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  1. Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Drugs

Manufacturing, Supply Chain, and Drug Inspections | COVID-19

FDA has guidance on how to implement manufacturing process and facility changes, and the process for reporting these types of changes to the application in the references below.

Developing and Manufacturing Drugs, Including Biologics, for Treating or Preventing COVID-19

FDA is committed to helping get medical products to market quickly and to helping ensure that these products are safe, effective and high quality. Manufacturers, applicants and sponsors, including those working under U.S. government contracts, must comply with the applicable laws and regulations that govern drug development and manufacturing to protect the public health, including during the COVID-19 outbreak.

As part of this commitment, FDA provides information to stakeholders concerning drug and biologics development and manufacturing, including for products to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent COVID-19 and for other critically needed products to treat symptoms of COVID-19 or to provide supportive care to those with COVID-19.

Inspections Q&A

FDA issued a temporary guidance for industry entitled, “Manufacturing, Supply Chain, and Drug and Biological Product Inspections During COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Questions and Answers.”  FDA recognizes the COVID-19 public health emergency is not only impacting public health, but also drug development programs, ongoing manufacturing operations, and FDA’s ability to conduct inspections.  The agency also recognizes sponsors and applicants have many questions related to FDA inspections.  FDA developed this guidance to provide answers to a number of frequently asked questions.

The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, and the Office of Regulatory Affairs remain fully capable of continuing daily activities, such as application assessments, including facility evaluation and certain inspection activities, while responding to public health needs related to the current COVID-19 public health emergency. As this remains an evolving and very dynamic situation, FDA will continue to be flexible and transparent. The questions and answers in this guidance provide information regarding common questions related to inspections for facilities manufacturing pharmaceutical products and sites involved in the conduct of clinical, analytical and nonclinical studies.

Contact Us

For additional questions about manufacturing changes, please email CDER-OPQ-Inquiries@fda.hhs.gov. Please include “COVID-19 inquiry” in the subject line of the email.



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