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Cardone Recommendation Study: Cardone Recommendation Study – Overview

This webpage provides information about an ongoing FJC study regarding the implementation of the interim recommendations made in the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Criminal Justice Act Program (commonly called the Cardone Report).

Note: Though information related to the study may be posted on this FJC site, inquiries about the Cardone Report or interpretation of the interim recommendations should be directed to the Defender Services Office of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.

Many of the interim recommendations from the Cardone Report have been adopted as Judicial Conference policy.  See the menu on the right with a link to a page showing the status of each of the interim recommendations, including when each was adopted by the Judicial Conference of the United States.

In 2019, the Executive Committee of the Judicial Conference of the United States asked the Committee on Defender Services to work with the FJC to evaluate the implementation of the interim recommendations.  The FJC developed a three-phase research design to study the implementation of the adopted recommendations, which is available from the menu at the right.

The members of the evaluation team include:

Project Director: Margaret S. Williams, Ph.D.

Project Team: Marvin Astrada, J.D., Ph.D.; Carly Giffin, J.D., Ph.D.; Laural Hooper, M.A., J.D.; Jana Laks, M.S.; Ken Lee, Ph.D., J.D.; Barbara Meierhoefer, Ph.D.; and David Rauma, Ph.D.