Office of Management Values

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We value our customers by actively listening and proactively finding solutions to help them meet their goals and overcome challenges.


We value building and sustaining respectful, productive relationships with our customers, colleagues, employees, contractors, stakeholders, and other organizations by understanding their goals, needs, and challenges to better enable us to provide impactful support.


We value excellence by setting challenging goals aligned with Department priorities and customer needs, communicating our progress, meeting and following through on commitments, and exceeding expectations.


We value our employees and leadership at every level of the organization by treating employees equitably and entrusting them to take reasonable action and be held accountable to resolve issues and satisfy customer needs.


We value communication and transparency by sharing with our customers and employees at every level our plans, progress, challenges and successes.


We value efficiency and timeliness by establishing ambitious, but realistic schedules for fulfilling customer priorities, consistently meeting those schedules, and promptly communicating any unavoidable delays.


We value fiscal responsibility by completing projects on cost and schedule, seeking the best value when purchasing goods and services, and giving our best every day for the Department and the taxpayer


We value integrity, trustworthiness, and dependability by following through on our commitments, thereby building a solid reputation throughout DOE.

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