reports
  5. The recipient's compliance with the terms and conditions of the award
Go/No-Go Decision Points

As part of the award, the Statement of Project Objectives establishes annual "go/no-go" decision points for each project. For each "go/no-go" decision point, EERE must determine whether the recipient has fully and satisfactorily completed the work described in the Statement of Project Objectives. As a result of a "go/no-go" review, EERE may take one of the following actions:

  1. Authorize federal funding for the project's next budget period
  2. Recommend redirection of work under the project
  3. Place a hold on the federal funding for the project, pending further supporting data
  4. Discontinue providing federal funding for the project beyond the current budget period as the result of insufficient progress, change in strategic direction, or lack of available funding