2019: OSH’s Year of Cessation

2019 OSH Year of Cessation logo


Quitting smoking is one of the most important things individuals can do to protect their health. Tobacco use remains the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States, and the changing landscape of tobacco use demands innovation to expand and improve efforts to help people quit.

To bring attention to the critical role of cessation as part of a comprehensive tobacco prevention and control approach, OSH has declared 2019 its Year of Cessation.

Year of Cessation Goals

Venn diagram showing Year of Cessation overarching goals

Throughout the year, OSH will amplify resources and activities that support people in quitting tobacco. OSH’s activities will align with three overarching goals:

  • To develop and share tailored and/ or targeted cessation resources.
  • To increase the reach of cessation interventions and the use of cessation treatments among high-prevalence populations.
  • To improve engagement with health systems in order to advance the integration of cessation-related clinical care.

Year of Cessation Resources

Year of Cessation quarterly framework

The Year of Cessation focuses on different aspects of cessation policy, practice, and treatment through a quarterly framework, which begins and ends with a focus on helping people who use tobacco to quit.

Year of Cessation resources will be created each Quarter. Once ready for release, they can be accessed below.

Quarter 1: January to March 2019

Quarter 2: April to June 2019

Quarter 3: July to September 2019

Quarter 4: October to December 2019