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Methane Hydrate Advisory Committee

The Methane Hydrate Advisory Committee was created in response to provisions of the Methane Hydrate Research and Development Act of 2000 and reauthorized by the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

The Committee is to advise the Secretary of Energy on potential applications of methane hydrate; assist in developing recommendations and priorities for the methane hydrate research and development program; and submit to Congress one or more reports on an assessment of the research program and an assessment of the DOE 5-year research plan.

The Committee's charter stipulates that up to 15 members can be appointed by the Secretary of Energy, representing institutions of higher education, industrial enterprises and oceanographic institutions and state agencies.

The Committee is required by P.L. 109-58 to meet biennially. The Energy Department's Office of Fossil Energy is responsible for providing financial and administrative support to the Committee.

Current Membership

Dr. Thomas Blasingame
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX

Mr. Richard Charter
The Ocean Foundation
Bodega Bay, CA

Dr. Peter Flemings
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX

Dr. Matthew Hornbach
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX

Dr. Miriam Kastner
Scripps Institute of Oceanography
La Jolla, CA

Dr. Carolyn Koh
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, CO

Dr. Craig Shipp
Shell International Exploration & Production Inc.
Houston, TX

Dr. Robert D. Kaminsky
ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co.
Spring, TX 

Dr. Mark Myers
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Anchorage, AK

Dr. Michael Max
Hydrate Energy International, Inc.
Washington, DC

Dr. George Moridis
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Berkeley, CA

Dr. Joel E. Johnson
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH

Dr. Robert L. Kleinberg
Schlumberger-Doll Research
Cambridge, MA

Dr. Evan A. Solomon
University of Washington
Seattle, WA


Related Documents

Methane Hydrate Advisory Committee Meetings
Methane Hydrate Charter
Methane Hydrate Program Reports