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Third-Party Litigation Financing: Publications and Reports

Third-Party Litigation Finance (PDF)

Jayme J. Hershkopf
Dec. 29, 2017, Federal Judicial Center Pocket Guide Series, 17 pages

This guide summarizes issues related to third-party financing of civil litigation. It discusses how judges might manage cases involving litigation financing, including ethical issues, legal issues raised by financing agreements, and discovery issues related to such agreements.

Memorandum: Survey of Federal and State Disclosure Rules Regarding Litigation Funding (PDF)

Patrick A. Tighe
Feb. 7, 2018 (included with Agenda, Advisory Committee on Civil Rules dated Apr. 10, 2018, pages 209 to 229 of 412)

This memorandum surveys federal and state rules and laws relevant to the disclosure of litigation financing arrangements in civil litigation. Research findings are presented in three categories: local circuit court rules, local district court rules, and state-based regulations and laws.

Litigation Finance: What Do Judges Need to Know?

Bert I. Huang
45 Colum. J.L. & Soc. Probs. 525, 529–32 (2012)

This article compiles questions judges might request of the parties about financing structure and about how funding could possibly influence the conduct of litigation.