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Nearly 16 million people still practice open defecation in Latin America and the Caribbean

A total of 15.5 million people are forced to practice open defecation in Latin America and the Caribbean, a practice that can pollute the environment and spread disease, warned the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) today on the eve of World Toilet Day.


1 in 5 men will not reach the age of 50 in the Americas, due to issues relating to toxic masculinity

Life expectancy for men in the Region of the Americas is 5.8 years below that of women, partly because societal expectations contribute to risk-seeking behaviors, says a new report from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). The report was launched on the eve of International Men’s Day (19 November).




Born too soon: Six mothers’ stories

One out of 10 babies in the Americas is born prematurely (before 37 weeks). Quality care, adequate temperatures, breastmilk, and follow up services are key to preventing complications and ensuring the healthy development of these babies.


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Carissa F. Etienne

"I believe strongly that good health is rooted in equity, universality, solidarity, and inclusiveness"

Dr. Carissa F. Etienne
Director of the Pan American Health Organization