RAD Newsletter

This Newsletter is targeted primarily to public housing agencies (PHAs), Multifamily owners, lenders, investors, and other development partners who are participants in the RAD program. It will include information on key program statistics, news, and special events that take place each month. Additionally, each issue will highlight a few recently closed projects. See the lastest news, "RAD Successfully Winds Down RAP Legacy Program, Preserving 14,462 Affordable Housing Homes, Saving Residents from Displacement." Read more about it here.

RAD $10B Invested Pic

We are proud to announce that public housing properties converting through RAD have now generated over $10 billion in construction investment for the improvement and replacement of 140,000 units of deeply affordable homes. RAD continues to demonstrate that it is  a powerful tool to preserve and improve public housing properties and create better conditions for residents. Read more about it here
(Published November 12, 2020)

RAD Winds Down Rent Supp Legacy Program

RAD Successfully Winds Down RAP Legacy Program, Preserving 14,462 Affordable Homes, Saving Residents from Displacement.
(Published January 23, 2020)

RAD Winds Down Rent Supp Legacy Program

RAD Successfully Winds Down Rent Supp Legacy Program, Preserving More Than 13,000 Affordable Housing Homes, Saving Residents from Displacement. 
(Published February 13, 2019)