District of Columbia Caucus

Welcome to the D.C. Caucus of MARAC! The Caucus currently has 165 members representing a wide variety of institutions: federal and local government research centers, colleges and universities, national headquarters of major non-profit organizations, and small, private libraries and archives. The Caucus offers periodic tours of member institutions and hosts a public Archives Fair annually during Archives Week.

Caucus Representative:

Andrew Cassidy-Amstutz
Library of Congress

TEL:  301/821-5244

Regional Sites:


Upcoming Events:

The 14th Annual Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area Archives Fair. Co-sponsored by NARA and MARAC's DC and Maryland Caucuses.

The National Archives and Records Administration, in conjunction with the DC and Maryland Caucuses, invite you to the 2010 Archives Fair. Connect with regional archivists and archival repositories as we celebrate Archives Week by sharing information about our diverse collections at the 14th Annual Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area Archives Fair.

Where: The National Archives (downtown facility), William G. McGowan Theater Lobby, 7th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC

When: Wednesday, October 27th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. [Note the change in time from years past.]

What: Participants from archives and related cultural institutions will reserve table space to display handouts, posters, etc., to share information about archives-related activities with their colleagues.

Program: This year’s program features Archivist of the United States, David S. Ferriero, who will moderate a panel discussion by U.S. Government agency historians related to the role historians play in their agencies. More details about the program will be available soon. Breakfast refreshments are planned.

Contribute to the RAFFLE: If your organization can donate a book, tote bag, or other branded item, let us know.

If you are interested in participating, please contact us by COB Monday, October 18th. Please note if you need access to an outlet for a laptop. No wireless or Internet connections will be available.

For more details contact Yvonne Carignan (202-383-1851 or carignan@historydc.org) or Elizabeth Novara (301-314-2712 or enovara@umd.edu).


Special Programs: