From Indiana: Anne's Story

Anne tried to quit smoking many times. As a single mom from Indiana, the stress of raising her children while working full-time and going to college made it hard to give up cigarettes for good. It also was also hard for Anne to quit smoking because she knew many people who smoked, including her father and her sister. Being around others who smoke can lead someone who is trying to quit to want to smoke. It also was easier for Anne to rationalize smoking when she saw others doing it.

When her daughter turned 13—the same age Anne was when she started smoking—Anne realized that she did not want her daughter to go down the same path.

Anne from Indiana

Concern for her daughter was Anne’s main reason to quit, but she found some hope in an unexpected place. While watching TV one night, Anne and her family saw CDC’s Tips From Former Smokers® ad featuring Rebecca. Rebecca is someone who struggled with depression in addition to health problems from smoking. People in the U.S. who have mental health conditions—like depression, anxiety, or other conditions—are more likely to smoke than people who don’t have these conditions. After seeking help for her depression, Rebecca was able to quit smoking and started running.

Anne found Rebecca’s story “refreshing” and says that it gave her hope and “a glimpse of what life can be like after cigarettes.”

Anne’s boss, a former smoker herself, encouraged her to set a quit date. Soon after that date, Anne hadn’t smoked, but she also wasn’t sure she’d be able to quit for good. Anne got support in her quit journey from her mother’s husband, also a former smoker. Within a couple of weeks, she felt better and was more determined than ever to never smoke again.

Anne says she’d tried to quit many times before, but Rebecca’s story was the “nudge in the right direction” she needed to make it last. This time, the same determination that helped her raise a family while working and going to school kept her from getting discouraged. Having the support of her family and seeing Tips ads on TV reinforced Anne’s decision to quit.

Now, Anne says she’s living better than she ever imagined. She no longer has to take time out of other activities to smoke. Anne also says she’s much happier and, best of all, feels she’s a better mom. “Sometimes the best way to help your children is to help yourself,” she says. With more time for her kids and activities, she’s proving that true every single day.

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