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The Printing Team is the liaison between the U.S. Government Printing Office and the Department of Energy. It consists of an expert group of printing specialists who offer a full range of services from assistance in developing your printing requirements to the final printing, distribution and mailing of products. The printed products range from black and white to full color items. These Services are available through the Working Capital Fund or CID (Direct Charge Authorization).

The Printing Office produces a complete range of high-quality printed products comparable to those available from a full-service commercial enterprise. These include:

  • Reports
  • Books
  • Pamphlets and Brochures
  • Public Information Materials
  • Presentation and Promotional Posters
  • Forms and Letterhead
  • Development of Printing Requirements and Specifications
  • Business Cards
  • Mailing/Shipping of Printed Materials
  • Distribution Preparation Services (Labeling, Consolidation and Packaging)
  • Automated Mail List Maintenance

In addition, this business line involves:

  • Production of Government Printing Office (GPO) printed inserts to the daily Federal Register Production and duplication of various electronic informational media such as compact discs, video diskettes and magnetic tapes.
  • Court reporting and transcription services.

Court Reporting and Transcription
The Office of Administrative Management and Support serves as the Headquarters source for Court Reporting Services. This service includes locating vendors to provide the following services:
Electronic recording, transcribing and furnishing transcriptions of press conferences, courtroom and legal proceedings, depositions, advisory board and committee meetings, personnel grievances, appeal and administrative hearings and other legal proceedings for the Department of Energy.
For assistance, please contact the Office of Administrative Management and Support, Room GE-140, Forrestal, (202) 586-2739.

Requesting Services

Use this link to request services fill in the Request for Print Media Services, form HQ F 1420.7, also available at the Printing Services offices.

If your organization does not operate under the Working Capital Fund you must complete a Direct-Charge Authorization Form, also available in the Printing Procurement offices, and have it certified to procure printing services.

If requesting printing services using electronic media, use this link to obtain GPO Form 952: Desktop Publishing-Disk Information, which must be completed.  This form is also available at the Printing Procurement offices, Forrestal room GE-140 and Germantown room R-003C.  Further information on filling in this form is available through this link to the GPO website.

For additional information:
Call (202) 586-4318; ask for a Printing Specialist.

Printing Services Offices

Forrestal Room GE-140, (202) 586-4318 or (202) 586-2908
Germantown Room R-003, (301) 903-3237

MAAdm updated 02/28/2018 - New Format