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The Office of Inspector General is an independent organization that performs audits and investigations of the EPA to detect and prevent fraud, waste and abuse. Learn more


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The EPA Office of Inspector General launched its YouTube channel to provide exclusive video coverage of topics impacting American taxpayers, such as the Flint Water Crisis. The EPA OIG uses this platform to promote oversight and to support its mission of preventing and detecting fraud, waste and abuse in the EPA. To be notified of new videos, just log into your YouTube account and subscribe to our channel at

Air Monitoring in Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, 6:02 - Dec 16, 2019 (related report)

Further Insight into the Flint Water Crisis, 4:12 - July 19, 2019 (related report)

Flint Water Crisis, 8:37 - Oct 20, 2016 (related report)

CTS of Asheville, 2:47 - Aug 31, 2016 (related report)


large podcast icon Listen to our staff talk about the EPA OIG’s latest audits and investigations, as well as related topics. We produce these podcasts to provide context for and enhance understanding of the OIG’s work. Anyone who wishes to broadcast these audio files (or soundbites from them), including the news media, is welcome to do so. Podcasts are in MP3 format, which is compatible with most audio players. 

Date Podcasts Associated Report
Dec 7, 2020 Report Overview with Gloria Taylor-Upshaw


EPA Needs to Improve Its Planning and Management of Laboratory Consolidation Efforts

Mar 31, 2020

Report Overview with Renee McGhee-Lenart

Podcast en español


Management Alert: Prompt Action Needed to Inform Residents  Living Near Ethylene Oxide-Emitting Facilities About Health Concerns  and Actions to Address Those Concerns 

Dec 16, 2019 Report Overview with Julie Narimatsu


EPA Needs to Improve Its Emergency Planning to Better Address Air Quality Concerns During Future Disasters

Dec 5, 2019 Report Overview with Alli Dutton


EPA Failed to Develop Required Cost and Benefit Analyses and to Assess Air Quality Impacts on Children's Health for Proposed Glider Repeal Rule Allowing Used Engines in Heavy-Duty Trucks

Sept 9, 2019 Report Overview with Sarah Davidson


EPA Not Effectively Implementing the Lead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule

Aug 15, 2019 Report Overview with Sarah Davidson


EPA Needs to Determine Strategies and Level of Support for Overseeing State Managed Pollinator Protection Plans

May 16, 2019 Report Overview with John Trefry


Actions Needed to Strengthen Controls over the EPA Administrator's and Associated Staff's Travel

Nov 15, 2018 Report Overview with Jill Trynosky


EPA Unable to Assess the Impact of Hundreds of Unregulated Pollutants in Land-Applied Biosolids on Human Health and the Environment

Sept 26, 2018 OIG Special Agent Alan Huntsinger discusses a consumer scam using the EPA’s name to fraudulently misrepresent a product  
Sept 26, 2018 Report Overview with Beto Ibarra


EPA Paid $14.5 Million to Foreign Fellows that Could Have Funded Research by U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents

Sept 18, 2018 Report Overview with Leon Carter


Delayed Cleanup of Asbestos Debris at the Old Davis Hospital Site Necessitates Changes for EPA Region 4 and North Carolina

Sept 17, 2018 Report Overview with Hilda Canes-Garduño


EPA Needs to Re-Evaluate Its Compliance Monitoring Priorities for Minimizing Asbestos Risks in Schools

Sept 4, 2018 Report Overview with Jean Bloom


EPA Asserts Statutory Law Enforcement Authority to Protect Its Administrator but Lacks Procedures to Assess Threats and Identify the Proper Level of Protection 

July 19, 2018 Report Overview with Charles Brunton


Management Weaknesses Delayed Response to Flint Water Crisis

June 21, 2018 Report Overview with Alonzo Munyeneh


Management Alert - To Minimize Risk of Environmental Harm, the Security Categorization of Electronic Manifest System Data Needs to Be Re-Evaluated

May 15, 2018 Report Overview with Jim Kohler


EPA Did Not Identify Volkswagen Emissions Cheating; Enhanced Controls Now Provide Reasonable Assurance of Fraud Detection

