National Minerals Information Center

NMIC Seminars

NMIC Seminars series are collection of insightful presentations focusing on the trends and issues affecting global and domestic minerals, mining, and metallurgy and their respective processes and applications. From ore bodies to consumer products, the goal is to create a collection of knowledgeable resources for everyone, from the most studied expert to the future miner.

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Past Seminar Topics
Date Presentation Title Presenter Affiliation
September 10, 2019 By-products from Industrial Processes–A Potential Substitution for Primary Mineral Resources?: Case Studies from Europe
Jürgen Antrekowitsch Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria
August 22, 2019 Mining the Deep Seabed – a Viable Approach to Meeting the Critical Needs of the U.S. for Secure, Responsibly Sourced Technology Metals
John Halkyard and Hans Smit Ocean Minerals
July 18, 2019 Old and New Energy and Minerals – Risks, Uncertainties and Gaps in Knowledge Michelle Michot Foss Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University
June 20, 2019 Lessons for Policy and Investment from Mining for a Critical Mineral in a Conflict Zone: The Case of Alphamin Bisie Mining's Tin Project in Walikale Territory, North Kivu, Democratic Repulic of Congo Richard Robinson Alphamin Bisie Mining
June 12, 2019 Prospects for Rare Earth Production Outside of China Rod Eggert Colorado School of Mines
May 22, 2019 Navigating the Complexities of Permitting a Mine on Federal Lands Kathleen Benedetto U.S. Bureau of Land Management
Apr 18, 2019 Sustainable Supply of Strategic Minerals - Increasing Production from North American Base Metal Resources Micheal Moats Missouri University of Science and Technology
Feb 14, 2019 Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining and Rural Change in Africa: Key Trends, Major Gains, and Emerging Opportunities Cristina Villegas Pact
Dec 7, 2018 Toward a Circular Economy: The Role of Mining & Phosphate Rock Mining - Innovation Nexus Gerald Steiner Danube University, Krems, Austria
Dec 6, 2018 Data visualization tests on how the public understands environmental graphics Michael Gerst University of Maryland
Nov 15, 2018 Economics, Helium, and the U.S. Federal Helium Reserve—Summary and Outlook Steve Anderson U.S. Geological Survey
Nov 7, 2018 An overview and highlights of the U.S. Antarctic Program Kelly Falkner National Science Foundation
Oct 11, 2018 The USITC process of antidumping cases Mark Brininstool United States International Trade Commission
Oct 4, 2018 Can Earth Observations from Space Contribute to Minerals Information? Paul Young U.S. Geological Survey
Aug 23, 2018 Macroeconomic Determinants of Commodity Prices Jeffrey Frankel Harvard University
Aug 7, 2018 The heterogeneous effect of political violence on greenfield FDI Elena Ianchovichina and Caroline Witte Copenhagen Business School Department of Strategic Management and Globalization
Jun 21, 2018 Discussion on how the International Trade Association's work relates to the mineral commodity and criticality research currently going on at NMIC Salim Bhabhrawala U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration
May 7, 2018 German Mineral Resources Agency (DERA) at the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) – raw materials market analyses and evaluation of mineral resources – services for the German Government, industry and public Sven-Uwe Schulz German Mineral Resources Agency (DERA)
Apr 17, 2018 Sustainable Development in the Mining Industry from a Practitioner's Perspective Katie Kosloski Luck Stone Leesburg Plant
Mar 29, 2018 The Co-Evolution of the Geosphere and Biosphere: A “Big-Data” Approach Robert Hazen Carnegie Institution of Washington, George Mason University
Feb 14, 2018 The Role of Geological Surveys in "Smart" Mineral Enterprise Development Saleem Ali University of Delaware
