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International Judicial Relations

The Center provides information to help improve the administration of justice in other countries and gathers information from abroad that may inform the administration of justice in the United States.

The Center’s International Judicial Relations Office coordinates briefings and short programs for visiting judges and officials, serves as a resource for U.S. judges working with those from other countries, supports rule-of-law assistance projects abroad, and produces informational materials about the federal judicial system. This slideshow highlights some of these programs.

Funding and logistical support for the Center’s international programs comes from other U.S. government agencies, international organizations, or foreign governments and institutions.

An overview of the history of the Center’s international work can be found here, and an interactive map illustrating the geographical reach of the Center’s international exchanges can be viewed here.

Visiting Fellows

Temporarily Suspended

Through the Visiting Fellows Program, judges and legal professionals from other countries and jurisdictions are invited to be scholars in residence at the FJC. 

Click here to read articles written by past Visiting Fellows highlighting recent developments  in their judicial systems. 

Click here to view two webcasts featuring judges from around the world, including several FJC Visiting Fellows, discussing their courts’ experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Click here to learn more about the program’s history and recent fellows.