Apr 2, 2018 Discussion with Special Agent Clay Brown and OIG Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officer Scott Levine about FOIA Requests to the EPA OIG  
Jan 18, 2018 Report Overview with Danielle Tesch


EPA Has Not Reported to Congress on BEACH Act Progress as Statutorily Required or Fully Documented Budget Decisions  

Nov 8, 2017  Report Overview with Cathy Allen    #18-P-0036

EPA Paid $1.5 Million for Subsidized and Unoccupied Parking Spaces Over a 2-Year Period 
Oct 16, 2017 Report Overview with Dwayne Crawford    #18-P-0024

EPA Telework Program Is Consistent With U.S. Office of Personnel Management Guidance 
Sept 29, 2017 Discussion with Al Bailey about Phishing at the EPA  
Sept 28, 2017 Discussion with Craig Cruz and Maria Leta-Leroux about the Victims-Witness Assistance Program  
Sept 27, 2017 Report Overview with Eric Jackson


Management Alert - EPA Has Not Initiated Required Background Investigations for Information Systems Contractor Personnel

Sept 19, 2017 Report Overview with Rich Jones


Eleven Years After Agreement, EPA Has Not Developed Reliable Emission Estimation Methods to Determine Whether Animal Feeding Operations Comply With Clean Air Act and Other Statutes 

Sept 13, 2017

Discussion with Sanchai Dean about Data Analytics

Sept 6, 2017

Discussion with Chris Lukas about The Darknet

Aug 23, 2017

Discussion with Cat Bailey about The Role of an EPA OIG Special Agent

Aug 1, 2017  Report Overview with Kathy Hess


EPA’s Voluntary WaterSense Program Demonstrated Success 

Aug 1, 2017

Report Overview with Renee McGhee-Lenart


EPA Implemented Prior OIG Recommendations, but Additional Guidance Could Strengthen the Human Subjects Research Program

June 12, 2017  Report Overview with Tina Lovingood


Gold King Mine Release: Inspector General Response to Congressional Requests 

June 8, 2017 

Report Overview with Bao Chuong


Improved Data and EPA Oversight Are Needed to Assure Compliance With the Standards for Benzene Content in Gasoline 

Dec 21, 2016

Report Overview with Teresa Richardson


Congressionally Requested Audit - EPA Needs to Improve Processes for Preserving Text Messages as Federal Records

Dec 12, 2016

Report Overview with Denton Stafford


Additional Measures Can Be Taken to Prevent Deaths and Serious Injuries From Residential Fumigations

Oct 20, 2016

Report Overview with Charles Brunton


Drinking Water Contamination in Flint, Michigan, Demonstrates a Need to Clarify EPA Authority to Issue Emergency Orders to Protect the Public

Sept 27, 2016

Report Overview with Kevin Collins


Enhanced Controls Needed to Prevent Further Abuse of Religious Compensatory Time

Sept 26, 2016

Discussion with Chris Lukas about The Electronic Crimes Division

Aug 31, 2016

Report Overview with Kathy Hess


Progress Made, but Improvements Needed at CTS of Asheville Superfund Site in North Carolina to Advance Cleanup Pace and Reduce Potential Exposure

Aug 19, 2016

Discussion with Clay Brown about Prevention and Detection Fraud, Waste and Abuse in the EPA

Aug 18, 2016

Report Overview with Jim Kohler


EPA Has Not Met Certain Statutory Requirements to Identify Environmental Impacts of Renewable Fuel Standard

Aug 16, 2016

Report Overview with Cathy Allen


EPA Needs to Improve Oversight of Its Transit Subsidy Benefits Program

June 1, 2016

Report Overview with Gabby Fekete


EPA Needs Better Data, Plans and Tools to Manage Insect Resistance to Genetically Engineered Corn

May 23, 2016

Report Overview with Neven Soliman


CSB Needs to Continue to Improve Agency Governance and Operations

May 2, 2016

Report Overview with Tiffine Johnson-Davis


EPA Needs to Assess Environmental and Economic Benefits of Completed Clean Water State Revolving Fund Green Projects