Dec , 2017 Fabrication of Graphene-based Terahertz Metamaterials Thomas Searles Howard University, Dept. of Physics
Nov 16, 2017 Life Cycles of Byproduct Critical Elements: The Natural and Industrial Cycling of Indium in the Environment Sarah Jane White USGS Eastern Mineral and Environmental Resources Science Center
Oct 18, 2017 Rare Earth Elements in Coal and Coal Byproducts: Processing and Economic Considerations Aaron Noble Virginia Tech, Dept. of Mining & Minerals Engineering
Sep 12, 2017 Incorporating Criticality as a Life Cycle Impact Indicator for Rare Earth Production Robert Pell University of Exeter
Jun 20, 2017 The Status of Afghan Mining Sector Scott Hansen U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan
Jun 14, 2017 Considerations in Developing Cement Manufacturing Facilities Thomas Box Box International Consulting, LP
May 17, 2017 Fiscal Regimes for Mining: IMF Analysis and Advice Thomas Baunsgaard International Monetary Fund
Apr 18, 2017 Plate Tectonics Gemstones George Harlow American Museum of Natural History
Mar 22, 2017 NASA - OSTP Asteroid Redirect Mission - Space Mining Daniel Mazanek NASA Langley Research Center
Feb 15, 2017 Overview of U.S.–Turkey Relations Robert Grossman U.S. State Department
Dec 1, 2016 Mapping Middle Eastern Deposits John "Lyle" Mars US. Geological Survey
Nov 17, 2016 World tight oil and shale gas production Faouzi Aloulou U.S. Energy Information Administration
Nov 3, 2016 Current Issues Impacting Safety and Security of the Commercial Explosives Industry Deb Satkowiak Institute of Makers of Explosives
Oct 20, 2016 The Lithium-ion Supply Chain Andrew Miller Benchmark Mineral Intelligence
Sep 16, 2016 Mineral Industry of Iran Jurgen Kretschmann TH Georg Agricola zu Bochum, Germany
Sept 15, 2016 Minerals and the EXIM Bank John Craynon Export/Import Bank of the US
Aug 18, 2016 China’s Economic Rebalancing Challenge Scott Kennedy Center For Strategic & International Studies
Jul 13, 2016 Rare Earths for Phosphate Recovery John Richardson Chemtreat Inc.
Jun 28, 2016 Argentine Minerals Industry Luis Lucero Marval, O'Farrell & Mairal
Jun 22, 2016 Transparency in International Finance Kevin Hall McClatchy DC
May 25, 2016 Strategic & Critical Minerals David Pineault Defense Logistics Agency
Apr 19, 2016 Global Effects of Lifting Economic Sanctions on Iran Elena Ianchovichina Office of the Chief Economist, Middle East and North Africa Region, World Bank
Mar 31, 2016 Oil Booms and Business Busts Nimah Mazaheri Tufts University
Mar 24, 2016 Mapping and Forecasting Global Resource Cycles Daniel Muller Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Mar 16, 2016 Iran's Post-Sanctions Economy Lili Mottaghi Office of the Chief Economist, Middle East and North Africa Region, World Bank
Feb 24, 2016 The Afghanistan Minerals Project Jack Medlin U.S. Geological Survey
Jan 21, 2016 Indium Market Supply and Demand Donna Vareha-Walsh Indium Corporation
Dec 14, 2015 Redefining the Lithium Battery Anode Supply Chain Tolga Kumova Syrah Resources, Ltd.
Nov 23, 2015 An Overview of the National Geospatial Program Stephen Shivers National Geospatial Program
Oct 30, 2015 The World of Silver G. Miguel Perez-Santalla Heraeus Metals New York, LLC
Oct 23, 2015 Perspective on China's Metal Demand Huw Roberts & Claire Hassall CHR Metals Limited
Sep 21, 2015 Battery Supply Chain Andrew Miller Benchmark Mineral Intelligence
Jul 22, 2015 Steelmaking Raw Materials Jospeh Poveromo Raw Materials & Ironmaking Global Consulting
Apr 29, 2015 Perspectives: Cuban Economy, Policy, and Mineral Sector Development Richard Feinberg and Jorge Pinon The Brookings Institute and the University of Texas at Austin
Feb 25, 2015 Mineral Processing Plant Design: Challenges, Innovations & Opportunities Aaron Noble Statler College of Mining and Engineering
Jan 21, 2015 Mining and Poverty in Developing Countries Keith Slack OXFAM Extractive Industries
Nov 13, 2014 Prospects for Shale Development Outside of the United States Grant Nulle Colorado School of Mines