On August 28, 2018, U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta announced the new Office of Compliance Initiatives (OCI) to expand, strengthen and innovate the U.S. Department of Labor's compliance assistance outreach.

Coordinated by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy, OCI promotes greater understanding of federal labor laws and regulations, allowing job creators to prevent violations and protect Americans' wages, workplace safety and health, retirement security, and other rights and benefits. As part of its work, OCI will work with the enforcement agencies to refine their metrics to ensure the efficacy of the Department's compliance assistance activities.

What We Do

  • Partner with agencies on innovative compliance assistance as a complement to enforcement
  • Help employers understand and comply with the laws and regulations that agencies administer
  • Help prevent employment law violations, freeing up agencies to focus scarce resources on willful and repeat offenders

Areas of Focus

1. Outreach

2. Innovation

  • Develop social media and online compliance assistance tools
  • Identify innovative best practices to link with enforcement strategies

3. Culture

  • Share best practices and innovations with agency and field staff
  • Measure compliance-assistance milestones with metrics

4. Analysis

  • Enhance and expand upon data quality, sharing, and usage
  • Develop behavioral economic resources to facilitate compliance

Compliance Assistance Resources

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