Smoking Cessation: A Report of the Surgeon General

Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the U.S. Although the percentage of adults who smoke is at an all-time low in the U.S., 34 million adults still smoke and therefore continue to be at risk of developing smoking-related diseases.

This report makes it clear that one of the most important actions people can take to improve their health is to quit smoking. This is true regardless of their age or how long they’ve been smoking.

Quitting smoking can be difficult, but there are proven treatments and strategies to help people quit smoking successfully. The report outlines the latest research on these treatments including counseling (in-person and over the telephone with a quitline) and medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The report also sheds light on new and emerging opportunities to further promote and support cessation in our country.

We know more about the science of quitting than ever before. Ultimately, the report serves as a call to action to our nation—we can and must do more to ensure that proven cessation treatments are reaching the people who need them.

Full Report

Consumer Guide

Cover showing group of people looking at each other and laughing

What You Need To Know About Quitting Smoking

Advice from the Surgeon General

Provides an easy to read overview of the Surgeon General’s report and its findings. Also provides an overview of smoking cessation resources.

Fact Sheets

Order Documents

Order 2020 Surgeon General’s Report documents from our Publications Catalog. In the Publications Catalog, type in 2020 SGR in the search box.


U.S. Surgeon General Takes Action to Help Patients Quit Smoking
Are you a healthcare professional? The U.S Surgeon General is calling on you to take action to help Americans quit smoking. Make time during every visit to ask your patients about their tobacco use, advise them to quit, and connect them to treatment.


This infographic is useful for social media sharing and inclusion in other promotional activities like media kits, blog posts, newsletter articles/e-blasts, or presentations.

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Getting the Word Out

This digital partner toolkit  is a one-stop shop for media and communications resources from the Surgeon General’s Report, with ideas for how you can use these materials to share report findings with the media and your stakeholders. The toolkit includes the HHS news release, fact sheets, videos, a Consumer Guide, and social media content, message, and images.

Report by Chapter