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Safety & Quality Assurance

Federal oversight helps ensure employees observe best practices as they perform building demolitions and site cleanup.

Federal oversight helps ensure employees observe best practices as they perform building demolitions and site cleanup.

Together, our Facility Operations Division and Engineering, Safety and Quality Division work to ensure EM conducts its operations and cleanup safely through sound practices. These divisions ensure safety and health of workers, facility operations are performed safety, equipment and facilities are maintained in good working order, and sound cleanup practices are utilized.

Some of the specific activities and functions include:

  • Conducting reviews to determine if the rigor and detail of the Safety Basis is appropriate for the complexity and hazards expected at nuclear facilities and operations.
  • Overseeing the unreviewed safety question (USQ) processes to ensure that nuclear operations remain with their safety envelop
  • Ensuring contracts contain appropriate safety requirements.
  • Interfacing with Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board staff.
  • Overseeing the Nuclear Criticality Safety Program.
  • Reviewing and recommending approval of Radiation Protection Plans.
  • Providing technical oversight and expertise concerning:
    • Electrical Safety
    • Fire Protection
    • Industrial Safety
    • Industrial Hygiene
    • Process Safety Management
    • Radiation Protection
    • Packaging and Transportation
    • Facility Maintenance
  • Scheduling and implementing an assessment program including formal assessments.
  • Providing technical support in quality assurance to EM line management to assist projects in achieving compliance with DOE O 414.1C Quality Assurance, DOE O 226.1A Implementation of DOE Oversight Program, NQA-1, Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications.
  • Providing quality assurance representation on the Integrated Project Team.
  • Assessing contractors' waste management program.
  • Reviewing and recommending approval of radioactive waste management basis documents.
  • Providing Facility Representatives as on-site DOE representatives at high hazard facilities and operations.