Mar 22, 2016

Report Overview with Alli Dutton


Drinking Water: EPA Needs to Take Additional Steps to Ensure Small Community Water Systems Designated as Serious Violators Achieve Compliance

Informe y Podcast en Espanol

Jan 13, 2016

Report Overview with Randy Holthaus


EPA’s Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment: Obtainable Records Show EPA Followed Required Procedures Without Bias or Predetermination, but a Possible Misuse of Position Noted

Nov 25, 2015

Discussion with Dr. Bruce Woods about Scientific Integrity and Lab Fraud

Nov 18, 2015

Discussion with Clay Brown about How the EPA OIG Hotline Works

Oct 20, 2015

Discussion with Brian Scriver about The "Guardians" Project (Federal Program Fraud Task Force)

Sept 28, 2015

Report Overview with Lela Wong


Early Warning Report: EPA Region 9 Should Withhold Award of the Fiscal Year 2015 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Grant to the Hawaii Department of Health

Sept 15, 2015

Report Overview with Natasha Henry


EPA's Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program Lacks Adequate Support and Transparency and Should Be Assessed for Continuation

July 16, 2015

Report Overview with Khadija Walker


Enhanced EPA Oversight and Action Can Further Protect Water Resources From the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing 

July 6, 2015

Report Overview with Jim Kohler


EPA Does Not Effectively Control or Monitor Imports of Hazardous Waste 

June 16, 2015

Report Overview with Michael Wilson


EPA Should Update Guidance to Address the Release of Potentially Harmful Quantities of Asbestos That Can Occur Under EPA’s Asbestos Demolition Standard

May 28, 2015

Report Overview with Erin Barnes-Weaver


FY 2015 EPA Management Challenges

Apr 17, 2015

Report Overview with Katie Butler


Conditions in the U.S. Virgin Islands Warrant EPA Withdrawing Approval and Taking Over Management of Some Environmental Programs and Improving Oversight of Others 

Feb 26, 2015

Report Overview with Rich Jones


EPA Regions Have Considered Environmental Justice When Targeting Facilities for Air Toxics Inspections

Nov 19, 2014

Report Overview with Leah Nikaidoh


Early Warning Report: Some EPA Employees Found to Be on Paid Administrative Leave for Years

Oct 6, 2014

Report Overview with Marcia Hirt-Reigeluth


EPA's Fleet Management Program Needs Improvement

Sept 9, 2014

Report Overview with Jerri Dorsey


EPA Can Help Consumers Identify Household and Other Products with Safer Chemicals by Strengthening Its "Design for the Environment" Program

Sept 3, 2014

Report Overview with Genevieve Soule


Nutrient Pollution: EPA Needs to Work With States to Develop Strategies for Monitoring the Impact of State Activities on the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone

June 25, 2014

Report Overview with Erica Hauck


Improvements Needed in EPA Efforts to Address Methane Emissions From Natural Gas Distribution Pipelines 

June 22, 2014

Report Overview with Christine Baughman


Follow-Up Report: EPA Improves Management of Its Radiation Monitoring System 

June 17, 2014

Report Overview with Jill Trynosky


EPA Has Made Progress in Assessing Historical Lead Smelter Sites But Needs to Strengthen Procedures

May 28, 2014

Report Overview with Deputy Inspector General Chuck Sheehan

EPA's Key Management Challenges 2014
Mar 31, 2014

Report Overview with Renee McGhee-Lenart


Improvements to EPA Policies and Guidance Could Enhance Protection of Human Study Subjects

Dec 11, 2013

Report Overview with Vanessa Rodriguez-Moya


Early Warning Report: Internal Controls and Management Actions Concerning John C. Beale's Travel

Dec 11, 2013

Report Overview with John Trefry


Early Warning Report: Internal Controls and Management Actions Concerning John C. Beale Pay Issues

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OIG Independence of EPA

The EPA's Office of Inspector General is a part of the EPA, although Congress provides our funding separate from the agency, to ensure our independence. We were created pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended Exit.

Environmental Protection Agency  |  Office of Inspector General
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. (2410T)  |  Washington, DC 20460  |  (202) 566-2391
OIG Hotline: 1-888-546-8740.