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Made in a Free World - A solution for business.

Slavery exists...

Deep within the supply chains of the products we love.
Consider this...

likely contains cotton that was picked by children in Uzbekistan who are forced to trade their school days for days in the fields.

has Capacitors that are made with Coltan. 64% of Coltan reserves are located in Congo where child labourers are work from sunrise to sunset.

there are estimated 200,000 child slaves working in Ivory Coast alone, harvesting 40% of the world's cocoa beans.

Here's how it works

The supply chain enslaves more people than at
any other time in history.

And they're working for you.

No need to feel guilty...

have the power to change this.

voice matters

Together, we'll work towards a world where
everything you buy could have a new kind
of "Made in..." tag.

your slavery footprint by taking our survey.

your results and encourage your friends to do the same.

through our online Action Center and "Free World" mobile app.

It all began with..

Justin Dillon

a onetime musician who
got involved in the
anti-slavery movement
hosting benefit concerts.


Justin made abolitionism his full-time
job, making his directorial debut in the
human-trafficking documentary,

The U.S. State Department

saw the film and approached Justin
for his help developing a narrative
that would allow individuals to
understand their connection to
modern-day slavery.

From that conversation,

Slavery Footprint was born.

On September 22, 2011,
Slavery Footprint
launched a website that
asked a single question:

"How Many Slaves Work
For You?"

The response was so
overwhelming that our
site couldn't keep up
with the traffic.

We crashed slavery.

Since then, millions of people from 200 countries have
visited to discover their connection
to modern-day slavery.

Headquartered in Oakland,
California, the Slavery Footprint
crew works to engage individuals,
groups, and businesses to build
awareness for and create action
against modern-day slavery.

In addition to developing the online
and mobile tools, we are currently
working directly with businesses to
eradicate slavery from the products
we love.

The Slavery Footprint Team
