portrait of Christina Yancey
Christina Yancey, PhD
Chief Evaluation Officer

About CEO

Evaluating the performance and effectiveness of the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) programs and activities is key to the Department meeting its strategic goals. Evaluation builds evidence about what works, and what does not, to help make DOL’s efforts as effective as possible.

DOL’s Chief Evaluation Office (CEO), sponsors evaluation research related to the programs, policies, and enforcement activities that DOL sub-agencies oversee across the U.S. and internationally. CEO directly funds and sponsors evaluation research and collaborates with other DOL agencies to design and conduct evaluations that they sponsor.

DOL Evaluation Policy

Through all of its work, CEO is committed to compliance with the DOL Evaluation Policy, which presents key principles that govern DOL's planning, conduct, and use of program evaluations. The policy represents a commitment to conducting rigorous, relevant evaluations in an independent and transparent way, and to using evidence from evaluations to inform policy and practice.

DOL Evaluation Plans

To plan and communicate ongoing work, CEO develops DOL’s Evaluation Plan each year, a list of research projects to receive funding in the upcoming fiscal year. In the future, CEO will publish a Multi-Year Evidence-Building Plan, as required by the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018.

Agencies We Work With

To develop and implement evaluations, CEO works closely with all offices and agencies throughout DOL, including:

About CEO To develop and implement evaluations, CEO works closely with all offices and agencies throughout DOL, including: CEO also collaborates externally with colleagues in other federal departments and in the professional evaluation and research communities to continue building an evidence base for America’s labor policy and programs

Explore our website for more information on current and completed studies, or contact us at chiefevaluationoffice@dol.gov