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UCPCOG PEEIF tool screenshot for Dept of Environmental Quality
Screenshot of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality application displaying houses that have received energy assistance overlaid on census tracts and categorized by the concentration of population that is more than 200% of poverty level.

Listen to a recording of the June 21, 2018 public webinar.

Supported by a financial assistance award from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Cities Leading through Energy Analysis and Planning (Cities-LEAP) project, a team led by the Upper Coastal Plain Council of Governments (UCPCOG) is piloting a new Powering Energy Efficiency and Impacts Project Framework (PEEIF) initiative to enhance the efficiency of energy service delivery to low-income households in northeastern North Carolina. The UCPCOG team established a legal framework and constructed a geospatial database tool (using a hierarchical permissions model for data access) to integrate and share information among local and state government entities and electric utilities to help the respective organizations better target energy service interventions and evaluate intervention performance.

Download the Final Report

Download the Fact Sheet

Preview the PEEIF Tool

Data Sharing Partners

  • NC Department of Heath and Human Services - Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP), Crisis Intervention Program (CIP)
  • NC Department of Environmental Quality - Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)
    • Regional Community Action Agencies
      • Choanoke Area Development Association, Inc. (CADA)
      • Wayne Action Group for Economic Solvency (W.A.G.E.S.)
  • Utilities
    • City of Wilson Energy
    • Roanoke Electric Cooperative
    • Town of Enfield

Project Team

Contact Us

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