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Program Performance Management

EERE maintains high level performance goals and regularly tracks how well it is achieving them. The Budget Office’s Performance Management team coordinates the planning and execution of key EERE goals. The performance management team’s work is key to ensuring efficient use of EERE funds, identifying key successes and areas for improvement, and coordinating administration and budgetary goals.

Major EERE performance management goals fall into six major categories, a summary of each can be found below.

Agency Priority Goals

Agency Priority Goals focus immediate attention on how senior leaders can achieve near-term goals. In addition, EERE contributes to the completion of DOE’s 13 Agency Priority Goals. How well EERE is meeting these goals is reported quarterly to OMB on Agency priority goals are high profile with increased visibility among the general public, Congress, and the current Administration.

Government Performance and Results Act Goals

The Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993 attempts to shift government decision making and accountability away from normal agency activity--such as grants dispensed or inspections made--to activity results.

Each EERE program has at least one annual goal in EERE’s annual Budget Request targeted to Congress. The Performance Management team works with each EERE office to develop quarterly milestones associated with each GPRA goal, which are then reported to OMB and the DOE CFO.

The Performance Management team also generates a quarterly report of GPRA goal progress. The quarterly report provides summary GRPA data for each EERE office. Senior leaders use this report to make decisions about EERE programs.

EERE Strategic Plan Goals & Success Indicators

EERE’s Strategic Plan includes multi-year goals and EERE success indicators. This document guides the organization on continuing to power our nation from clean, affordable and secure energy. Although EERE does not track quarterly progress for multi-year goals and success indicators, GPRA and other daily operational goals support multi-year goal progress. You can see how these goals relate within EERE. EERE senior leadership, industry stakeholders and the American public are the audiences for EERE success indicators and multi-year goals.

The Performance Management team assists EERE technology offices with multi-year goals in conjunction with budget planning through the Multiyear Program Plan (MYPP). The MYPP Template provides a general framework for multiyear planning. EERE offices are currently updating their Multi-year plans and associated goals. Refer to specific technology office sites for more information.

EERE Corporate Dashboard & Subprogram Goals

The EERE Corporate Dashboard goals collect performance outcomes for both EERE technology offices and EERE corporate and cross-cutting activities. These goals are useful for purposes of budget and portfolio management and are developed alongside GPRA goals.

Subprogram goals are similar to EERE Corporate Dashboard goals, although at the technology office level. These help EERE technology office directors to track and manage key program activities. Like dashboard goals, subprogram goals are developed during budget planning and GPRA goals. See a list of some EERE subprogram goals.

For further information about EERE performance management, contact Joe Bressler in the EERE Budget Office.