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Fleet management is part of the Office of Asset Management within the Office of Management (MA).  

Fleet management includes agency owned, GSA leased, and commercially leased motor vehicles such as cars, vans, trucks, and buses.

Fleet (vehicle) management at the headquarters level includes a range of functions, such as vehicle data base management of the FAST, FMVRS, FedFMS, and UNICOR systems, annual motor vehicle utilization and budget forecast data, as well as the use and monitoring of GSA systems in their Fleet DriveThru data base.

The DOE Fleet Handbook (DOE-HDBK-7251-2016) addresses the life cycle management of motor vehicles (including passenger, special purpose, experimental, law enforcement), motor equipment and watercraft.


DOE Fleet Management - Helpful Links

Contact your Fleet manager for access to these systems

Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST): Supports EPAct of 1992 requirements , the Energy Conservation Reauthorization Act of 1998 (PL105-388), Executive Order 13149 Greening the Government Through Federal Fleet and Transportation Efficiency, and the GSA’s SF82 Agency Report of Motor Vehicle Data.  

Federal Fleet Management System (FedFMS): Specific to agency owned vehicles (not the GSA leased fleet)

The Federal Motor Vehicle Registration System (FMVRS): Provides information for vehicles that are owned or commercially-leased by the Federal Government (vice USPS vehicles).


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