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EERE's 2015 Budget

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) requested $2.317 billion in its fiscal year 2015 budget for research, development, demonstration, and deployment (RDD&D) activities, including several cross-cutting initiatives, that support the accelerated growth of the nation's clean energy economy. EERE works with many of the nation's most innovative businesses and research institutions with the explicit goal of making clean energy technologies directly cost-competitive, without subsidies, with the energy technologies we use today. EERE is the U.S. government's primary clean energy organization responsible for supporting high-impact RDD&D in the fields of sustainable transportation, renewable electricity, and end-use energy efficiency in homes, buildings, factories, and facilities.

The FY 2015 briefing document provides information about what EERE does, why our work matters, and details about FY 2015 priorities and associated funding levels in each of EERE's technology areas. DOE's budget request includes the full justification of the FY 2015 budget request to Congress. EERE's detailed budget justification is included in Volume 3 of the Department's submission. Also posted below is the series of webinars EERE presented in early April 2014. The "At-a-Glance" materials provide two-page summaries specific to EERE's program areas.

DOE's FY 2015 Budget Justification

EERE's 2015 Fiscal Year Budget Request Briefing

EERE budget webinar presentation slides:

Each of EERE's technology offices "At-a-Glance" materials: