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State and Local Spotlight Newsletters

A monthly update from EERE's Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs Office (WIP) for state, local, and K-12 officials featuring resources to advance successful, high-impact, and long-lasting clean energy policies, programs, and projects.

December 13, 2016
State and Local Spotlight - December 2016

The December newsletter features news, resources and blogs on new Better Buildings Accelerators, updated guidelines on residential PACE financing programs, newly released report on current practices in energy financing, and more.

November 3, 2016
State and Local Spotlight - November 2016

The November newsletter features news, resources and blogs on the Weatherization Assistance Program, recent Cities-LEAP report, Remote Alaska Communities Energy Efficiency Competition, and more.

October 6, 2016
State and Local Spotlight - October 2016

The October newsletter features news, resources and blogs on Better Communities Alliance, the Weatherization Assistance Program 40th Anniversary, and State Energy Efficiency Scorecard.

September 13, 2016
State and Local Spotlight - September 2016

The September newsletter features news, resources and blogs on State Energy Program competitive award selections, LED lighting, Weatherization Assistance Program, Cities-LEAP awardee projects, and more.

August 8, 2016
State and Local Spotlight - August 2016

The August newsletter features resources and blogs on residential Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE), a State Energy Program success story, Better Buildings Wastewater Accelerator and elevator pitches, and success stories map.

July 7, 2016
State and Local Spotlight – July 2016

This July newsletter features news on DOE's Building Technologies Office and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory partnering with Architecture 2030, and the updated SLED website, and a featured toolkit from Better Buildings Solution Center.

June 9, 2016
State and Local Spotlight - June 2016

This June newsletter features news on the Remote Alaskan Community Energy Efficiency (RACEE) Competition, Better Buildings Summit presentations, and Alaska's new Energy Retrofit Program, and the featured publication, Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC): A Primer for K–12 Schools.

May 5, 2016
State and Local Spotlight - May 2016

This May newsletter features news on the Remote Alaskan Community Energy Efficiency (RACEE) Competition and SunShot Initiative, Implementation Models from Rhode Island and New York, and the featured publication, Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC): Guidelines for Developing, Staffing, and Overseeing a State Program.

April 8, 2016
State and Local Spotlight – April 2016

This April newsletter features news on weatherization upgrades in Alaska and how California is conserving water, and the featured publication, Nevada's Implementation Model.

March 11, 2016
State and Local Spotlight – March 2016

The March newsletter features news on the selected 64 participants for the Remote Alaskan Communities Energy Efficiency (RACEE) Competition and City of Boston Library energy savings, and Better Buildings Florida projects, and featured publication on SEE Action's Leadership Agenda.

February 17, 2016
State and Local Spotlight - February 2016

The February newsletter features news on the Better Buildings Energy Data Accelerator and State Energy Program success stories, new Implementation Models from California and Washington, and featured Topic of Interest, Energy Efficiency Savings Opportunities and Benefits.