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The Federal Advisory Committee Management Program assures the Department of Energy’s overall compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). The program is located in the Office of the Executive Secretariat.

Federal Advisory Committee Act

The Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972  (Public Law 92-463) establishes the policies and minimum requirements for Federal agencies to manage and administer advisory committees.  Advisory committee membership must be fairly balanced in relation to the points-of-view represented and the functions to be performed. 

Congress enacted the FACA to formally recognize the merits of seeking the advice and assistance of our Nation's citizens. Congress sought to assure that Federal advisory committees would provide advice that is relevant, objective, and open to the public. 

Congress, in addition, intended that advisory committees would act promptly to complete their work and comply with reasonable cost controls and recordkeeping requirements.

DOE’s Federal Advisory Committees

The Department of Energy advisory committees are managed in accordance with the FACA. The Department has three types of advisory committees:  Presidential, statutory, and discretionary. The Department currently provides management support to more than 22 Federal advisory committees, involving over 900 members. 

Most DOE advisory committee members are appointed as special Government employees or representative members, representing a specific group or viewpoint. Individuals are selected because of their expertise in a particular discipline and to represent the users, industries, and organizations in the public and private sectors that could be directly affected by the work of the committee.

As a Departmental policy, advisory committee members serve without compensation; however, members may be reimbursed in accordance with Federal Travel Regulations for authorized travel and per diem expenses that are incurred while attending committee meetings.

For further information

Additional information on the Department’s Federal Advisory Committees can be found on the General Services Administration’s FACA Database at: Click on the “Agency” icon, scroll down to the “Department of Energy,” and select the appropriate committee. 

Additional links:

Government in the Sunshine Act
Freedom of Information Act
Privacy Act
GSA’s Committee Management Secretariat
Guidance on Appointment of Federal Lobbyists
Office of the Federal Register
DOE’s Office of the Executive Secretariat


For DOE Employees

DOE employees can find further guidance and information on the Department’s Powerpedia page.

For further assistance, please contact the Office of the Executive Secretariat, Federal Advisory Committee Management Program, at (202) 586-0770.


Current DOE Federal Advisory Committees:

Active Committees

Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee (ASCAC)

Appliance Standard and Rulemaking Federal Advisory Committee  (ASRAC)

Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC)

Biological and Environmental Research Advisory Committee (BERAC)

Biomass Research and Development Technical Advisory Committee

Defense Programs Federal Advisory Committee (webpage unavailable)

DOE/NSF Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (NSAC)

Electricity Advisory Committee (EAC) 

Environmental Management Advisory Board (EMAB)

Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Boards (EM SSAB) 

Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (FESAC)

High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP)

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technical Advisory Committee (HTAC)

Methane Hydrate Advisory Committee (MHAC)

National Coal Council (NCC)

National Petroleum Council (NPC)

Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee (NEAC)

President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)

Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (SEAB)

State Energy Advisory Board (STEAB)


Inactive Committees

Technical Advisory Committee on Verification of Fissile Materials and Nuclear Warheads

Technical Panel on Magnetic Fusion

Hydrogen Technical Panel